Knox Board of Public Works Receives Updates on Unsafe Buildings

The Knox Board of Public Works learned that two property owners are working to update their unsafe structures with an attempt to eliminate demolition.

Lucia Valladares owns 6 N. Pearl Street and updated the board last week on her progress. She said she has hired a contractor to help her make the necessary upgrades as specified in the plans she gave the board a few months ago.

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Mayor Estok Starts Discussion With Knox City Council About Vehicle Replacement

Mayor Dennis Estok informed Knox City Council members this week that he is looking into funding options to replace a vehicle for Kenny Pfost, the city’s Planning Administrator and Director of Building and Code Compliance.

Pfost told the council members that he’s been utilizing his personal vehicle for about three weeks after the city issued vehicle quit running and. Mayor Estok said the vehicle was provided as a hand-me-down from the police department and has been repaired a few times in the past. The projected cost of current repairs was around $16,000. Continue reading