Knox Board of Public Works Receives Updates on Unsafe Buildings

The Knox Board of Public Works learned that two property owners are working to update their unsafe structures with an attempt to eliminate demolition.

Lucia Valladares owns 6 N. Pearl Street and updated the board last week on her progress. She said she has hired a contractor to help her make the necessary upgrades as specified in the plans she gave the board a few months ago.

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Knox Board of Public Works to Meet Today

The Knox Board of Public Works will discuss enforcement actions on three pieces of property when they meet this morning.

Knox Director of Building, Planning and Code Compliance Kenny Pfost revoked a permit at 325 Carlson Drive and the board members will have information pertaining to the issue of the construction of a steel carport on the property this morning. Enforcement action at 1 N. Main Street and 3 N. Main Street will also be reviewed.

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Knox Board of Public Works Members Get Updates on Blighted Structures


The Knox Board of Public Works received updates on two blighted structures in the city limits.

Jack Fogarty owns the property at 301 S. Shield St. and has tried to refinance with no success and he explained that his financial situation doesn’t support the updates. He understands that the property needs a new roof, exterior work and interior work. He just asked the board for one thing.

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