The City of Knox reportedly received less than they expected in flood reimbursement funds from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Continue readingThe Knox Board of Works Meets Today
The City Holiday Schedule for 2019 will be considered by the members of the Knox Board of Works when they meet today. Continue reading
Knox Board of Works Meets Today
A public hearing will be held during today’s Knox Board of Public Works meeting. The focus of the hearing will be the multiple rental properties belonging to Melvin Zeiters that have been cited for code violations.
After the hearing, members of the Board of Works will consider an amendment to the Police Department’s standard operating procedures and a recommendation for a probationary officer. Continue reading
Knox Board of Works Awards Bids for Community Crossing Grant Projects
Knox Board of Public Works and Safety members considered bids for two Community Crossings projects when they met last Wednesday.
Street Superintendent Jeff Borg told board members that since the 2018 grant application has not been submitted yet, these proposed projects are not a done deal. Borg said, “The way this will work is, we have bid them out and we will award the contractor with the bid, providing that we are awarded the grant.”
He explained that the bids were broken up to account for two separate projects; a mill and fill job as well as an overlay project. The companies that submitted offers were E&B Paving and Reith. Continue reading
The Knox Board of Public Works and Safety Meets Today
Knox Board of Works members will hold two meetings in City Hall today. First, a closed executive session will be held at 9 a.m. and then a public meeting will follow at 9:30. Continue reading
Knox Board of Public Works to Meet Today
Fire truck bids will be opened during this morning’s Knox Board of Public Works meeting.
In addition to receiving updates about a property at 6 North Pearl Street and two properties on Main Street, members will also consider a request for reserve officers. The superintendent’s report will be delivered and any additional business deemed necessary by the board will be discussed. Continue reading
Knox Board of Public Works to Meet Today
Members of the Knox Board of Public Works and Safety will meet today.
The board members plan on getting an update on repairs to 1 and 3 N. Main Street. Building Owner Pete Milev was ordered by the board at their last meeting to make substantial progress on exterior and interior issues to the buildings. Earlier this year, Knox Planning Administrator and Director of Building and Code Compliance Kenny Pfost sent Milev a list of code enforcement violations and a time frame in which to make those repairs. No repairs were made by the November meeting so it is the hope of the board to get a positive report this morning. They are expecting to see a timelime of repairs and substantial progress on the violations noted. If those items are not to the board’s satisfaction, a $2,500 fee will be imposed.