Knox Water Department Dealing with Frozen Water Meters


The Knox Water Department has been dealing with frozen water meters this winter, although the number of meters changed has not reached last year’s totals.

Superintendent Todd Gardner told the Board of Public Works this week that freeze plates break when temperatures are cold, and Gardner stocked up after last year’s cold winter. He said crews typically will repair 15 to 20 freeze plates, but last year the number shot up to 120.

“They’re plastic. They’re meant to break so they don’t break the brass meters. We take them apart and clean them up and put them back together,” said Gardner.

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Knox Street Department Ready for Next Snow Event


Street Superintendent Jeff Borg told the Knox Board of Public Works this week that operations in the city are going well this winter.

There has been some cost savings in getting sand from Area Excavating. The cost is two dollars cheaper than their previous supplier. They don’t have to go as far to pick up the material. Borg said he has been able to see a difference in the cost and wear and tear of vehicles. He coordinates a pick up time with the company and brings back up to ten tons of sand as needed. Borg said the sand is mixed with salt, and the combination works well during a snow event. Porter County and LaPorte County department use the same company for their road product as well.

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Storm Water Plans Presented to Knox Board of Public Works


The Knox Board of Public Works discussed plans for a storm water system for the new addition to the Knox Elementary School.

Andy Bearman from Commonwealth Engineers said that the addition will create an additional one percent rain-water run-off as a portion of the ground covered with grass will be dug up for the project. That soft area was able to absorb the extra water so it wouldn’t create any water build up anywhere on the property.

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Knox Board of Public Works to Meet Today


The Knox Board of Public Works will meet this morning where Building Administrator Bruce Williams will discuss a storm-water runoff issue as part of a new construction project for the Knox Community Elementary School. Williams told WKVI News that a 7,000 square foot addition is proposed at the school.

Street Superintendent Jeff Borg, Water Superintendent Todd Gardner, Wastewater Superintendent Kelly Clemons, and Police Chief Clint Norem will give department reports.

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Quotes Approved for New Street Department Truck


The Knox Board of Public Works met Monday morning where quotes were opened for a cab and chassis plus equipment for a truck for the street department.

The board members approved the lowest quote for the cab and chassis for a 2016 International from Wiers International for $64,143.75 and an equipment quote from Lindco Equipment for $54,665 that includes hydraulics, salt spreader, plow, electrical, dump body, and hoist system. The quotes will be reviewed by Street Superintendent Jeff Borg and City Attorney David Matsey.

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Knox Street Department Ready for Winter Weather


Knox Street Superintendent Jeff Borg told the Knox Board of Public Works members that the last leaf pickup was conducted last week and overall the season went really well.

Borg said his staff is ready to tackle winter. He has obtained a different sand to mix with the salt in order for it to distribute onto the road with greater ease. Borg said the sand has some fine stone in it so it can flow better and he’s purchased it from Area Excavating at a less expensive price and half of the cost of transportation to haul it to the city than the previous vendor and location. He indicated that there is a stockpile of the sand ready for when the snow hits.

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Knox Street Department Keeping Busy


Knox Street Superintendent Jeff Borg told the Board of Public Works this week that the leaf pick-up program is keeping the employees busy. He added that the department is gearing up for the winter season. The first order of road salt should be placed at the first of December but the supply the city has now is healthy. He said prices jumped 50 percent per ton of road salt over last year’s price. Borg stated that the city should be in good shape and hopes that the weather isn’t as bad as last year.

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Knox Resident Disputes Sewer Bill


Michael Milo disputed his 19 year sewer bill to the members of the Knox Board of Public Works Wednesday morning.

Milo claimed that when he purchased his home at 1306 Pine Street in 1995 he did not know that sewer lines were not hooked up to the city system. He recently learned that a septic system was on his property and he had been billed a sewer bill since he purchased the home even though the lines were not hooked up to the system.

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Progress Reports Given on Condemned Properties


The Knox Board of Public Works members received an update on two properties that were recently ordered for demolition.

Cleon Wagner presented the board with a statement of a timeline for the clean up of the property at 353 E. Mound Street. Outside work has been done and the building has been sealed. Building Administrator Bruce Williams said he has looked at the foundation in the basement and it looks pretty solid. The Wagners explained that it will be six months or so before all of the work is done, but the building will be remodeled and the property will be cleared of blight.

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Knox Board of Public Works Affirms Demolition Orders on Two Properties


The Knox Board of Public Works heard from Building Administrator Bruce Williams on several properties that are under notice of condemnation.

One property is the old pool business on 10 S. Heaton Street that is just north of the railroad tracks. That building was ravaged by a fire several years ago and poses as a safety hazard. The roof and structure are damaged and it is recommended for demolition. Williams stated that he has not gotten a reply back from the owners concerning a certified letter that was sent. The board members approved a motion to affirm the condemnation order to demolish the building.

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New App Could Assist Schools in an Emergency


The Knox City Police Department is working with Hamlet Police Chief Frank Lonigro in introducing a new app to school corporations for emergency purposes.

Chief Clint Norem told the Knox Board of Public Works members Wednesday morning that Chief Lonigro learned about this app in training and both of them are finding out more information on how to provide the app to the schools that will allow teachers to hit a panic button on their smart phone if there happens to be an emergency.

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Knox Board of Public Works Discusses Drug Testing Policy


The Knox Board of Public Works approved a change in the drug testing policy for employees.

Knox Mayor Rick Chambers explained that the policy is outdated. The current policy requires all employees to be drug tested when the state only requires employees with a CDL to be tested. The requirement for all employees to be tested takes time away from their daily duties and the mayor suggested that it’s “overkill”.

Mayor Chambers suggested to the board that an ordinance be drawn up by City Attorney David Matsey that requires prospective employees be drug tested and those with a CDL to be randomly drug tested throughout the year.

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Knox Board of Works to Meet Today


The Knox Board of Public Works will meet today with a light agenda.

The board members will discuss bids for tree cutting and discuss a drug screening policy for employees.

Water Superintendent Todd Gardner, Street Superintendent Jeff Borg, Wastewater Superintendent Kelly Clemons, and Knox City Police Chief Clint Norem will have updates from activities in their departments.

The meeting is open to the public and begins at 9:30 a.m. CT in Knox City Hall.

Knox Police Chief Gives Update on New Officer, Computers

Knox City Police Chief Clint Norem
Knox City Police Chief Clint Norem

Knox City Police Chief Clint Norem updated the Board of Public Works members on operations in his department on Wednesday morning.

He said that the new officer’s physical has been completed and that information will be sent to PERF. After that is approved, he can go through the necessary training and he continue as a patrolman on the force.

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Knox Board of Public Works to Meet Today



The Knox Board of Public Works will be meeting this morning at 9:30 a.m.

The board members will hear an update from Street Department Superintendent Jeff Borg who will have an update on paving and other projects in his department. Water Superintendent Todd Gardner will have an update on water lines issues and fire hydrant replacement. Wastewater Superintendent Kelly Clemons will also discuss operations at the treatment plant.

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Knox Board of Public Works Approves Conditional Offer of Employment


The Knox Board of Public Works members approved a conditional offer of employment to a candidate for a position on the Knox City Police Department.

The board members interviewed three candidates: Jacob Berger from Plymouth, Eric Vanderhoff from Rochester and Eric Christianson from Wisconsin. After careful selection, the board unanimously chose Eric Vanderhoff for the conditional offer of employment.

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Concrete Bid Approved for 50/50 Sidewalk Program in Knox


The Knox Board of Public Works members approved a bid for the 50/50 sidewalk program in a special meeting on Thursday morning.

The board approved the lowest conforming bid from Covenant Concrete in the amount of $22,395. That includes all 12 properties and the ADA compliant accessible curbs for properties at 55 E. Lake Street, 53 E. Water Street and 707 S. Shield Street. The city is responsible for paying for the ADA accessible curbs.

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