Knox Set to Proceed with Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Funding

The City of Knox is ready to apply for a federal grant and loan to upgrade the wastewater treatment plant.

Much of the infrastructure is more than 20 years old and no longer runs efficiently. At a minimum the city is looking at upgrades to the headworks to better deal with grit removal and screening. The necessary equipment carries an estimated cost of $500,000, according to a study done last year for the city. Improvements to the aeration side of the plant are also proposed. Continue reading

Knox Council Approves 2017 Schedule

CalendarThe Knox City Council approved various schedules for 2017 during Tuesday’s meeting. Next year’s holiday schedule calls for two fewer days off for city employees. Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston said that while Election Day has traditionally been a holiday for the city, the fact that no elections are scheduled next year means employees will be required to work those two days. Continue reading

Knox Wraps Up Street Paving, Prepares for Larger Road Projects

 The City of Knox used one-time money from the state to pave additional streets this year. Street Superintendent Jeff Borg told the Board of Works on Wednesday they used $74,000 in Community Crossings grant funds along with the $54,100 in local money budgeted for street paving to have Rieth-Reilly Construction Co., Inc. do the work and said he’s happy with the finished product. Continue reading

Knox Code Enforcement Efforts Stall

202 N Pearl Street
202 N Pearl Street

Code enforcement efforts by the City of Knox have hit a bit of a snag. Building inspector Bruce Williams has had no success contacting the owner of the house at 202 N. Pearl Street. During their June 22nd meeting, the Knox Board of Works gave him a maximum of 60 days to make significant interior and exterior repairs to the property. Continue reading

Recent Rain Tests Knox Wastewater Treatment Plant

Knox Wastewater Treatment PlantEmployees at the Knox Wastewater Treatment Plant put in quite a bit of overtime during last week’s torrential downpour. Superintendent Kelly Clemons says it brought in 8.2 inches of rain in less than 24 hours. Of that, more than 7 inches fell between 5:30 and 11:30 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 15. Clemons told the board of works Wednesday employees spent the night at the plant to ensure everything was operating properly. Continue reading

Knox Police Department Prepares for K-9 Addition


 The new patrol vehicle for the Knox Police Department’s K-9 officer has been delivered. Police Chief Harold Smith told the Board of Works yesterday the kennel has been installed in the Chevrolet Tahoe. It’s currently in Plymouth getting emergency lights and a radio installed and will be on the road by Sept. 1st. Continue reading

Four Down, Four to Go — Mayor Provides Blight Elimination Update

The house at 424 Maple Street in Parkview Heights is the first of eight scheduled for demolition with blight elimination grant funds.
The house at 424 Maple Street in Parkview Heights is the first of eight scheduled for demolition with blight elimination grant funds.

The City of Knox is making progress in the quest to clean up dilapidated houses. Mayor Dennis Estok told the board of works last week the first four houses acquired from willing sellers with blight elimination grant funds have been torn down. After the contractor cleans up debris from each site, the lots will be seeded. Continue reading