Knox Council Discusses Truck Route GPS Updates

Knox Truck OrdinanceMaking necessary updates to GPS systems to reflect truck routes is a more involved process than City of Knox and Starke County officials initially realized. Last month Knox started enforcing its truck route ordinance, which prohibits through traffic weighing more than 10 tons with more than three axles from using Culver Road and other surface streets to get from U.S. 35 to the Knox Industrial Park on 300 East/Klockner Drive. Continue reading

Knox City Hall to Close for Funeral

Ed Blue
Ed Blue

Knox City Hall will be closed for a few hours tomorrow so employees can attend the funeral of a longtime public servant.

Ed Blue, 74, of Knox, died Saturday. He served 16 years as a Knox City Councilman and was president for two of those years. Ed was a member of the Board of Public Works at the time of his death, having served as a member of that body for 15 years. He also served on the Starke County Environmental Management Solid Waste Board. Ed owned E&B Plumbing in Knox. Continue reading

Estok Updates Knox Council on Plans

Knox Elected Officials
Knox Elected Officials

Knox Mayor Dennis Estok’s recent town hall meeting is the first of many. He told the city council last night the turnout exceeded his expectations. An estimated 65 people showed up for the informal gathering. Estok says he’s already gotten requests for more. No dates have been set yet. He says they will either take place every other month or quarterly. Continue reading

Knox Council to Reorganize, Consider Utility Rate Increases

City_of_Knox_LogoThe Knox City Council will start the new year with some unfinished business when they meet this evening. They will consider ordinances to raise water and sewer rates on second reading. They’re based on a rate study conducted for the city by accounting firm Umbaugh and Associates. It took into account infrastructure needs for maintaining both services at appropriate levels. Continue reading