Knox Mayor Hopes to Reopen City Skate Park Soon

A popular amenity in Wythogan Park should be open again this spring. The skate park closed last July amid safety concerns over the wood ramps. During a recent appearance on WKVI’s “Grossman in the Morning” Mayor Dennis Estok said upgrade plans are in the works as the Knox Park Board’s funds allow. He says they intend to buy a new piece of equipment each year as funds allow. Continue reading

Estok Updates Knox Council on Blight Elimination Efforts

Marsh Manor on Main Street in Knox was recently torn down with money from the blight elimination grant program.
Marsh Manor on Main Street in Knox was recently torn down with money from the blight elimination grant program.

The City of Knox has successfully taken down eight dilapidated houses through a state blight elimination grant program. Mayor Dennis Estok told the city council Tuesday night two more are slated for demolition next week and should be down by the end of the year. Continue reading

Peppermint Parade Returns to Downtown Knox Today

Santa Claus
Santa Claus

Santa Claus is coming to town today as part of the downtown Knox Peppermint Parade’s return. The jolly old elf will lead the procession through town at 2 p.m. to his house at Wythogan Park, where he will visit with children of all ages as they enjoy cookies, cocoa and s’mores leading up to the 5 p.m. lighting of the town’s Christmas tree. Horse-drawn carriage rides will also be offered Continue reading

Blight Elimination Demolitions Proceeding in Knox

Marsh Manor on Main Street in Knox is set for demolition within the next week or so, according to Mayor Dennis Estok.
Marsh Manor on Main Street in Knox is set for demolition within the next week or so, according to Mayor Dennis Estok.

Efforts to demolish uninhabitable houses in Knox are picking up speed. Mayor Dennis Estok told the city council Tuesday two of the four homes purchased by the city as part of a blight elimination grant have been torn down. Continue reading

Knox Officials Seeking Street Name Suggestions

City of Knox logoThe City of Knox is taking suggestions to for a new street name. One of the Community Crossings grant-funded projects will extend 150 South from South Heaton Street next to Sandy Acres Park to Roosevelt Road just past the Knox bus barn.

Knox Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston last week suggested the city come up with a street name for the road rather than continuing to refer to it as 150 South. Continue reading