North Judson-San Pierre School Board Reviews Corporation Plans

North Judson-San Pierre School Board members considered multiple corporation plans on first reading when they met this week.

In early April, a work session was held to establish what to include in the school’s technology, wellness and strategic and accountability plans. When members met on Tuesday, Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin reviewed the content with board members.

Dr. Zupin said the two major focuses of the technology plan are professional development and the implementation of eLearning. Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre School Board Holds First Readings Over Employee Handbook Revisions

North Judson-San Pierre School Board members held the first readings over the revisions to the certified and non-certified handbooks when they met Tuesday night.

Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin shared that the certified handbook is a fairly recent addition, as state laws changed what is allowed to be included in the master contract for teachers. She noted, “The teacher contract can only have monetary issues but there are a lot of things to answer outside of what is monetary and so a handbook was created and we just need to update those.” Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre Superintendent Highlights Summer School Opportunities

North Judson-San Pierre Superintendent Annette Zupin outlined some summer school opportunities when school board members met Tuesday night.

One thing she highlighted was NJSP’s Countdown to Kindergarten which is an opportunity for incoming kindergarten students to familiarize themselves with the school experience. Dr. Zupin said it will be held for two weeks with students coming in for four days each week. That will run from July 16th through 19th and July 23rd through the 26th.

Additionally, Zupin mentioned that the Starke County Community Foundation provided a $7,000 donation to help fund the Kindergarten Countdown program, as they’ve done for the past few years. Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre School Board Covers Corporation Plans and Graduation Pathways

When the North Judson-San Pierre School Board met in a work session on Wednesday, members reviewed the corporation’s technology, wellness, accountability and strategic plans. Those plans will all be up for approval at the May board meeting.

When discussing recent changes to graduation requirements, the members and Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin decided it was best to hold off on hosting an informational meeting over Graduation Pathways due to unanswered questions. Continue reading

NJSP Officials Seek Public Input for Video Project Highlighting School Corporation’s History

The North Judson-San Pierre School Corporation wants to share your stories!

Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin recently shared that students and staff at NJSP are currently working to create a video that will celebrate the pride and history of North Judson-San Pierre. She said it’s important to recognize that the individual history of our North Judson Schools and the individual history of San Pierre Schools helped mold the corporation into what it is today. Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre to Bring Back Blue Jay Fun Fair

An event that hasn’t been offered at North Judson-San Pierre for some time will be making a come back next month, according to Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin.

“Several years ago, there was an elementary school fun fair.” Dr. Zupin explained, “In fact, a lot of our parents remembered that, and remembered good times with that, so they wanted to bring that back.” Continue reading

Preliminary Work on North Judson-San Pierre Capital Projects to Start Soon

Preliminary work will soon begin on a series of capital projects at North Judson-San Pierre, according to Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin.

At the February NJSP school board meeting, members approved contractors for approximately $4.2 million worth of projects. They also learned that since the entire Lease Project came in under budget, a few alternates can be tackled as well, including the addition of a digital sign on Highway 10. Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre School Board to Meet Tonight

North Judson-San Pierre School Board members will consider the approval of textbook adoption as well as the notification of reductions in force when they meet tonight.

Last month, members approved contractors for the several jobs included in the Lease Project so Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin is expected to cover any on going progress when she delivers her report. Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre School Board Approves Contractors for Lease Project

North Judson-San Pierre School Board members awarded several contracts for the corporation’s Lease Project when they met Tuesday evening.

Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin explained that when bids were opened in January, they discovered that they came in under budget. This will allow the corporation to move forward with some of their alternate bids which included upgrades to the baseball and softball fields, stairwell renovations, roofing and lighting work.

Zupin added that they will also be able to have signage installed on route 10 to inform motorists they’re nearing the NJSP campus. She said it will be an electronic sign where they will be able to put various school information and community announcements. Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre School Board Approves Purchase for Three Buses

North Judson-San Pierre will be adding a few new buses to their fleet, following a decision made by school board members last night.

Treasurer Guy Richie explained that the school utilized the Central Indiana Education Service Center to conduct an online bidding process. In their bid, Kerlin Bus Sales included that NJSP would be able to trade-in three buses for a trade-in allowance totaling $16,500. Richie said after factoring in the trades, the lowest bid came in at $232,169 from Kerlin. Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre to Host 2nd Annual Blue Jay Show Case Tomorrow, Residents Invited to Share Their Stories

North Judson-San Pierre will be hosting the second annual Blue Jay Showcase during Friday night’s girls’ basketball game versus Triton at the Jr/Sr High School.

Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin invites all community members to come out and see the various things that NJSP students have been working on this year.

“It’s an opportunity for our students and teachers to display or demonstrate student work and programs.” Zupin explained, “So in the cafeteria, during the ball game, we will have just a variety of student work and programs.” Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre School Board Establishes 2018-19 Calendar, Approves Policies

The North Judson-San Pierre School Board approved the 2018-2019 NJSP School Calendar when they met earlier this week.

The calendar establishes that the first student day will be August 8, 2018. Fall Break will start on October 15th and end on October 19th, while Thanksgiving break will run from November 21st through November 23rd and spring break will fall on the week running from March 25th through March 29th. The final student day will be May 23rd.

Additionally, revised board policies received unanimous approval on final reading at Tuesday night’s meeting. Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre School Board Elects Board of Finance Officers

The North Judson San-Pierre School Board elected officers to their Board of Finance when they met Tuesday evening.

Members elected Sheila Akers to the President position and Jim Menis was elected to serve as secretary. Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin stated that Indiana state law requires the finance board to meet annually after the first of the year and on or before the final day of January. Continue reading

Capital Projects Update Provided at North Judson-San Pierre School Board Meeting

Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin provided the North Judson-San Pierre School members with a capital projects update when they met Tuesday night.

Dr. Zupin informed members that the emergency renovations to the pool are officially complete and it is fully operational. The pool area will now have renovations done to the dehumidification system as a part of the capital projects. Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre School Board Approves Memorandum of Understanding with WorkOne

The North Judson-San Pierre school board approved a memorandum of understanding between the NJ-SP School Corporation and the Northwest Indiana Workforce Board when they met Tuesday night.

According to information provided by Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin, the Northwest Indiana Workforce Board, or WorkOne, oversees the Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) program in Indiana High Schools. The agreement between the school and the organization is in line with complying with recent changes to graduation requirements. Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre School Board Held First Reading Over Policy Revisions

North Judson-San Pierre school board members held the first reading over a few different policies when they met last Tuesday. Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin explained that the proposed policy revisions were a result of the spring 2017 legislative session. She said a majority of the changes had to do with correcting typos and adapting language in some places.

However, she highlighted a few that included more details including polices over child neglect/abuse education, suicide prevention and background checks. One proposed change deals with background checks. Other than asserting that checks must be conducted on an annual basis, the policy also indicates that the specific school corporation is responsible for the cost of the background checks, once the person is an established employee. Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre Pool Repairs Complete, Facility Renovations Expected to Start in the Spring

North Judson-San Pierre Superintendent Dr. Annete Zupin told school board members that repairs to the pool are finished. The final step in the project was being completed during the school board meeting Tuesday night.

During her report Dr. Zupin said, “The pool is filling with water as we speak, so it will be ready to go in January and we’re excited about that.”

The school corporation recently had to deal with an unexpected issue where corroded main drain boxes needed replaced and the area had to be re-tiled. Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre School Board Scheduled to Meet Tonight

The North Judson-San Pierre School Board members will hold the first reading over board policies when they meet tonight.

Members are also anticipated to act on the approval of tax anticipation warrant bids and a resolution that will authorize Treasurer Guy Richie to pay claims and make transfers. Elementary Principal Julie Berndt and Junior-Senior High School principal Jim Polite will present building reports to the school board members.

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NJSP School Board Held Work Session Over Proposed Graduation Requirements

The North Judson-San Pierre school board held a work session last week to discuss proposed changes to graduation requirements and accountability grades. These changes would not only impact NJSP, but all Indiana public schools.

Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin clarified that some things are still not set in stone but she wanted the board to meet to go over some of the issues that could arise from these educational adjustments at the national and state level.

There were quite a few topics that were discussed but a potential change causing major concerns is the different graduation requirements that are being proposed. With the adjustment, schools could no longer accept any diploma less than a Core 40. Continue reading