North Judson Town Council Approves Amended Salary Ordinance

An amended salary ordinance passed on second reading and was adopted during Monday night’s North Judson Town Council meeting.

At the last meeting, Town Attorney Justin Schramm explained that the initial salary ordinance, which included a 3 percent raise for various department heads and the town council members, was adopted on January 2nd of 2018.

He said the State Board of Accounts could potentially have a problem with council members receiving raises in the same year they’re approved, so to be on the safe side, the salary ordinance was rewritten to remove the council members from the list of individuals who received a 3 percent raise in 2018. Continue reading

Amended Salary Ordinance Fails to Pass on First Reading at NJ Town Council Meeting

An ordinance amending the approved 2018 salary ordinance was considered on first reading during Monday night’s North Judson Town Council meeting.

When the town council members passed the salary ordinance back in January, it included a 3 percent raise across the board, except for Town Marshal Kelly Fisher who forfeited her raise to supplement the raises of her officers.

In the initial ordinance, town council members were included in the individuals who would receive the raise. However, Town Attorney Justin Schramm said that due to when the ordinance was passed, that raise could potentially be seen as questionable by state officials. Continue reading

North Judson Town Council Members Discuss Advertisement for Cemetery Mowing and Additional Duties

Pioneer Cemetery  in North Judson. Photo courtesy of

North Judson Town Council members considered the advertisement for cemetery mowing when they met Monday night.

Individuals applying for this job would be bidding on lawn care, leaf clean up and debris removal for both Highland and Pioneer Cemeteries. They would be expected to provide all labor, equipment and fuel.

Members noted that the proposed advertisement was the same as last year’s. However, since they experienced some problems with last year’s service, they wanted to avoid any potential confusion by clearly stating what is expected of the bidder. Continue reading

North Judson Clerk-Treasurer Addresses Un-Cashed Checks

At the North Judson Town Council meeting Monday night, Clerk-Treasurer Andrew Rowe alerted members that there are several un-cashed checks on the books that go back several years.

Rowe mentioned that on all checks dispersed by the town, it states that they can be receipted back if they haven’t deposited after 2-years. Clerk-Treasurer Rowe said after speaking to the State Board of Accounts about the matter, the plan is to receipt all checks back into the town.

However, there was one check for Fire Captain Eric Wappel from 2015 that was apparently lost. Rowe was seeking to reimburse Wappel for the fire pay he never deposited. Continue reading

North Judson Town Council Scheduled to Hold Special Session Prior to Regular Meeting

Before their regular meeting tonight, the North Judson Town Council members will meet in a special session to discuss the town’s 2018 salary ordinance.

Another topic up for discussion during the special session will be the approval of a bond counsel engagement letter. The special session will start at 6 p.m. tonight.

There is a light agenda for the regular session which is scheduled to start at 6:30 p.m. Time will be allotted for public presentations, department head reports and council items. Continue reading

North Judson Town Council Members Make Additional Appointments and Agree to Advertise for Open Positions

North Judson Town Council members voted unanimously to retain Wendy Hoppe as the town council president when they met Tuesday night.

As a part of their new bylaws, members also needed to establish a vice president. Councilman John Rowe was nominated and council members collectively agreed to appoint him to the position. Members also voted to retain Justin Schramm as their town attorney.

Additionally, members discussed remaining appointments. Clerk-Treasurer Andrew Rowe will serve as the town representative for Kankakee-Iroquois Regional Planning Commission and Wendy Hoppe volunteered to serve on the Rail Road Committee. Continue reading

North Judson Town Attorney Presents Council Members with Railroad Bylaws

Railroad Committee bylaws were up for discussion during Monday night’s North Judson Town Council meeting. Town Attorney Justin Schramm informed members that he received the bylaws from Rachel Arndt, the town’s former attorney.

He told the council that part of the bylaws indicates that the committee would be comprised of at least four members. It would consist of one town council member, a representative from Hoosier Valley Railroad Museum and representatives from Chesapeake and Indian Railroad and Co-Alliance. He mentioned that any freight carrier who hauls more than 20 percent of product on the railway would be able to appoint a member as well. Continue reading

Caucus Scheduled to Find Replacement for North Judson Clerk-Treasurer Position

A caucus has been scheduled to find a replacement for the clerk-treasurer position in the Town of North Judson. The current clerk-treasurer, Alicia Collins, submitted her resignation to the North Judson Town Council yesterday at their first meeting in October.

During the clerk-treasurer’s report Collins stated she would be leaving the office in good standing, with the 2018 budget pending approval and all other records and filing up to date. Her final day will be October 20th and she said she will make her self available for training during the transition period. Continue reading

North Judson Animal Ordinance Discussion Continues

During the North Judson Town Council meeting Monday evening, members confirmed that rather than adding an urban chicken ordinance, they will instead be amending the current animal ordinance to address the concerns brought before the council the last several meetings.

Prior to the meeting, council members received a working document from Town Attorney Justin Schramm. In the working document he provided place-holder numbers and language based off similar ordinances from other towns and cities in the surrounding area. He encouraged the council to let him know where they’d like to see changes or what else they’d like to cover in the ordinance. Continue reading

North Judson Ends Railroad Dispute by Sticking with Chesapeake and Indiana Railroad Company

Photo provided

A lengthy legal battle over North Judson’s short line railroad has ended with the town sticking with the line’s current operator. During a special session Monday, the town council approved an operating agreement with the Chesapeake and Indiana Railroad Company (CKIN). Town Attorney Justin Schramm says it lets the company continue operating the railroad for 10 years with two five-year automatic renewals.

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North Judson Council Requests Petition, Before Moving Ahead with Urban Chicken Ordinance

The North Judson Town Council is willing to consider an urban chicken ordinance, but first, they’re asking for a petition with 300 residents’ signatures. Council member John Rowe proposed the petition Monday, to gauge the amount of support that exists out in the community and not just among people showing up at council meetings. Continue reading

Chicken Supporters Meet with North Judson Town Council, As Animal Ordinance Review Continues

North Judson’s chickens will be allowed to stay for at least a while longer, as the town continues to review its animal ordinance. Residents filled North Judson Town Hall Monday, as chicken owner Sarah Burkett spoke out against the town council’s decision to more strictly enforce the ordinance. It currently prohibits residents from keeping chickens and other farm animals.

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North Judson Council Rejects Lone Building Demolition Bid, Approves Fence

A structurally unsafe building in downtown North Judson will not be able to be torn down before this weekend’s Mint Festival. The town only received one quote to demolish the structure at 205 and 207 Lane Street, and it was for more than $250,000. The council last week formally voted to reject it, citing a lack of detail in the specifications as well as the price. Continue reading

Chickens Complaints Lead to Lengthy Discussion During North Judson Town Council Meeting

The North Judson Town Council may revisit its animal ordinance, following complaints about chickens during last week’s meeting. Nearly six years ago, council members voted to prohibit residents from keeping farm animals, including chickens, within town limits. But during last week’s meeting, some residents complained that they continue to see chickens in North Judson. Continue reading