Construction of North Judson Salt Shed to Begin Dec. 3

The new salt shed in the town of North Judson is still under construction, but Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry said they’re making progress and the concrete floor has been finished. Next up are the cement blocks to be placed on the concrete floor, and following that, ClearSpan will be constructing the structure for the shed.

Materials for the building are expected to be delivered on Nov. 27 with construction expected to begin on Dec. 3.

Henry also said the board held the first reading of the 2014 salary ordinance, and they will move on to the second and third readings on Dec. 2. Following that, the board will advertise the ordinance and put it into effect on Jan. 1.

North Judson Making Progress Toward Town Maintenance Building

The town of North Judson is making progress toward its proposed town maintenance building. Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry explained the town board held the public hearing for the structure on Nov. 12 to give the public an opportunity to hear details about the project and ask questions, but no members of the public were present; only a guest from First Farmers Bank and Trust, with whom the town is likely to sign a lease agreement for the building, was present.

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North Judson to Develop Strategic Plan

The town of North Judson may soon have a document to help guide its development for years to come, as Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry told WKVI that the town is working on its strategic plan.

While there have been no specific details released yet about the upcoming plan development, Henry said the town is getting information from the Kankakee-Iroquois Regional Planning Commission and it’s likely that officials will work with KIRPC to develop the document. However, nothing has been finalized.

Henry also noted that utility crews started Monday on the first fall leaf pickup for the community, and they will continue with that this week until they’ve made their rounds of the town. Henry said the town will likely have another round of leaf pickups after the leaves have finished falling.

North Judson Town Board Updated on Salt Shed, Town Garage

The town of North Judson is making some progress in constructing the new salt shed, according to Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry. She said the concrete floor has been poured for the shed, and materials for the building will be delivered on Nov. 27 with construction expected to begin on Dec. 3.

Henry said a public hearing will also be held next Tuesday, Nov. 12, to provide details on the upcoming lease agreement for the soon-to-be-constructed town garage. The hearing has been advertised in the paper, and afterward, Henry said the board will be able to sign the lease agreement.

Hopefully, Henry said, construction of the town garage will begin this year.

North Judson Town Board Adopts Budget After Public Hearing

The North Judson Town Board this week held their budget adoption hearing, and according to Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry, only one member of the public was present and no comments were made. The board adopted the budget and signed a resolution to that effect, allowing the board to proceed with the next step: submitting the budget to the Department of Local Government Finance for review.

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North Judson Town Board to Hold Budget Adoption Hearing Oct. 7

The North Judson Town Board held a public hearing this week regarding the 2014 budget. Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry explained there were no members of the public present, and Council President Wendy Hoppe presented the budget as it was advertised with no changes. An adoption hearing is scheduled for Oct. 7 prior to the regular meeting, and Henry said the town board will then sign a resolution to adopt the budget. Following that, the budget heads to the Department of Local Government Finance.

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North Judson Town Board Looking to Build New Garage


The North Judson Town Board this week received an update on the process of moving the town’s garage to a new building, and according to Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry, councilwoman Jane Ellen Felchuk is working closely with Town Superintendent Marshall Horstmann and will soon be acquiring signatures from residents as required to establish that the town is in need of a new garage.

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Town of North Judson to Sell Old Squad Car

The town of North Judson will soon be selling an old squad car, according to Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry. She explained the town will be putting the police cruiser up for bid soon, with a notice to be sent to the newspapers announcing the sale. Henry explained if she is able to get the notice published in time, the board plans to open bids for the vehicle on Sept. 16.

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North Judson Town Board Discusses 2014 Budget


The North Judson Town Board this week held a public hearing before their regularly scheduled meeting; the public hearing was held to conduct a budget workshop, as the board viewed their proposed budget, breaking it down line item by line item. This way, the board could determine if any adjustments were necessary for the 2014 budget before finally approving it.

While there were a few members of the public present for the meeting, no negative comments were made, according to Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry. She said there were no real adjustments made, but she did recommend to the board that the amounts for utilities or fuel be changed after comparing them to what was required the previous year.

North Judson Town Wide Yard Sale Approaching; Town Selling Old Signs

The town of North Judson is gearing up for their town-wide yard sale event, planned for Saturday, Aug. 10 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry said they currently have about 46 people in town signed up with five more people outside of town registered for yard sales, and Henry said they’re working on putting the maps together to have them available on Friday with a list of yard sale locations.

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North Judson Town Board Alters Water Bill Due Date

The North Judson Town Board recently changed the water bill due date for town residents to ensure the correct number of days between the bill’s due date and the date that any disconnect notices would be sent. The due date for payment of water bills has been changed from the 15th of the month to the 12th of the month, beginning with the July billing which will consequently be due on Aug. 12.

Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry indicated this change has been advertised to the public since April by a variety of means and no late fees will be reversed.

North Judson Board Receives BZA Recommendation

A North Judson man has the blessing of the town’s board of zoning appeals to rebuild a Weninger Street home, but he still needs to obtain a building permit. Town council members discussed the recent action to grant a variance to Jason Kersting during their Monday meeting, but town attorney Rachel Arndt advised their approval of the BZA’s action is not required. A 600 square-foot rental home owned by Kersting was destroyed by a February fire. North Judson’s current zoning ordinance requires a variance in order to construct a house that small.

North Judson Town Board Again Revises Schedule of Fees Ordinance

The North Judson Town Board once again postponed the first reading of the town’s schedule of fees ordinance, and Clerk-Treasurer Donna Henry said that was because they once again made a minor revision to the ordinance and will have to put it off until the next meeting on May 20. But, since the town is facing no particular deadline to get the ordinance passed, Henry said they’re taking their time to ensure they get it right.

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