Pulaski County Commissioners Declare Public Health Emergency

Screenshot from commissioners meeting video stream on Pulaski County, Indiana, Government Facebook page

Pulaski County has declared a public health emergency. A resolution declaring the emergency was approved by the county commissioners Monday. Community Development Commission Executive Director Nathan Origer explained that it will make Pulaski County eligible for federal reimbursement for certain COVID-19-related expenses.

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Pulaski County Coroner to Solidify Deputies’ Job Descriptions with County Council

Pulaski County Coroner Jon Frain continues working to try to solidify some of his office’s policies. “Just a little history: notoriously, throughout the county’s handbook and other literature and stuff, even the website . . . the Coroner’s Office just doesn’t exist,” he told the county council last week, “and some of it’s like folklore. Some of it’s tradition. Some of it’s just kind of by the seat of our pants.”

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Knox Board of Public Works Approves Recommendation for New Patrolman

Knox Board of Works members approved a recommendation from Police Chief Harold Smith during a special meeting Monday morning.

Chief Smith’s recommendation pertained to hiring Seth Johnson as a patrolman for the police department. He explained that out the 30 applications that were issued, 9 were returned. Out of the 9 that came back, the list was narrowed down to 4 finalists. However, none of the final 4 passed background checks.

Since none of the applicants were suitable, Chief Smith suggested adding former Starke County Sheriff’s Department officer Seth Johnson to the force. Continue reading