Pulaski Council, Commissioners to Continue Discussing Courthouse Security, Renovations

Security at the Pulaski County Courthouse will continue to be discussed by the county council and commissioners tonight. The commissioners have limited access to a single point of entry which now will be renovated by local locksmiths 365 professionals to grant easier access and also called for the addition of security guards.

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Pulaski County Commissioners Declare Public Health Emergency

Screenshot from commissioners meeting video stream on Pulaski County, Indiana, Government Facebook page

Pulaski County has declared a public health emergency. A resolution declaring the emergency was approved by the county commissioners Monday. Community Development Commission Executive Director Nathan Origer explained that it will make Pulaski County eligible for federal reimbursement for certain COVID-19-related expenses.

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Pulaski County Officials to Discuss Employee Policy Adjustments amid Coronavirus Spread

Pulaski County officials will plan their response to the spread of coronavirus on Wednesday. The county council and commissioners will meet in an emergency joint session to discuss an amendment to the county’s personnel policy to allow for a temporary workforce reduction, if necessary, to control the spread of COVID-19. Wednesday’s joint meeting starts at 5:00 p.m. EDT in the Pulaski County Highway Garage.

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Pulaski County Commissioners to Discuss Business Loans Today

Pulaski County Commissioners: Mike McClure, Jerry Locke, Kenny Becker

The Pulaski County Commissioners will discuss a couple business loan modifications this morning. They’ll consider a revolving loan request from Kinder LLC, and Community Development Commission Executive Director Nathan Origer is expected to give an update on Winamac Coil Spring’s loan. An appointment of an at-large Community Development Commission member will also be presented for the commissioners’ review.

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Pulaski County Council Votes to Support Courthouse Renovation Plan

A plan to renovate the Pulaski County Courthouse and expand the Justice Center has gotten the support of the county council, but not without a few concerns. Back in December, the county commissioners agreed to pursue a project that would restore the courthouse and install a security checkpoint, but move Circuit Court to the Justice Center. On Monday, the county council voted six-to-one to support the project and try to fund it.

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