Pulaski County Farmland Gathers Second Appraisal for Planned Sale

Pulaski County CourthousePulaski County has completed a second appraisal of county-owned farmland.

The request was made several weeks ago by the county commissioners to ensure the value of the land near Winamac was indeed fairly determined by an initial report. Cash from selling the farmland will likely be used to acquire another piece of farmland near Medaryville for the development of the westside rail-served industrial park.
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Pulaski Council Agrees to Fund Courthouse Restroom Repairs

Pulaski County CourthouseThe Pulaski County Council has agreed to begin essential updates to the courthouse in an effort to comply with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act. Maintenance supervisor Jeff Johnston says at a minimum the entry doors to the restrooms in the basement need to be widened and wheelchair accessible stalls need to be added. Those are among the numerous, costly repairs the courthouse will require to address both ADA and structural issues. Continue reading

Pulaski County Weighs Digital Document Storage Options

Pulaski County CourthousePulaski County hopes to streamline the process for digitizing some of its documents.

During Monday night’s County Council meeting, IT Director RB Walters discussed a possible upgrade for software to streamline the work. The state of Indiana does not necessarily require documents to be digitized, but record keeping and physical storage space are pushing county practices in that direction. Continue reading