Pulaski County CDC Director Discusses Initiation of Redevelopment Commission


Pulaski County Community Development Commission Executive Director Nathan Origer brought forth the idea of a redevelopment commission to the county commissioners during their recent meeting.

Origer explained that there are opportunities the county could be missing out on without a redevelopment commission.

“It allows basically two important things that we cannot do right now,” said Origer. “If ever a town or the county wanted to buy real estate for a downtown revitalization effort because they have absentee owners who are not making buildings usable for potential tenants, the RDC could much more easily purchase that and put any work into it as necessary. They can sell it or lease it to tenants than a municipal entity on its own could. The other thing is setting up TIF Districts.”

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Marshall County “Shell” Building Project Groundbreaking Next Month

The Marshall County “shell” building project is moving right along with a groundbreaking ceremony planned for next month. The Plymouth Industrial Development Corporation yesterday signed the agreement to sell the land to the Marshall County Economic Development Commission to allow the project to move forward, and last week, the MCEDC board approved all the other documents necessary to proceed. According to MCEDC Executive Director Jay Bahr, there have been no recent snags and they expect to start construction soon.

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