Are you ready to ride? Kersting’s Cycle Center offers a four hour, Saturday class which goes over the basics of motorcycle riding that can help you get ready. ‘Learn to Ride” is a pre-training program for people to get acquainted with motorcycle riding before heading out on the road. Continue reading
Local Music Group Receives Grant
![REMC Representative:Amanda Steeb, Director:Susie Szynalski, Treasurer: Joan Stepien and President: Pat Vanek](
If you hear music in the air, it could be coming from the Choralaires. The Starke County Choralaires are a chorus group that is a part of Melody Makers of Indiana. The Melody Makers of Indiana is the only chorus of it’s kind in the United States.
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Pulaski County Election Board Discusses Municipal Election Costs with County Council
The Pulaski County Council heard from Laura Bailey, the vice chairperson of the Pulaski County Election Board, about changes that will be made to put municipal elections more in line with the law.
Bailey explained that paperwork for a financial agreement pertaining to municipal elections has not been signed.
Eastern Pulaski Community Schools Scheduled to Begin Archery Program in the Fall
Winamac Town Council Approves Formation of Pool Committee
The Winamac Town Council approved the formation of a committee to further investigate funding options to rehabilitate the town pool.
The pool is not open as extensive repairs are needed to make it safe for swimmers.
Town Manager Jim Conner said several people were in attendance at the council’s meeting to discuss the pool.
Eastern Pulaski Community School Board’s Decision on Weapons Policy
The Eastern Pulaski School Board met Monday evening to further discuss their weapons policy. Due to the new state law allowing concealed weapons in vehicles, school corporations were given the option to amend their policies regarding firearms. Continue reading
Pulaski County Council Reviews Additional Appropriations and Transfers for Issues at Justice Center
![Pulaski County Sheriff's Department](
The Pulaski County Council discussed several additional appropriation and transfer requests on Monday night. A couple of requests from the Pulaski County Justice Center were discussed at length.
Sheriff Michael Gayer spoke at the Eastern Pulaski School Board meeting so Matron Carrie Aaron and Sergeant Fred Rogers represented the sheriff’s department where they explained an $80,000 additional appropriation. Sergeant Rogers said the money is needed to pay past bills that have been due – some for many years. For example, according to Sergeant Rogers, the fuel bill hadn’t been paid since September of 2013 while other vendors for a variety services have been waiting since 2011 for payment.
Winamac Town Council Reviews Ordinances
![Entrance to the Winamac Town Park](
The Winamac Town Council had the first reading on several ordinances during their meeting Monday night.
Town Manager Jim Conner said one ordinance regulates snow removal at one’s residence.
“That will require everybody to remove the snow off the sidewalk in front of their houses,” said Conner. “If there is a fire hydrant there in the area, they will need to shovel that out also. There is a hardship exception that people can apply for.”
Power from the Past Comes to Winamac This Weekend
The 37th annual “Power from the Past” show will take place in Winamac July 17-20.
The show is geared towards educating younger generations on what farm life was like in its heyday. Featured in this year’s show will be Case Farm Tractors and Equipment, Case L&G Equipment, as well as Hit & Miss Engines L & G Tractors. Those interested in food vending should contact Rachelle Ortman at 574-946-3206, interested flea market vendors can contact Alicia Cotner at 574-205-0188.
Winamac Woman Faces Felony Drunk Driving Charge
A Winamac woman whose blood registered three times the presumed level of intoxication according to police faces drunk driving charges in Pulaski County following a weekend traffic stop. Continue reading
Pulaski County Council Discusses Airport Manager Position
Eastern Pulaski School Board to Tackle Several Topics
The Eastern Pulaski School Board will consider a policy concerning the possession firearms on school property.
In a previous meeting, the school board members discussed this because a change in Indiana law allowed concealed weapons with a permit to be in locked cars on school property. The change allowed school boards to consider whether weapons should be allowed within the schools. The policy wouldn’t apply to students, just a designated group of faculty members who have gone through proper training.
Have a Plan to Avoid Getting Scammed
WKVI Helping You Keep an Eye on the Sky
Be sure to stay alert and monitor weather reporting sources this weekend. Strong storms and heavy rains are possible, especially Saturday evening running into Sunday morning. Continue reading
Wheelchair Ramps Available to REMC Customers
Food Finders Mobile Pantry Food Give Away Day
Food Finders is an organization aimed at fighting hunger and instilling hope in communities across the nation. This Friday, July 11th at 11 a.m.(ET) a mobile food pantry is available to those who qualify. Continue reading
Richard Lugar Excellence in Public Service Series Seeks Republican Women Participants
The deadline to apply for this year’s Richard Lugar Excellence in Public Service Series is Friday, August 1st. The program was started in the year 1990 with the mission to increase the number and influence of Republican women in elected and appointed government positions at local, state, and federal levels. Continue reading
Courthouse, County Home Structural Needs Reviewed by Pulaski County Commissioners
A recent building assessment of the Pleasant View Rest Home and the Pulaski County Courthouse has found some issues that need attention sooner rather than later.
Maintenance Director Jeff Johnston told the commissioners Monday night that some issues can wait but if other repairs go without attention, they could cost the county a lot more money.
Francesville’s Spirit Day Town Wide Garage Sale
A plethora of garage sales will cover the Francesville area this weekend for the town wide garage sale on Saturday, July 12. Come browse the various items set out and see if anything catches your eye. Continue reading
Ride for a Reason: Kersting’s Annual Ride for the Muscular Dystrophy Association
The weather is just right for riding motorcycles. If you’re riding anyways, why not do so for a good cause? Chapter 1326 of the Kankakee Valley Harley Owners Group is teaming up with Kersting’s Cycle Center to host their annual ride for the Muscular Dystrophy Association on Saturday, July 12th. Continue reading