Starke County Highway Superintendent Reports High Car/Deer Crashes

It’s the time of year when drivers need to watch for deer while out on the roadways.

Starke County Highway Superintendent Rik Ritzler presented some information to the commissioners where he stated that some accidents could be reduced by not texting while driving.

“In rural counties, the number of accidents has gone up mainly people are texting and not paying attention to the roads,” commented Ritzler.  “The last second thing you need to do to avoid those deer is to see their eyes.  They’re not seeing the reflection of the eyes because they’re paying attention their texting.  That’s been a problem.”

Ritzler said highway department crews have done their best to cut back brush by the right-of-ways so drivers can have a better view of deer while traveling.  He recommends that drivers slow down and pay attention in order to increase safety to all inside the vehicle. 

Some accidents are hard to avoid with the sudden mobilization of deer, but being alert can aid in reducing injury.