North Judson Town Council Meets Tonight

North Judson Town Council members will revisit the Norwayne Field Splash Pad Project when they meet tonight. Members are scheduled to receive some new renderings from Vortex Aquatic Structures representative Bill Smith.

The council is also anticipated to introduce and set a public hearing date for an ordinance related to amending the schedule of rates and charges for properties served by the waterworks of the Town. Continue reading

Strong Volunteer Base Highlighted During Starke County Asset Mapping Workshop

When local officials met for an asset mapping workshop on Tuesday, they were encouraged to focus on 7 different capitals; Financial, Built, Natural, Cultural, Social, Political and Human.

The workshop facilitator and OCRA Project Manager Michael Sinnet emphasized the importance of finding specific assets that fit into these categories and identifying where strengths and deficiencies exist. Continue reading

You’re Invited to Tomorrow’s Howl-oween Event at the Starke County Justice Center

Fall time is officially upon us and to celebrate the season, families are invited to attend Saturday’s Community Howl-oween Fall Fest at the Starke County Justice Center.

From 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. on October 13th, the Starke County Sheriff’s Department and the F.A.R.M Program are hosting a fun, outdoor event in the west parking lot of the facility with a variety of activities scheduled. Continue reading

Starke County LEPC Discusses How to Get Incident Command Trailer Up and Running

Members of Starke County’s Local Emergency Planning Committee are focused on getting the incident command trailer back in working order. When they met Wednesday afternoon, they discussed how the trailer is structurally fine but it’s currently not functional.

Officials report that it does not have power and they believe that the generator needs a new battery to alleviate the issue. There is some money remaining in the EMA Department’s maintenance fund that will be utilized to purchase a new battery. Continue reading

Winamac Officials Discuss Issue with Unpaid Utility Bills at Rented Property

Winamac officials plan to develop an ordinance that will address an ongoing issue with unpaid utility bills at rented properties.

During Monday’s Town Council meeting, Clerk-Treasurer Melanie Berger explained that, typically, the unpaid bills would just be sent to the former tenants’ new residence. However, she said they don’t always leave a forwarding address. Continue reading

Officials in Starke County Take Some More Stellar Steps with Asset Mapping Workshop

The Starke County Economic Development Foundation hosted an asset mapping workshop in conjunction with representatives from the Office of Community and Rural Affairs Tuesday night.

Stellar Community Project Manager Michael Sinnet facilitated the exercise which was held at the Nancy J. Dembowski Community Center. Over the last few months, SCEDF officials have been working with town, city and county representatives about a local Stellar initiative. Continue reading

North Judson Fire Chief Highlights Recent Hose Training, Commends Firefighters on Educational Progress

Photo Source: NJ-Wayne Township Fire Department FB Page

Fire Chief Joe Leszek shared some updates about the North Judson-Wayne Township Fire Department when the town council met last Monday.

Chief Leszek highlighted some hose technique training that the firefighters participated in during the month of September. He explained that the techniques that were taught are ones that are frequently utilized by the Valparaiso Fire Department. Continue reading

Today is the Final Day You Can Register to Vote in the November General Election!

Today is the absolute last day that voters can register or update their registration information. Even if you think you’re registered, you should double check to make sure all the listed information is accurate.

You have until the end of business hours today to visit the county clerk’s office to register in person or you can register online at Continue reading

Winamac Town Council Establishes Fund for Mooi Family’s Police Department Donation

The Winamac Town Council was tasked with creating a fund for the generous posthumous donation from Hank and Alice Mooi when members met Monday night.

Clerk-Treasurer Melanie Berger reminded the council that the police department received approximately $29,900 from the Mooi Trust and explained that since it was a bequest from a trust, a new fund has to be created.

Berger noted that one of the stipulations is that the money can only be spent on equipment.
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Knox City Council Members Meet Tonight

Knox City Council members will meet in a closed executive session with City Attorney Leslie Baker before their regular meeting at 7 p.m.

In addition to the usual reports from Mayor Dennis Estok and Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston, there will be time set aside for citizen comments and council items. Other than those items, the agenda for tonight’s meeting has nothing else listed. Continue reading

National Fire Protection Agency Reminds Citizens to Look, Listen and Learn When it Comes to Fire Safety

With chilly temperatures right around the corner and a plethora of holiday cooking coming up, it’s important to be aware of how to prevent fires and how to react if they strike.

Every year the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) recognizes Fire Prevention Week during the month of October. This year’s theme is “Look. Listen. Learn. Be Aware -fire can happen anywhere.”

The theme identifies three simple but essential ways that people can reduce the risk of fire and be prepared in the event of one. Continue reading