From the WKVI News Archives

Arrowhead Engineering has closed its doors! That was the news story we led with back in 1977 on this date. Precision pulleys for the auto industry were manufactured at Arrowhead Engineering. Although the shutdown was initially for a two week period, the workers were not optimistic. It eventually closed its doors for good putting 100 workers out of work.

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Starke County Commissioners Tour Jails

Starke County Jail

The Starke County jail has been identified as the second oldest jail in the state and it is getting some attention by the County Commissioners. Commissioners Dan Bridegroom, Jennifer Davis and Kathy Norem toured two jails in surrounding counties to gain information on how they might configure a new jail in Starke County. The Commissioners visited the Marshall and Fulton County jails yesterday.

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Pulaski County 4-H Parade held in Winamac

Veronia Leman and Erica Putt

Under almost ideal conditions, the 2011 Pualski County 4-H Fair Parade was held last night in Winamac.

“The most exciting thing in 4-H is not the projects or winning a trophy, it’s meeting other people and stepping out and showing other people what you can do and what your talents are,” said 4-H Achievement Royalty winner, Erica Putt.

“I’m in Junior Leaders and we take a lot of trips and meet a lot of people and I’m also a Camp Counselor so I can be a model for younger children,” said Veronica Leman, also a part of this year’s 4-H Royalty. “I also won Showman last year which is also a very big accomplishment.” Continue reading

Starke County Commissioners Accept Insurance Policies

Starke County Commissioners ( L to R ) Kathy Norem, Dan Bridegroom, Jennifer Davis

The Starke County Commissioners accepted the Property and Casualty and Workers Compensation Insurance policies as presented by First Source Insurance Agent, Bridget Markin yesterday. Markin said the loss ratio of 48% for the Property and Casualty was very good, but there would be an overall increase to the County of $12,017 in premiums because the company paid out $27,000 more in Workers Compensation claims than the cost of the insurance. The policies begin in July.

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Dog Left in Hot Car Dies

Formal charges are pending against a Knox resident who reportedly left her two dogs in a hot car and one expired due to the heat.

The Knox City Police Department were called to IU Health Starke Hospital where a citizen called to report that two dogs were left in a car on a hot summer day and did not look well. Officers arrived and noticed a little crack in the window, but the dogs were panting heavily. One was laying down and was drooling due to being hot and dehydrated. The dog did expire due to the heat. The dog owner was not arrested at the scene, but police continue to investigate this incident.

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Starke County Highway Department to Keep Intersections Clear of Vegetation

Starke County Commission President, Dan Bridegroom told Highway Superintendent Steve Siddall that, “It’s been a mystery to me how some farmers can plant their last row right up to the roadway.” Bridegroom told Siddall that the crews need to be out cutting down the intersections. Corn crops are a danger when its planted too close to the road. Many drivers in cars and trucks have to “nose” out into an intersection to see if all is clear.

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Two Knox Park Board Members Not Eligible to Serve

Wythogan Park

Two members of the Knox Park Board are not eligible to serve. According to Knox City Council Attorney, David Matsey, the Ex-Officio members of the Board, Irene Szakonyi and Kurt Snearly, are not members of the Boards that named them to the Park Board.

By definition, an Ex-Officio member of a board is there by virtue of holding another office. The Ex-Officio members of the Park Board were named by the Starke County Library Board and the Knox Community School Board. Since neither are part of those Boards, they are not eligible to serve.

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Tom Belcher Benefit Planned for Saturday

Tom Belcher

A benefit for former WKVI Radio personality, Tom Belcher, will be held this Saturday, July 9th, at O’s Tap in Knox. Tom Belcher has suffered from a few medical issues in the past several months and the community is coming together to help him with medical bills. He is in need of a liver transplant.

Entertainment will be provided by Hawg Wild and there will be food, raffles, door prizes and more during the event from Noon to 6:00 p.m. CT on Saturday. All proceeds will go toward his medical expenses.

Number of Domestic Violence Calls up in Starke County

The number of domestic violence calls to local police departments have slightly increased in the past few months. We asked Ruth Matsey, the President of the Coalition Against Domestic Abuse, what she has been seeing in Starke County.

“What we’re seeing a lot of in Starke County is the form of child abuse which is neglect, whether it’s due to financial circumstances or a lot of times it’s with meth,” said Matsey. “Kids are being left unsupervised, plus they’re around all of the dangerous chemicals.”

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Thom Morin Comes Before Knox City Council to Request Handicapped Parking Spaces

Thom Morin

Thom Morin, who has been before the Knox City Council before to request more handicapped parking spaces, was before them again last week.

Since Mr. Morin has presented a proposed document spelling out ADA rules, the City has added a space on Main Street by the tracks, another on the north end of Main Street near Lake, one in the alley by the Community Center, and two on the east side of the Community Center. The Mayor announced that he is working on one handicapped parking spot by the Courthouse.

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A Little Piece of the Beatles History at Papa’s Restaurant in Culver

Brian McCormick

If you’re a restaurant affectionado, you’ve undoubtedly eaten at Papa’s in Culver. It’s the restaurant on the curve that has the vinyl record jackets on the wall.

Chances are many of those album jackets could have been designed by the original owner of Papa’s, Jim McCormick. Jim McCormick was an A and R man for years at V-J Records in Chicago. Look above the bar and you’ll see a Beatles jacket. Jim McCormick recommended that V-J sign the British group in the early 1960’s. An initial contract was sold for $350 to Capital and the rest, as they say, is history. His son, Brian, runs the restaurant today, and remembers how close his dad came to signing the Beatles. Continue reading

Budget Work Being Done in Knox City Clerk-Treasurer’s Office

Knox City Council #2
Back Row: Mayor Rick Chambers, Ed Blue, Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston, Greg Matt and Attorney David Matsey. Front Row: Linda Berndt, Jeff Berg and Ron Parker

It’s budget time in the Knox City Clerk’s office. Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston told the Knox City Council members last week that the annual audit is being done now, and he is working on the 2012 budget.

Houston said this seems to be a more in-depth audit as the City received over $500,000 in federal grants during the past year.

On July 6th, Houston will meet with the Department of Local Government Finance, and he thought the Council might want to consider a work session before the next Council meeting on July 12th.

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Indiana’s Economic Front Looking Positive

There’s good news for Hoosiers on the economic front, according to Fifth District State Senator Ed Charbonneau (R-Valparaiso).

First, Charbonneau points out that Indiana’s real gross domestic product grew at a remarkable rate of 4.6% in 2010. In comparison, other states averaged 2.6 percent GDP improvements. Indiana and Oregon led the nation in durable goods manufacturing with statistically twice the growth of our closest state competitors in that industry. In the Great Lakes region, Michigan had a GDP of 2.9%; Wisconsin 2.5%; and Illinois, 1.9%. Nationwide, only New York and North Dakota experienced GDP growth outpacing that of Indiana.

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Starke County Fireworks Event Showcases Local Organizations

Members of the Starke County Amateur Radio Club: Janet Langer, Jolene Brown and Tony Langer

The Fireworks presentation at the Starke County Airport went off without a hitch Saturday night. It was a hot day to start off with, but a rain shower came through the area late in the afternoon and it cooled off nicely for the fireworks show at dusk.

Several representatives of organizations showed up early in the afternoon to present some information on their programs.

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Pulaski County 4-H Royalty Crowned

Back Row: Jacob Frasa, Jessica Brooke, Justine Kruger and Baleigh Dickson. Front Row: Erica Putt and Veronica Leman

The Pulaski County 4-H Fair Royalty was crowned Saturday night in ceremonies at the Pulaski County fairgrounds.

Erica Putt and Veronica Leman were crowned 4-H Royalty. The court members were Jacob Frasa, Jessica Brooke, Justine Kruger, and Baleigh Dickson.

Congratulations to the Royalty winners! The Pulaski County 4-H Fair continues through Thursday, July 7th. A complete list of fair events can be found on this website.

Photo submitted by Rosenbaum Photography.