Two Arrested on Charges of Residential Entry

Starke County Sheriff’s Department officers arrested a Knox and a North Judson resident Wednesday night after they were found to be in a residence in which they were not allowed.

Officers were called to a residence on 150 North where a woman taking care of the homeowner’s children tried to gain entry into the home to gather clothes for the children. When she put the key in the door, the door simply pushed open. She told officers that she locked the door before she left the home earlier in the day. When officers arrived on scene, they saw a different woman, Kristen Thompson, coming out of the home. She was asked if anyone else was in the home and she said Donnie Fletcher was in the home. Officers called for Fletcher to come out of the house and he didn’t answer. While searching the home, they heard a crash from the garage and found Fletcher standing on the stair platform. He was placed into custody. Police found methamphetamine related items and the finished product in the residence. A search warrant was issued to collect the items.

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Haven Ewing to Face Charges in Knox City Court; Circuit Court Charges Dismissed

Haven Ewing was to go on trial in Starke Circuit Court this week, but the Starke County Prosecutor has decided to dismiss the Burglary charges against him and file amended charges in Knox City Court.

Ewing was allegedly involved in burglary incidents in the Koontz Lake area in March of 2010. Two others involved in the incidents, Zachary and Ian Bastin, plead guilty to seven counts of Burglary and were sentenced to 15 years in the Indiana Department of Corrections on those counts last year.

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North Judson-San Pierre Students Raise $9,070 in Walk for Wellness Fundraiser

Students from the North Judson-San Pierre Middle School recently held the 6th annual Walk for Wellness and they were able to raise $9,070. Middle School Principal, Kelly Shepherd, said that if the students raised over $8,000, Mr. Wes Radtke and Mr. Phil Shabi would allow the students to color their hair. Mr. Shepherd has agreed to let the kids shave his head, even though the students did not reach the $10,000 mark. Mr. Shepherd said the students did such a great job, he’s going to let them do it anyway. All of the fun begins at 2:15 p.m. this afternoon.

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Homecoming Week in Knox

Homecoming Queen candidates: Front row: Shelby Gilbert, Taylor Quella, Tori Winebrenner, Kelsey Bailey, Erica Pick. Back row: Abigail Frazier, Kristine Binkley, Kazia Stacy, Kourtney Wagner

This week is Homecoming week for Knox High School. It started off with the annual Ironman Volleyball tournament. Boys from each class played in several closely matched games. The Freshman nearly beat the Seniors, but ended up with third place by defeating the Juniors in the Consolation Match. The sophomores came in second after having been defeated by the seniors as they emerged victorious in the Best-of-Three Championship Round. Continue reading

Classic Cruise-in this Sunday at Hensler’s Nursery

Hensler Nursery’s Annual Classic Car Cruise-In will be held this Sunday, October 2nd, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. CT. Last year’s Cruise-In featured over 60 cars. The show is open to all vehicles and there will be no gate or admission charges. The Award Presentation is at 2:00, dash plaques will be given to the first 100 entries and other door prizes will be awarded.

Hensler’s “Fall! All over the Place” continues concurrently with horse rides to the pumpkin patch. Both the Christmas Barn and the Fall Decorating Barn will be open. Pumpkins, gourds, straw, and mums are available in the yard. Food service includes pulled pork sandwiches, beef sandwiches, assorted cakes, apple dumplings, and….a possibility of Hensler’s home made vanilla and pumpkin ice cream!

ISSMA Marching Band Contests Begin Saturday

The 39th Annual Indiana State School Music Association (ISSMA) marching band season begins with District contests at seven sites Saturday, October 1st.

More than 16,000 students in 168 high schools will participate.

The Regionals are October 15th at four sites, and 10 bands representing four classes will then be selected for the State Finals on October 29th at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis.

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Gas Prices to Rise

Have you been pleased that gasoline prices have dipped recently? Do you think it’s because consumption is down around the country? Don Good, at Good Oil in Winamac, says gasoline prices have been disconnected from supply and demand for a long time.

“Everything is driven off the markets,” said Good. “I think when China started coming out and saying that they were intentionally slowing down their economy, and then rumblings started about the Greek debt crisis and the European debt crisis. The stock market started to fall and gas prices went right with it.”

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One Person Injured in an Accident in Starke County

The Starke County Sheriff’s Department was called to a one vehicle accident on State Road 39 on Tuesday.

A witness told police that he saw Vivianna Hernandez, 33, of Knox, southbound on State Road 39 near 200 South and she left the roadway, hit a mailbox and then hit a tree. Officers determined at the scene that she had been drinking at the time of the accident. She was taken to IU Health Starke Hospital for injuries sustained in the accident and for a blood draw to determine blood alcohol level. The results of that blood draw are pending.

Voter Registration Nearing Deadline

The November General Election is nearing and so is the deadline to register to vote. The last day to register is Tuesday, October 11th.

If you have a valid Indiana driver’s license or Indiana state-issued identification card can use the online service. You can visit this website to register or update your voter registration card. If you have moved since the last time you voted, you should update your information. You may also register by mail or in-person at a county voter registration office, the Indiana Election Division or a branch office of the Bureau of Motor Vehicles.

Courthouse Sidewalk to become ADA Accessible

Starke County Courthouse

The Knox City Council, on a unanimous vote Tuesday night, gave Mayor Rick Chambers the go-ahead to do the sidewalk work on the Courthouse square to make it ADA accessible.

“We’ve discussed doing something with that sidewalk to make it handicapped accessible on the west side of the Courthouse and I’ve talked with several contractors,” said Mayor Chambers. “We’ve went over ADA regulations and I’ve talked with the Commissioners and I don’t feel comfortable just diving into that project without having it engineered.”

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Knox Middle School to Host Fitness “Fun”draiser

On Friday, October 7th, the Knox Middle School will host a Fitness FUN-draiser to promote the importance of living a healthy life style. Students who raise $10 are eligible to participate in the walk-a-thon, students who raise $15 are eligible to participate in the boot camp activity, students who raise $25 are eligible to participate in the dance, and students who raise $100 or more are eligible for a field trip on October 13th to Life Plex. All Middle School students are looking for sponsors.

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Starke County Legacy of Women Working on Education Funding for Women

The members of the Legacy of Women Organization in Starke County are working on a project to help fund the education of a woman, or women, in the county. The scholarships would be awarded to an individual, or more than one, who have expressed interest the reason for continuing their education to better their life through an essay.

Legacy of Women spokeswoman, Sherri Bartoli, said this week that the applications have been received and scored. The applications are now in the hands of the Northern Indiana Community Foundation who will tabulate the scores before announcing the recipient, or recipients.

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Knox High School Student to hold Fundraiser for Food Pantry

During the downturn in the economy, a lot of people are in need of the bare essentials. Over 250 families a month have depended on the Starke County Food Pantry to help feed their families.

Now Knox High School student, Taylor Kemble has stepped out, and on her own, put together a rummage sale to help buy food for the pantry.

“This year it will be at the Knox United Methodist Church and it will be this Friday, September 30th, from 3:30-5:00 p.m. and Saturday, October 1st, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.,” said Kemble. “All proceeds will go toward the Starke County Food Pantry and all items will be $.50 unless otherwise marked.”

Donations will be accepted today from 4:00-6:00 p.m. at the Knox United Methodist Church.

Starke County Planning Commission Puts Final Touches on Proposed Dog Kennel Ordinance

The Starke County Planning Commission discussed the proposed dog kennel ordinance at their meeting last week.

Dan Bridegroom suggested that a commercial kennel definition in the form of an I.C. code be added to the ordinance. Bruce Williams, Administrator/Building Commissioner, suggested adding the phrase “more than four and less than 20 unaltered female dogs that are at least twelve months of age” to the ordinance under commercial kennel definition. Commission Counsel, Steve Dodge, added that if more than four male or female dogs are at one residence, the homeowner will need a kennel license. The changes were approved by a vote of 5-3 and now the revised ordinance will be sent back to the Commissioners for their approval.

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Oregon-Davis Superintendent Named District One Superintendent of the Year

Oregon-Davis School Superintendent, Dr. Steve Disney

Dr. Steve Disney, the Superintendent at Oregon-Davis Schools, has been chosen the District One Superintendent of the Year for 2012.

He is one of seven superintendents in the State of Indiana to be selected on a vote of their peers. As a winner, he will represent District One in the American Association of School Administrators National Superintendent of the Year Program.

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Knox Man Arrested for Allegedly Stealing Air Conditioning Unit

Michael Watts

A Knox man was arrested after he reportedly admitted to stealing an air conditioning unit from Mark’s Body Shop on Saturday, September 24th.

An employee at Mark’s Body Shop reported that the air conditioning unit had been stolen from the business at 253 E. John Street. A witness stated that he saw two male subjects in an older model white Ford Ranger with blue markings on the side pulling out from the west side of the building, according to the police report. He told police that he believes the subjects stole an air conditioner that was located on the west side of the building. The witness said that he observed the large unit in the back of the truck.

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Local Fire Departments Receive Grants

73 rural and volunteer fire departments from 46 counties across Indiana have been awarded more than $310,000 in Volunteer Fire Assistance grants from the Department of Natural Resources.

The DNR Forestry staff reviews grant applications and selects recipients based on population density, acres of public wildlands protected, and wildlife fire reporting to DNR Fire Control Headquarters. Grants can be used for training, installation of dry hydrants, or purchasing necessary firefighting equipment and personal protective gear. Local fire departments that receive grants must match the grant with cash or in-kind contributions.

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Community Services of Starke County Receives Starke United Grant Funds

Community Services of Starke County
Community Services of Starke County

Starke United’s Board has approved the reallocation of funds to enable Community Services to provide the matching funds for 125 meals to the homebound elderly, matching funds for 133 hours of homemaker service to the elderly and disabled and for the preparation and printing of the Starke County Resource Directory. The Starke United Board also approved $1,500 for the food pantry in July after allocating $2,500 for the pantry in April.

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From the WKVI Archives: Kingsbury Ordnance Plant

Workers put together munitions at KOP.

It was 71 years ago today that one of the defining moments in Starke County history occurred. On September 28th, 1940, LaPorte had been chosen as one of 73 sites in the country for the construction of an ordnance plant. That led to the building of the Kingsbury Ordnance Plant better known as KOP.

For residents of Starke County and those who followed them here, that meant loading shells, assembling fuses, boosters, detonators and primers, and packing complete rounds of ammunition.

After the government had cleared all the families off the 13,454 acres of land it had purchased, it began construction of KOP. By May of 1942, the number of people employed reached a high of 20,785. Nearly half of the people employed were women. For many it was their first job outside the home.

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