Two people have been arrested in connection with burglaries at two downtown businesses in North Judson.
North Judson Town Marshal Doug Vessely said that 16 cases of beer and several bottles of liquor were taken from Grand Central Station and a set of Wilson golf clubs and a bag were taken from Rosa’s Resale Shop. After an investigation, officers recovered the stolen property from a residence in the 300 block of Main Street.
Sixth District State Senator, Jim Arnold, paid a visit to the Starke County Council and Commissioners this week. Arnold, who was assigned parts of Starke County in a new district, paid a courtesy call on both governing bodies, saying that the members can call him if they need help in any way. If elected in the 2012 election, Arnold’s new district will take in Davis, Oregon, Washington, Center, and Jackson Townships. Senator Ed Charbonneau will be left with only Railroad, Wayne, California, and North Bend townships.
Members of the council mentioned two topics they will be interested in during the 2012 legislative session. Those topics are the 9-1-1 and Police Pension Fund financing.
North Judson-San Pierre Superintendent Lynn Johnson
Lynn Johnson, the Superintendent of the North Judson-San Pierre School system, talked with WKVI News this week about the highlights of the most recent School Board meeting.
“We did put in a bus purchase notice,” said Mrs. Johnson. “We’re looking at the possibility of purchasing one 72 passenger bus, one special needs bus with a lift, and one multi-purpose bus. Depending on funding, we may purchase two out of the three. We just don’t know yet.”
The West Central School Corporation will hold a groundbreaking event for the Wind Power Project on Friday, September 30th at 9:30 a.m. ET.
This is Indiana’s first community wind project to be part of the NIPSCO Feed-in-Tariff program. The turbine will be located on the school campus in the agricultural field behind the football stadium.
The death of a Marshall County inmate has been determined. Marshall County Coroner Bill Cleavenger said that the autopsy results revealed that Georgina Onofre died of natural causes.
Onofre, 35, was in a special observation area in the jail due to her past medical history and was under constant surveillance by jail staff. She became unresponsive around 4:00 a.m. ET Monday morning and jail staff immediately started resuscitation efforts. Plymouth paramedics transported Onofre to the Emergency Room at the Plymouth Hospital where she was pronounced dead on arrival.
The announcement of the renovation of the Henry F. Schricker Public Library in Knox caused an avalanche of comments to the story on our website. Most of the comments have to do with the cost to the taxpayers.
Starke County Auditor, Kay Chaffins, contacted WKVI yesterday to correct a figure we used as a taxpayer obligation over the next 20 years.
An officer from the Starke County Sheriff’s Department arrested a Plymouth woman after a pursuit incident Tuesday afternoon.
A caller notified the Sheriff’s Department of an intoxicated driver leaving the area of 900 East and 300 North in Starke County. A detective was in the area and spotted the suspect vehicle and attempted to conduct a traffic stop but the vehicle failed to stop. The detective pursued the vehicle from 150 North and State Road 23 in Starke County to Plymouth and then to Culver. The driver stopped the vehicle after a minor vehicle accident in Marshall County on Tulip Road, just north of 14B road.
Nathan Welter gave an address as Starke United's Campaign Chair
The Starke United Campaign Kickoff Breakfast was held yesterday. The breakfast was sponsored by Integrity Trade Services and was prepared by the Country Kettle.
Announced as the 2011 Campaign Chair was Nathan Welter, who also acted as the Master of Ceremony for the event.
Those attending heard presentations by Board Chairperson Todd Zeltwanger and Starke United Director Julie Dessauer. Testimonials were given by Irene Szakonyi of the Starke County Youth Club and Peggy Shidaker of Knox Community Schools. The Key Note Speaker was Pastor Ed Hasnerl, who gave an inspiring “Talking of Many Things” presentation.
Numerous pacesetter checks were presented to end the festivities.
Following the event we talked with Nathan Welter, who is a sports reporter at WKVI, about his involvement with Starke United. Continue reading →
Hamlet Town Board: Curtis Simpkins, Kerry Stone and Bob Yung
The Hamlet Town Board members went over the proposed budget for 2012 at their recent meeting. The proposed budget total for all funds is $408,178. The members cut five percent from last year’s budget. For the fourth year in a row, no pay increases were given.
The Starke County Traffic Safety Partnership will be conducting a Traffic Safety Blitz today through Sunday, September 25th. Officers will be working additional hours seeking impaired or dangerous drivers and enforcing traffic safety laws.
Some things may last forever, but the barn at the Pleasant View Rest Home is not one of them. Morry Demarco, maintenance director for the county courthouse and justice center, told the Pulaski County Commissioners this week that the barn is well past its prime, and he’s not sure if it can even make it through another winter.
The official NFL Punt, Pass & Kick event sponsored by Youth of Integrity was held on Saturday, September 17th. This was Youth of Integrity’s first year hosting this event which was a huge success with over 120 youth participating. Each participant was awarded an official NFL participant certificate and all received a door prize. Five age groups per gender competed on distance and accuracy of punting, passing and kicking with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place awards given.
The Starke County Council approved a proposal by the Starke County Library Board to finance an expansion-renovation project. A representative from Umbaugh and Associates told the council members that the bonds would not exceed $1,785,000 and would cost the taxpayers 17 cents per $1,000 in assessed valuation.
The Knox City Council recently discussed abolishing Knox City Court. Even though the court takes away almost $100,000 from the City’s General Fund, Mayor Rick Chambers says there’s no opportunity to abolish it until 2014.
“State statute states during 2006 and every fourth year after that, a second or third class town, or city may, by ordinance, establish or abolish a city or town court,” said Chambers. “So, we can’t just snap our fingers and say no more City Court next year. By state statute, every fourth year you have to do an ordinance.”
The Starke United campaign kick-off breakfast is this morning at the Knox Community Center. The theme for this year’s campaign is, “Together, we can inspire hope and create opportunities for a better tomorrow.”
The campaign chairman will be announced as well as the goal for the year. Julie Dessauer is the Starke United Director and she promises an inspiring breakfast, and campaign. The breakfast begins at 8:00 a.m. CT and it is sponsored by Integrity Trade Services.
The bridge at Range Road and 400 North is almost complete. Yesterday, crews were pouring cement at the site and the bridge should be demolished on Thursday. Highway Superintendent, Steve Siddall, explains what comes next.
“They have to set their forms up and get ready for the abutment to hold the pre-cast box beams to go on it,” said Siddall. “Then the box beams will be delivered, they will set them into place, then they’ll form up and pour the top over it and we should be almost done.”
Industry isn’t the only thing in Pulaski County with a positive outlook; education may also be receiving a shot in the arm thanks to Ivy Tech Kokomo. Through their Logansport campus, Ivy Tech had previously conducted classes at the Winamac High School for some time, but they ran into a snag. The administrative support staff could only be at the school until the guidance offices closed at 4:00 p.m. This caused a number of issues, particularly since the classes took place at night when no support staff was present.
There are some counties in the state that are considering putting all candidates on the November Municipal Election ballot, although state law only allows contested races on the ballot.
Starke County Clerk Evelyn Skronski and Pulaski County Clerk Tasha Foerg told WKVI that only contested races will appear on the Municipal election ballots. Skronski indicated that legislators may reverse this decision for future Municipal elections with the confusion it may cause voters. The Starke County Election Board voted to follow the state statute to only allow contested races. The Pulaski County Clerk said she is also following state statute.
The Marshall County Sheriff’s Department, Indiana State Police and the Marshall County Coronor’s Office are investigating the death of Marshall County Jail inmate, Georgia M. Onofre.
The 35-year-old woman was in a special observation area in the jail due to her past medical history and was under constant surveillance by jail staff. She became unresponsive around 4:00 a.m. ET yesterday morning and jail staff immediately started resuscitation efforts. Plymouth paramedics transported Onofre to the Emergency Department where she was pronounced dead on arrival.
After a great amount of discussion, the Starke County Council approved the remodeling project proposed by the Starke County Library Board on a 4-2 vote.
The request had been stalled for several months as the council members gained information. As it stands, the Library Board will be able to solicit bids to bond for a less than $2 million remodeling project at the Henry F. Schricker Library in Knox.