Leave Wild Animals in the Wild


While it may be tempting to help a baby animal who appears abandoned, wildlife officials ask that you leave the animals alone.

Wildlife Information Specialist with the DNR Division of Fish and Wildlife Michelle Cain says many animals leave their young in search for food and come back to them later in the day. It is best to leave them in their habitat rather than care for them.

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Starke County EMS Expands Electronic Billing


Starke County EMS is working to expand electronic billing in an effort to improve the efficiency of the service. Office manager Marylynn Richie is now able to electronically bill both traditional and railroad Medicare, BlueCross and Medicaid. By the end of the year she hopes to have all of the companies that can be billed electronically set up and running. Continue reading

Starke County Youth Club Radiothon to Raise Money, Awareness of After School Programs

Residents can invest in the future of Starke County by making a contribution to the Starke County Youth Club. They’re taking over the WKVI airwaves today for their annual radiothon fundraiser. Executive Director Irene Szakonyi says tax-deductible contributions to the local nonprofit can help make changes happen in our community by helping youngsters to find success. Continue reading

Culver Building Trades Open House Scheduled

The Culver building trades class has scheduled an open house for their finished project.

Culver Community Interim Superintendent Chuck Kitchell told the school board this week that the students have completed a garage underneath a small house. The owners wanted a different concept for the project that was selected for this year. Kitchell said it was unique task and the students have done an excellent job in completing the work.

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“Miracle on Ice” Message of Faith, Unity Resonates Today

One of the greatest moments in the history of sports still has implications today, right here in Starke County. That’s the message former WSBT-TV sports anchor Charlie Adams shared during the National Day of Prayer breakfast in Knox yesterday. He’s studied the “Miracle on Ice” at length. It took place in Lake Placid, New York during the 1980 Winter Olympics. An unlikely group of young men, mostly from the Midwest, stunned the world when they beat the Soviet Union’s hockey team during the first game of the medal round . Continue reading

SMART Recovery Family & Friends Support Group Launches Tonight

Starke County Community Corrections is now located in the former jail building. Their office was previously in the Christo’s Plaza on South Heaton Street in Knox.

Starke County Community Corrections is putting its new office space in downtown Knox to use for a new family support group meeting.

The first SMART Recovery Family & Friends meeting will take place this evening from 5:30 until 6:30 p.m. at the recently renovated Annex 2 building across from the Starke County Courthouse. Continue reading

Starke County Youth Club Programs Prepare Students for Workforce

The Starke County Youth Club’s after school and summer programs are helping to prepare youngsters in all grade levels for life after graduation. Program Director Melissa Smith-Watkins oversees all six sites. Ultimately she says they want to help Starke County thrive by teaching skills like collaboration, problem solving and goal setting to students in kindergarten through 12th grade. Continue reading