Indiana State Police Troopers Urge Drivers to Buckle up

With the investigation of two separate vehicle accidents that ejected multiple people out of vehicles, Indiana State Police troopers urge drivers and passengers to use seat belts.

Indiana law requires all passengers to be restrained while in a moving vehicle. Children and adults need to be properly restrained while the vehicle is in operation. If anyone is observed not wearing a seat belt, law enforcement can write a ticket for the law violation.

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Public Input Sought on N.J.-S.P. Capital Improvement Recommendations

The North Judson-San Pierre School Board wants input from the public before moving forward with proposed capital improvement projects. They’ve scheduled a public meeting Tuesday evening at 6 p.m. at the high school auditorium to give community members a chance to weigh in on the list. It includes almost $92,000 worth of improvements at the elementary school and $4.7 million at the junior/senior high school building. Continue reading

First Inmates Graduate from Starke County Jail Nurturing Fathers Class

The program goal is stated on the white board in the jail’s group meeting room.

The Starke County Jail staff is utilizing the extra space at the new jail to offer a variety of programs to help inmates better themselves. Yesterday seven men graduated from the first Nurturing Fathers program. It was put on by caseworker Jerome Kelly from Valparaiso-based Family Focus, Inc. Continue reading

Culver School Board to Consider Purchasing Corporation Vehicle

The Culver Community School Board will consider the purchase of a vehicle for use by members of the administration and faculty when going to training or conferences.

Interim Superintendent Chuck Kitchell said that some teachers won’t go to some conferences because the corporation does not reimburse for mileage. He also noted that he’s put on a lot of miles on his personal vehicle going to required meetings and conferences and it would be more convenient to have a vehicle for corporation use.

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