Few Seats Remain Open on WKVI trip to Washington, D.C.

Washington's Mount Vernon estate is one of the sites you will see!

There are a few seats available on the bus that will take you to Washington, D.C.

“We’re filling up,” said WKVI Tour Director, Ed Hasnerl. “We still have a seat or two available for anyone who wold like to go. We have some cancellations. It’s going to be an exciting time. We’ve got Alan Selge, from the Knox Middle School, who is a great historian. He is going to be sharing his DVDs and he’ll be in costume. That will be a great kick off.”

Ed talks about the sites you will visit on the trip.

“All the standard memorials – the Vietnam Wall, the WW II Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, and F.D.R. Memorial.”

Give us a call for information at (574) 772-6241. The trip dates are June 14th-18th.

Drug Free Double Dare Event Held at Knox Middle School

This student had fun participating in a physical challenge during the Double Dare event

10 teams from Knox and North Judson-San Pierre participated in the annual Drug Free Double Dare Challenge at the Knox Middle School yesterday afternoon.  Tom Berg was the emcee for the event which brought out several physical challenges.  The students enjoyed themselves and the “Nar-whales” team from Knox Middle School won $20 per person, and Noah from the winning team got the honor of giving Tom Berg a pie in the face. Continue reading

Two Wanted Felons Arrested in La Porte

A wanted fugitive was arrested in LaPorte after police received word of his whereabouts and a potential meth lab at the location.

Detectives went to the residence and arrested 19-year-old Blake Brown of La Porte for an outstanding theft warrant. Ryan Goethals, 29, was also at the residence and police took him into custody as he had an active arrest warrant for purchasing ephedrine. They were both taken to the La Porte County Jail.

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Governor Daniels Signs Funding Bill For Full-Day Kindergarten

State Senator Ed Charbonneau

Saying the bill represented a “completion of his administration’s eight year quest to bring full day kindergarten to every Indiana family,” Governor Mitch Daniels signed into law in March a funding bill that would accomplish the goal.

Helping to accomplish the goal was State Senator Ed Charbonneau, 5th District of Valparaiso. Charbonneau worked for years on education funding, which takes up more than 50 percent of the General Fund Budget.

We talked with Senator Charbonneau recently about the bill.

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Corey Drive Residents Requesting Street Lights

Knox Mayor Rick Chambers

Residents of Corey Drive in Knox are requesting street lights, according to Mayor Rick Chambers.

“One of the NIPSCO guys stopped up the other day. He said a couple of people in that area had stopped and talked to him about getting two lights in that subdivision. There are no street lights on Corey Drive at 500 East. The ordinance that the planning commission is working on would require new subdivisions to put in their own lights. Now there is a light at the intersection of 500 east and Corey Drive. They are asking for two lights. If you have been in that area there is a hump, and the NIPSCO guy thinks a couple of lights on either side would be nice,” said Chambers.

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State Senator Jim Arnold Recognized by Disabled American Veterans

Senator Jim Arnold

State Senator Jim Arnold was recently recognized by the Disabled American Veterans Local Chapter 23 for his support of key veteran and military affairs issues. The Michigan City chapter noted Arnold’s dedication and commitment to Indiana servicemen and women during the organization’s annual awards dinner.

Since joining the State Senate in 2007, Senator Arnold has pushed a number of legislative initiatives in support of Indiana’s veterans. In 2010, Arnold successfully sponsored House Bill 1178, an act requiring post-deployment health evaluations of returning Indiana National Guardsmen and women to be conducted in-person by a trained healthcare provider.

Ted Nugent to Appear at La Porte County Fair

Ted Nugent

The Motor City Madman, Ted Nugent, will appear July 14 at the La Porte County Fair. Nugent will be stopping on his “Great White Buffalo Tour” to perform on stage.

The Eli Young Band will appear the night before, on July 13.

Other nights you can enjoy International Demolition Derby action.

For more information on tickets you can call 219-362-2647.

We’ll tell you more about the La Porte County Fair as we get closer to July.

Workforce Board Council Ramps Up Youth Employment

Do you remember your first job and what you learned from it? Thank goodness for that someone who took a chance and believed in you enough to say, “You’re hired.” Today, with unemployment looming, young people are finding it more difficult than ever to capture that summer job. According to the Department of Labor, last year only 45 percent of youth between the ages of 16-24 were employed by the end of August.

The Northwest Indiana Workforce Board Youth Employment Council is joining a national initiative calling on businesses to hire a youth in need of employment this summer.

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Week in Review for April 9th-13th, 2012

Here is a look at some of the news that made the news in the Kankakee Valley this week.

Oregon-Davis Jr./Sr. High School

Starke County Farm Bureau President Brad Lawrence told Oregon-Davis School Superintendent Dr. Steve Disney that the Farm Bureau is encouraging its members to vote with their conscience when it comes to the tax levy referendum on the May 8th ballot.

Kurt Kemble was recently appointed as the Grant Green Knox Post Office Postmaster.  Continue reading

Two Arrested after Traffic Stop

Two Starke County residents were arrested Wednesday after a traffic stop.

Officers from the Starke County Sheriff’s Department and Indiana State Police were cleaning up a methamphetamine lab at a property in the 8000 East block of 200 South when a vehicle drove by and committed a traffic violation. A traffic stop was conducted and the officer discovered the vehicle was stolen from an owner in Starke County. Officers detained Brittany Griffith and Jason Brooks as a result of the investigation.

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Michael Dorn Addresses Students at Oregon-Davis and South Central Schools

Michael Dorn

What would you think the chances would be of a child being successful if he had been violently assaulted both physically and sexually in his youth? What would you think the chances of a successful life would be of this same child who was also diagnosed as being dyslexic after suffering in the classroom?

If I told you this person has written 26 books and is the premier expert in school safety and anti-bullying techniques you’d probably be amazed.

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Eastern Pulaski School Board Discusses Summer School

Eastern Pulaski School Superintendent Dr. Robert Klitzman talked about summer school with the School Board this week.

“As it is true the last few years, it will be very limited because the funding for summer school is very limited,” explained Dr. Klitzman. “We’re going to offer one of our most popular ones, Summer P.E. Summer P.E. is open to any high school student and any student entering high school, which means our 8th graders. We typically get 50 to 60 kids into that program and it’s a wonderful situation in that it’s a block of time so students will have three-and-a-half hours in the morning to go somewhere and do something that is going to take more than a typical 50 minute class period.”

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Summer Help Needed at Winamac Town Park

Entrance to the Winamac Town Park

Summer help is needed at the Winamac Town Park. Park Superintendent Rick Dilts told the Town Board members that it’s getting into the summer season and employees are needed to help with regular work in the park. For more information, call the Town Hall at (574) 946-3451.

Winamac Wastewater Superintendent, Brad Zellers, told the Town Board this week that his department is getting ready to hook up meters for Star City properties that will be releasing waste into the Winamac Wastewater Plant.

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