Operation Pull Over Campaign to Begin May 20th

The Indiana State Police, including the Lowell District troopers that cover Starke, Pulaski, Lake, Porter, Newton and Jasper Counties, will be joining 250 other law enforcement agencies in the state in an effort to reduce injuries and fatalities by participating in the Operation Pull Over, Blitz 67, “Click it or Ticket” campaign. Troopers are able to perform extra patrols during the Memorial Day holiday travel period thanks to federal funds.

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Three Sentenced in Starke Circuit Court

Three defendants were recently sentenced in Starke Circuit Court.

Judge Kim Hall sentenced Michael DeWitt on charges of Bribery, a Class C Felony, Public Intoxication and Criminal Mischief. He was sentenced to serve four years in the Indiana Department of Corrections with two years suspended on the Bribery charge. DeWitt will serve six months in the Starke County Jail with three months suspended on the remaining charges. The sentences will run concurrently. In a second case, DeWitt was given six months in the DOC with none suspended for a probation violation which will be served consecutively to the first case. The first 20 months shall be served in prison and the last 10 months will be served on electronically-monitored home detention. He also serve 24 months on probation.

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Knox High School Student to Participate in Indiana’s Electric Cooperative Youth Tour

Knox Community High School Junior, Connor Carlson, applied for and was chosen by Kankakee Valley REMC to participate in Indiana’s Electric Cooperative Youth Tour to Washington, D.C.

The purpose of the trip is to provide young adults with the opportunity to travel to our nation’s capital. Connor will be able to experience first-hand how our government functions, learn about the complexities of today’s electric utility industry, discover the unique characteristics of cooperative business enterprise, and to meet and work with hundreds of his peers from throughout the United States.

Connor, along with other students in Indiana, will travel from Indianapolis on Friday, June 10th to Washington, D.C. with a stop in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania to see the battlefield. The students will visit several places in Washington, D.C., and participate in a Town Hall Meeting where they will share their thoughts and opinions on a variety of timely issues. They will then visit with representatives of Indiana’s Congressional delegation. The group will return on Thursday, June 16th.

All of Connor’s travel expenses from Indianapolis, meals, lodging and scheduled event fees will be paid for by Kankakee Valley REMC.

Historic Locomotive No. 765 to Visit Hoosier Valley Railroad Museum

Locomotive No. 765

The staff at the Hoosier Valley Railroad Museum are gearing up for another busy season with train rides and visits to the Museum on Mulberry Street in North Judson.

The Nickel Plate Road steam locomotive no. 765 will be making another trip to the Museum during the Memorial Day weekend, May 28th through the 30th. Recognized as a national historic landmark, locomotive no. 765 is the largest operating steam locomotive east of the Mississippi River. It was rebuilt and is operated by the Fort Wayne Railroad Historical Society. The locomotive will take passengers on a 2 hour, 20 mile round-trip journey in Starke County. Passengers will have the rare opportunity to enjoy “the steam experience” in an open-air sightseeing car.

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Miss Sandie’s Dance Students to Present Recital this Weekenie

Sandie Martinkus

Students of Miss Sandie’s Dance Studio will present the 33rd recital this weekend at the Knox High School Auditorium. The performances will be Saturday, May 21st at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday, May 22nd at 2:00 p.m. CT. There are 125 students in the recital and the theme this year is “Dancing Through Life”.

“It’s about life’s experiences from childhood to adulthood, the happy times and the sad times and the good and the bad times,” explained Miss Sandie. “You’ll be seeing creative musical theater numbers, dynamic jazz, really cute tiny tots, beautiful lyric and ballet, humorous novelty numbers, some tap, and ethnic dance. There will be serious moments and deep spiritual expressions.”

Marshall County Sheriff’s Department Investigating Daytime Burglaries

The Marshall County Sheriff’s Department is investigating several daytime residential burglaries in north central Marshall County. Burglaries have been reported at residences on Quince Road, 3rd Road, Lilac Road and Filbert Road.

Witnesses have told police that a few of the burglaries revealed the suspect vehicle as a white Ford Ranger and two males, approximately 20 to 30 years of age, to be the occupants of that vehicle and allegedly participating in the acts.

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Starke County Bridge Project Moving Along

County bridge #156 over the Robbins Ditch

Starke County Highway Superintendent, Steve Siddall, approached the Starke County Commissioners last night with some good news: The DNR has given them a bit of leeway in the bridge repair situation. IDEM and CORE permitting will not be involved as long as construction stays above the water line, and only the DNR permit will be needed.

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Judge Hall Approaches Starke County Council for Fund Transfer

Starke Circuit Court Judge Kim Hall

Starke Circuit Court Judge Kim Hall came before the Starke County Council last night to request a transfer of funds to help cover the cost of hiring court-appointed attorneys for defendants who cannot afford a lawyer. Because of the increasing number of criminal cases, particularly those dealing with methamphetamine, the costs for appointing these public defenders are becoming staggering. Hall mentioned that the percentage of defendants who cannot afford an attorney and request to have one appointed has also gone up; 75-80% of defendants now need a public defender.

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Gayer Explains Purchase of “Mango Tango” Charger

Pulaski County Sheriff Michael Gayer

The Pulaski County Commissioners discussed with Sheriff Mike Gayer why a vehicle was purchased without their approval. Gayer said that he was under the impression that, because the vehicle is a necessary tool to the Sheriff’s Department, it fell under the type of purchase that did not need approval from the Commissioners. Gayer also stressed that he was not trying to circumvent the system and he meant no disrespect, and he purchased the vehicle  as inexpensively as possible.

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Court Dates Needed for Ten Cock Fighting Attendants

At least ten of the people arrested in the cock fighting raid that occurred in Starke County in late February still have not had their day in Knox City Court. Those cases where the defendants announced in court that they were securing attorneys have yet to be settled. According to court documents, those defendants are trying to work out settlements through their attorneys with the prosecutor’s office. If that is not worked out, trial dates will be set and those could occur in July.

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Knox City Council Discusses Pawn Shop Ordinance

Knox City Council #2
Back Row: Mayor Rick Chambers, Ed Blue, Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston, Greg Matt and Attorney David Matsey. Front Row: Linda Berndt, Jeff Berg and Ron Parker

A discussion of a Pawn Shop Ordinance that would license and regulate pawnbrokers within the corporate limits of Knox met with objections from the owners of First Choice Pawn and Loan of Knox.

Hank Minix and Chris Firebaugh objected to a part of the proposed ordinance that would demand that pawn shops get social security numbers, serial numbers and hold purchased items during a 10 day waiting period.

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IU Health Starke Hospital to Allow College Nursing Students to Shadow Registered Nurses at Facility

IU Health Starke Hospital

IU Health Starke Hospital is helping prepare the next generation of nurses by allowing college nursing students to shadow registered nurses at the hospital.

“We are having two clinical rotations each semester and these are usually second or third year Med-Surg students that are coming,” said Clinical Manager of Patient Care Services, Janet Gillon. “We’re very excited about the relationship because it’s something that brings about the autonomy of nursing – bringing them forward from where they are in their school curriculum into the actual working patient care centers.”

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State Senator Ed Charbonneau Achieves Perfect Voting Attendance Record

State Senator Ed Charbonneau

State Senator Ed Charbonneau (R-Valparaiso) was recognized Monday by Senate President Pro Tempore David Long (R-Fort Wayne) for achieving a perfect voting attendance record during the 2011 legislative session.

In addition to votes on bills, there are also votes on amendments, committee reports and procedural motions. Charbonneau’s floor votes totaled 535.

State records show this session, 118 Senate bills moved to the governor’s desk and 94 percent of third reading roll-call votes in the Senate were bipartisan in nature.

Tri Kappa 50 Year Celebration Held in Knox

Standing, four past Tri Kappa Province Officers: Karen Showalter, Knox Chapter; Lori Jacob, Walkerton Chapter; Jenny McBride, Westville Chapter, and Melba Shilling, Knox Chapter. Seated, Past Tri Kappa Council President, Sue Crisman, Crown Point.

Forty members of Tri Kappa gathered at the Knox Community Center on May 14th to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the founding of the Zeta Eta Chapter in Knox. One of the thirteen charter members, Judith Brooke, attended as a special guest.

Sandy Hansen, past Chapter President, presided at the celebration. She introduced other guests: Sue Crisman, past Council President, who came from Crown Point; Jenny McBride, Province XII Officer, a member of the Westville Chapter, and Lori Jacob, a past Province XII Officer from Walkerton. Other guests, former members of the local chapter, came from Kentucky and Michigan, as well as Selma, Plymouth, LaPorte, Culver, Walkerton, and Monticello in Indiana. Many friendships were renewed.

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North Judson-San Pierre Social Studies Squad State Runner-up

Front Row: Chris Lippelt, Maddie Allender, Katie Bejes. Back Row: Jon Hileman, Matt Bejes, Emma Allender, Cody Hendershott

The North Judson-San Pierre Academic Super Bowl Social Studies squad was the Class 3 runner-up in the State Hoosier Academic Super Bowl Competition on Saturday, May 7th, at Purdue University.

The North Judson-San Pierre Academic Super Bowl Fine Arts squad achieved 5th place in the same competition.

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May and November, Bentley and the East Wing, Blackberry Picking and PhD’s

Greetings to all and welcome new friends to the East Wing.

The middle of May and has this been a great wet spring or what??? I love May, ‘cause I love changing of the seasons, and ya know what, May is truly the changing of the seasons. Sometimes hot and sometimes cold, it’s just May.

There’s only two months of the year truly define the upcoming change in weather. May and November are those months that most clearly usher in the change of weather. Now don’t get too crazy and remind me we’ve got four seasons and not two. I know that, DUH! But do ya see a major change from December and January or March and April? Ya just don’t . How ‘bout that June and July thing, ya don’t see it there either. I’m telling ya, it’s May and November that tells us it’s a changing of the weather.

Guess I better answer a ton of email ‘bout the Bentley. So here goes. Yes, Bentley’s a Pit Bull. Yes, Bentley’s really big. Yes, Bentley’s the She’s little house dog. Just to give ya some concept of the size of the Bentley, it takes 2.775 Pup Babies to make one Bentley. It Takes 3.455 Gray Ladies to make one Bentley. It take 8.233 Spikes to make on Bentley. It takes 18.889 Sophia’s to make one Bentley.

When Bentley came to live in the East Wing, he recognized on day one the special attachment between me and the Pup Baby. After the most amazing struggle for life I’ve ever seen, me and the Pup Baby, well, we’re just buds for life. With her survival of the Badger attack and the heart worm night of the tribulation, all I can say is the will to live is strong in the Pup Baby, Mustina James. And it’s because of such will to live we’ve became friends for life. I think it’s that dog and man thing with me and the Pup Baby. It’s been around since dog demonstrated man way back in the day.

Spike and Bentley are the two newest members of the family of the East Wing and as such is seems natural that they’d just get along. And they do, so they do in spades. What’s funny is to watch those two when the weather is in a changing pattern, Spike knows ‘bout the weather change well before Bentley. Even before ya can feel it in your bones, Spike knows, he just knows. I think it’s a Man Cat thing.

Now Spike grabs hold of one of Bentley’s back legs and starts to chew. Bentley don’t know what the hell is going on. All he knows is a Man Cat is chewing on his back leg and he can’t seem to get him to stop. Bentley and Spike, a Pit Bull and a Man Cat, friends for life. Living out that life in the East Wing. I’m glad they’re here, they’re friendly people, Spike and the Man Cat.

The Gray Lady James, Solomon of the East Wing. The final authority in all dog matters, large and small. The Gray Lady makes decision independent of outside input. Bentley recognized the authority of Gary Lady James early on. The Gray Lady, Solomon of the East Wing. The Lady rules.

And then there’s Sophia. 18.889 Sophia’s to make one Bentley. That don’t mean a damn thing when ya’re a cat that’s walked with swagger on the south side of Chicago in the neighborhood of Leroy Brown. When ya’ve never spent a single day on that “walk with fear” side of life.

When you simply said to Bentley on the first day of his arrival to the East Wing. “Look Bentley, here’s your spot, now just get in line, don’t make me have to show my knives.” Bentley got in line. He knew she had the knives.

And so it was that the East Wing Pecking Order had be reformatted and brought back up on line. All because of the cat. Then so it was written and so it was done. The system was rebooted, then brought back up on line. Damn Republican Cat.

Blackberry Winter, Dogwood Winter, Cold Snap or whatever ya want to call it, there comes a time ‘round the last of April and the first half of May that a cold weather pattern moves across the land, Blackberry Winter comes around.

It’s as if Old Man Winter has once as once again stuck his icicy finger into the springtime winds to test his middle finger melting point. And he loses ever time. Middle fingers melt quick in the springtime. The really neat thing ‘bout Blackberry Winter is if ya don’t have ‘em, ya don’t get the Blackberries. Seems some years ya have lots, some years ya have few and some years ya have none. I prefer the lots years, when the picking is easy.

And so it is this year, Blackberry Winter came right on time. Now with a little luck and a little rain later on in the year, we’ll have lots of Blackberries’ come summertime. And the picking is easy.

Don’t misunderstand what I’m saying by “the picking is easy”. ‘Cause it take years to develop the proper technique of Blackberry Picking. Ya just go out there and start picking like a pro on day one of berry picking. I’m telling ya, it takes years of practice to come a master berry picker, to become a boneafied Blackberry Picker..

I just so happen to have been blessed by learning from the best. My first instructions into the fine arts of Blackberry Picking came from the Queen herself, the Queen of Southfork. When Lou taught ya the basics of Blackberry Picking, ya learned for the top. Me and Lou picked Blackberries on Southfork.

My middle school training in Blackberry Picking was turned over to my Aunt Maggie when we move to Tiptop. Me and Aunt Maggie, we picked Blackberries a lot, there on the mountains of Tiptop.

When I moved to Indiana, it was my Mama who taught me the final lessons in the fine arts of Blackberry Picking. It’s all in the writ ya know, that Blackberry Picking. My Mama gave the knowledge which allowed me to finally obtain my PhD in Blackberry Picking.

Did ya ever write a PhD Thesis Papers? I’ve written two, and they’re kinda cool. Now these Thesis Papers must demonstrate original thought process on the subject matter and at the same time develop a hypnotics which can be supported by logic. And one of the important points of the thesis is the use of really big words. It seems the people who decide if the Thesis is worthwhile, well, those folks, they like to see people like me use big words when we try for those PdD’s. And so I wrote the big words for hospital administration, and we got’er done.

That Blackberry Picking Thesis, the hardest damn thing I ever wrote in my life. There’s just not a lot of big word that can be used to describe Blackberry Picking. I’ll not bore with the details but the thesis paper, it involved wine and roses along with Barer Rabbit and Barer Fox and a Blackberry Patch high up on the mountain. It was the harder of the two, but it too was successful. Of the two I’m most proud to be called “ Dr. of Berry Picking.”

And so now ya know why it’s more fun to talk ‘bout when I was a kid at Tiptop or Toto, when ya just picked ‘em and ate ‘em.

Stay Safe In Afghanistan and Iraq

From the East Wing, May and November, Bentley and the East Wing, Blackberry Picking and PhD’s

I wish you well,


Fire Causes Damage to Sibo’s Grill

Crews assess the damage after an electrical fire at Sibo's Grill

The Knox-Center Township Fire Department was called to a fire at Sibo’s Grill, north of Knox on U.S. 35 shortly after 2:00 a.m. this morning.

According to Fire Chief, Kenny Pfost, an electrical issue started the fire in the facility. The building was not a total loss, but it did suffer extensive heat and smoke damage.  Thousands of dollars in damage was done to the facility.

Two Arrested on Methamphetamine Charges in Pulaski County

Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department officers arrested two people, Friday, May 13th, on methamphetamine related charges.

At approximately 6:30 p.m. ET, officers observed a vehicle pull up to a home near Beardstown on U.S. 35. Officers knew that the occupant of the home is in the nursing home and so they stopped and watched the occupants in the vehicle from a distance. After a while, the officers pulled into the driveway to check their story and one occupant fled into a building. At that time, Avery A. Mullins, 28, of Grovertown and Otis T. Young, 30, of Plymouth, were taken into custody. A wanted persons check found that both subjects were wanted on outstanding warrants in Marshall County.

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Eastern Pulaski School Board Discusses Legislation Passed in General Assembly; Fall Registration

Dr. Robert Klitzman
Dr. Robert Klitzman

Eastern Pulaski School Superintendent, Dr. Robert Klitzman shared a few pieces of legislation that came out of the General Assembly with the School Board members at their recent meeting.

“Teacher evaluation is going to be more geared toward student data and how the students have improved in their actual achievement,” said Dr. Klitzman. “That’s going to be folded into the evaluation for teachers. Collective bargaining has been greatly restricted. Over the years, collective bargaining with our teachers has grown more and more and that’s through an agreement on both sides. It’s not a one sided thing. Our legislature passed a bill that limits what you can bargain so even if a school and a Teacher’s Association wants to go and bargain other things, legally they can not. This is what’s put in the statute.”

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