News from the Knox City Council

Knox City Council #2
Back Row: Mayor Rick Chambers, Ed Blue, Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston, Greg Matt and Attorney David Matsey. Front Row: Linda Berndt, Jeff Berg and Ron Parker

The Knox City Council learned that the City of Knox received a storm water infrastructure project grant worth $837,095. The Council will be providing a 20% match of $166,000 toward this project.

Clerk-Treasurer, Jeff Houston, announced that new tables and chairs have been ordered for the Knox Community Center. The dance floor was repaired and the carpets cleaned. The Council plans to review procedures for the Community Center in the near future.

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Indiana Department of Transportation Ready for Snow this Christmas Holiday

Accumulated snow combined with below average temperatures will ensure that much of Indiana will remain blanketed in white this Christmas holiday. With a chance of winter weather forecast on Christmas Eve, the Indiana Department of Transportation stands ready to plow and treat highways ahead of the holiday traffic. Yellow plow trucks are deployed ahead of predicted winter weather to make state highways as safe as possible, but winter driving safety is a partnership where motorists play an equally important role.

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Clara Belle Troike’s Famous Fruit Cake Arrives at WKVI

Bob Troike presents Clara Belle's famous fruit cake to Ted Hayes

For over 25 years, Clara Belle Troike has provided a delicious fruit cake to the employees of WKVI radio. When Ted Hayes was on the air, he mentioned once that he had never tasted a fruit cake that he liked. Clara Belle put him to the test with one of her fruit cakes, and that turned Ted around forever. Since that time, Ted and the staff have received a delicious holiday fruit cake. We look forward to it every year.

Bob Troike presents the station's fruit cake to Tom Berg

Wednesday, the station’s fruit cake arrived; a big one for the gang and a smaller one for Ted. To answer a question posed by a listener some years ago, “the fruit cake is the virgin kind, with no alcohol added.”

Again, thank you Clara Belle for the fruit cake, and may you have a blessed Christmas.

Outdoor Christmas Decoration Contest Winners Chosen

Knox Mayor, Rick Chambers, wants to congratulate the winners of the 2010 Outdoor Christmas Decoration contest.

First place went to Rachel Fletcher at 5675 S. 500 E. in Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wheeler and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Parkison, who live in the 400 block of Carlson Drive in Knox tied for second place and Mr. and Mrs. Stacey Griffith at 302 Main Street in Knox took third place.

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Knox and North Judson to Receive Grants for Storm Water Infrastructure Projects

Christmas came early for Knox and North Judson officials. Lieutenant Governor, Becky Skillman, announced that 13 Hoosier communities will receive grants totaling almost $11 million dollars for storm water infrastructure projects. These grants are funded by an appropriation for disaster recovery efforts from the federal Community Development Block Grant program.

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Top 10 Stories of 2010; Story #10

At the end of each year the members of the WKVI staff select the top 10 stories of the year. This is story #10:

Tony Kerby Memorial is placed by the Yellow River

Tony Kerby lost his life in the Yellow River attempting to save his younger brother’s life. The good looking boy went in the treacherous waters to save his 8-year-old brother Dominick when the youngster slipped off a rock. Dominick was saved when a person in the park pulled him to safety, but Tony could not swim to the banks.

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Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicle Branches Closed for the Christmas Holiday

Knox License Branch

Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles Commissioner, Scott Waddell, has announced that full service license branches normally open Tuesday through Saturday will be closed on Friday, December 24 and Saturday, December 25th in observance of the Christmas holiday. Branches will resume normal hours of operation at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, December 28th.

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Starke County Volunteers Keep the Bell Ringing for Salvation Army

Elaine Silvius

Have you noticed the Salvation Bell ringers at Five Star and at Bailey’s Discount on the weekends? Elaine Silvius, Service Representative for the Starke County Salvation Army Chapter, says the campaign seems to be going very well this season. Elaine said Starke County donates well to the bell ringers.

“The people of Starke County are real givers when it comes to the buckets,” said Elaine Silvius. “They always put something in.”

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Many Activities are Scheduled Saturday and Sunday in the Kankakee Valley!

Even though Christmas Eve is a few days off, many children in our area will get some gifts early. The Starke County Abate organization will be handing out toys, clothing and food items to 90 families at the Bass Lake Golf Course on Saturday. “It will be at the Bass Lake Golf Course,” said Abate President, Terry Young. “We have 90 families that will be coming out this year. They were all sent out invitations to come. There are 240 kids and all the families will have a turkey and all kinds of gifts. Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus will also be there.” When it comes to a big heart for children, the 290 members of Abate are in the forefront.

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Knox Elementary Programs Scheduled this Week

Pam Pavey and granddaughter Kaiya Wagoner after the 4th grade program Tuesday night. Kaiya is a 4th grade student in Mrs. Davis' class.

Hundreds of proud parents and grandparents are attending the school Christmas programs in our area. In Knox, elementary students from the grades have their special night to perform before an appreciative audience. The elementary music directors are Gary Kuechenberg and Lisa Guzman. Providing art work for the programs are students under the direction of Art Director, Derek Eveland.

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North Judson Holiday Activities Begin Tonight

Christmas wallpaper

Don’t miss the Christmas light ceremony tonight at 6:00 p.m. CT at Norwayne Field in North Judson. Cookies and hot chocolate will be available at the old firehouse following the event.

Santa Claus will be arriving in North Judson on Saturday, by train, at 12:30 p.m. The Christmas parade will start at the Depot and end at the new firehouse on Luken Street. Santa will be greeting children at the firehouse where cookies and hot chocolate will be available.

Christmas Lights Brighten up Pulaski, Indiana

It’s always worth the drive. The folks in Pulaski, Indiana go all out for Christmas and again this year the lights are up for viewing.

Don’t miss the Gilsinger-Hialeah race track at Brenda and Paul Gilsinger’s house.

Gilsinger Implement has always been one of the proud sponsors of Reindeer Racing on WKVI and he sets up the racetrack, with the reindeer on the lawn.

Knox City Employees Encourage Citizens to Donate Food during their Food Drive

Knox City Hall
Knox City Hall

The employees of the City of Knox are planning a special fundraiser for the holiday season this year.

“For Christmas, the employees of the City of Knox have decided to forgo the usual gift exchange and to participate in a food drive for the Starke County Food Bank,” said Knox Mayor, Rick Chambers. “All of the employees will make cash donations or will bring food items to the Clerk’s Office for collection. Anyone wanting to assist the Knox City employees in this food drive are asked to drop off your donations or food items at City Hall, in the Clerk’s Office. If you want to make a donation and are unable to make it to City Hall, call Mayor Rick Chambers or any member of the Knox Common Council to schedule a pick up.”

The deadline date to donate food items is Wednesday, December 17th.

Retailers are Hoping for Big Crowds on Black Friday

Shopping carts
Shopping carts are stacked and ready for shoppers on Black Friday

Retailers are hoping for big crowds this weekend. However, some experts say that significantly fewer people will participate in the post – Thanksgiving shopping frenzy.

Consumer Reports senior editor and resident shopping expert, Tod Marks, thinks that blockbuster sales are so common, especially this year, that they’ve become almost ho-hum. Traditionally, some of the best markdowns, especially on expensive TVs, toys and clothing, take place closer to Christmas.

Some people will avoid the lines and shop online. Some retailers will post their Black Friday sales Thanksgiving night and early Friday morning.

Make sure you make a list and spend within your budget. Without a list and not knowing your budget, you could easily spend more than you can afford.