Microfilm Department, CDC Project Coordinator Remain Out of 2020 Pulaski County Budget

Pulaski County Council: back row: Mike Tiede, Kathi Thompson, Brian Young; front row: Scott Hinkle, Rudy DeSabatine, Jay Sullivan (not pictured: Ken Boswell)

Two Pulaski County employees are set to lose their jobs, under the 2020 budget narrowly approved by the county council Monday. A motion to reinstate the Community Development Commission’s project coordinator position failed by a vote of four-to-three, despite CDC Executive Director Nathan Origer’s efforts to persuade council members and the apparent support of much of the audience.

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Pulaski County Council Votes Down Proposal to Reestablish IT Department

Pulaski County Council: back row: Mike Tiede, Kathi Thompson, Brian Young; front row: Scott Hinkle, Rudy DeSabatine, Jay Sullivan (not pictured: Ken Boswell)

A motion to “reboot” Pulaski County’s IT Department failed during this week’s county council meeting. The county commissioners disbanded the IT Department back in July and later agreed to once again contract IT services out to DeGroot Technology. But that arrangement has drawn concern from some council members and IT professionals, specifically when it comes to cybersecurity and larger oversight of the county’s technology systems.

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Pulaski County Council Votes to Cut Microfilm Department, CDC Project Coordinator

Pulaski County Council members review 2020 budget proposal Monday

Two Pulaski County employees would lose their jobs and one county department would be eliminated entirely, under the county council’s current budget proposal. Council members voted four-to-three Monday to cut all funding for the Microfilm Department out of the 2020 budget, presumably eliminating Janet Onken’s position.

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