More Funds Needed for Culver-Union Township Fire Department Aerial Truck

The Culver-Union Township Fire Department still needs another $100,000 for a new aerial truck. After finalizing specifications, Fire Chief Terry Wakefield says the department has settled on a 101-foot ladder truck. “We thought we wanted a basket,” he told the town council during a work session Tuesday. “We kind of went away from getting a basket. What we did was we came up with a vehicle that fits in our station, that we won’t have to alter the height or width of the doors.”

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Culver Town Council to Get Update Tonight on Efforts to Buy Aerial Fire Truck

Culver officials will meet tonight to discuss plans for the purchase of an aerial fire truck. The Culver-Union Township Fire Department had hoped to raise $200,000 in donations, but only got about $169,000 by the end of the fundraiser in November. Money has continued coming in, though, and Fire Chief Terry Wakefield is expected to give an update to the town council tonight.

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Culver Town Council Gets Preview of WinterFest Plans

Plans for next month’s WinterFest were presented to the Culver Town Council last week. Organizer Tony Sellers said the event will be held February 8 through 10, and many of last year’s attractions will be returning. “Last year, we added on the ice fights and the beer garden, which went really well,” he said. “The ice fights – it was a huge success. We were seeing a lot of seasonal residents back in town that weekend, was what we really noticed, which was good.”

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Culver Council Member Taking Aim at Deer Population

A special hunt to control Culver’s deer population was suggested by Town Council Member Bill Cleavenger during last week’s meeting. He said he thinks the deer population is getting out of hand. “There’s some movement within the various county areas to consider approaching the DNR for a special hunt,” he said. “I don’t think there’s anything, obviously, we can do now, but my suggestion is that we contact the DNR, find out what we might have to do for next year.”

Take advantage of this season and get the best spotting scope under 300 and go hunting deer’s.

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Culver Moving Ahead with Stellar Communities Projects

Plans for the Lake Maxinkuckee Bike and Walking Trail and other Stellar Community projects are moving ahead in the Town of Culver. Town Manager Jonathan Leist told the town council Tuesday that the first quarterly update meetings on the three INDOT-funded projects were held last week. Those include the Lake Maxinkuckee Trail, West Jefferson Gateway, and State Road 10 sidewalks.

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