Culver Town Council Considers Resolution for Residential Tax Abatement

The Culver Town Council members conducted a public hearing Tuesday night concerning a resolution to deem the Sand Hill Farms property an economic target area and an economic revitalization area per state statute for purposes of residential tax abatement. The abatement would be 100 percent for 10 years.

The Sand Hill Farms property will be home to a workforce development housing project offering 24-unit apartments.

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Culver Town Council to Meet Tonight

The Culver Town Council will meet tonight where the members will conduct a public hearing on the Sand Hill Farm residential tax abatement. The council will then consider a adopting a declaratory resolution designating the real estate containing the housing development as an economic target area and within an economic revitalization area for purposes of property tax abatement

The town council members will also consider second and third readings on the 2018 budget ordinance as well as an ordinance that establishes fees or costs for the Town of Culver Park and Recreation Department. Continue reading

New Sign Going Up for Culver Community Schools

Culver Community School Corporation is currently in the process of installing a new sign that better represents the school corporation. Back in September, the Culver Community School Board discussed the design of the sign.

At the Culver Town Council meeting last Wednesday, Superintendent Karen Shuman alerted the board that the old sign was taken down that day and they are planning to have the new one up within the next week. Continue reading

Town of Culver Awarded All Requested Community Crossings Funding

Culver Town Manger Jonathan Leist informed the board last week that the town is one of the few communities in the area who received all the Community Crossings grant funds they requested this year. He said the $206,000 received will go a long way to assist with projects they have in the works.

Leist mentioned that work on College Avenue, parts of Jefferson Street and the entrance at the Sand Hill Farm are the three priority projects. He told council members that in their grant proposal they utilized estimates that came from E&B paving. However, since those numbers were calculated several months ago, Utility Superintendent Bob Porter is looking into quotes. Leist said he is expected to present those quotes at the next town council meeting. Continue reading

Culver Town Council Held Public Hearing and First Reading over 2018 Budget

A public hearing was held over the proposed 2018 Budget at a Culver Town Council meeting on Wednesday. Council President Ginny Bess Munroe acknowledged that the council held a number of work sessions and departmental meetings over the budget. She handed things over to Clerk-Treasurer Karen Heim who provided a basic synopsis of the budget to the public.

Heim said the proposed general fund is at $1,840,530 and the expected income is set at $1,815,437. She continued that with the proposed tax caps coming in at $29,135 that leaves a deficit of $54,228. She advised that she low-balled the income and the difference will not be as substantial. Continue reading

Stellar Update Provided to Culver Town Council

Town administrators and community members in Culver have been preparing for the upcoming Stellar Communities Designation Program site visit. On Wednesday evening, the Culver Town Council received an update about what has happened so far and what is yet to come.

Culver is one of three finalists in District 2 of the program, competing to be designated as a Stellar Community. In an effort to ensure they are aptly prepared, the Stellar Committee has been meeting on Tuesdays during the month of September. The night before the town council meeting, the committee met and did a practice run for the site visit. Continue reading

Economic Growth Anticipated As a Result of Culver Town Council’s Resolution Approval

An area in Culver known commonly as “Sand Hill Farms” located at 540 W Jefferson Street received economic revitalization area and economic target area status as a result of a resolution passed by the Culver City Council Wednesday night.

Town Manager Jonathan Leist explained that the recently created Culver Economic Development Commission is permitted to grant tax abatement for residential property under state law. Earlier this week, the Culver EDC met for the first time and passed a resolution recommending that the city council classify this entire parcel on Jefferson Street as both an economic revitalization area and an economic target area to allow for future residential tax abatement.

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Budget Hearing Scheduled for Culver Town Council Meeting Tonight

The Culver Town Council is scheduled to hold a public hearing and the first reading for their proposed 2018 budget. Council members will also receive an update on the Stellar Communities Designation Program plan when they meet tonight at 6:30 p.m. EDT in Culver Town Hall.

Council members will address an ordinance that will amend and restate a past ordinance which establishes fees or costs for the Town of Culver Park and Recreation Department. Continue reading

Culver Economic Development Commission Approves Resolution

Don Fox, Jonathan Leist, Kevin Overmyer, Attorney James Clevenger at the conclusion of the initial meeting

The Culver Economic Development Commission met for the first time Monday night with Jonathan Leist voted as the president, Don Fox as vice president and Kevin Overmyer as secretary.

With the organization of the commission complete, Marshall County Economic Development Corporation Executive Director Jerry Chavez explained the purpose of residential tax abatement. If a developer is seeking residential tax abatement, a resolution must be approved by the Culver Economic Development Commission creating the site as an economic revitalization target area. It differs slightly from a commercial tax abatement.

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Culver Town Council Accepts Street Deed of Dedication

Culver Town Manager Jonathan Leist presented the town council this week with a deed of dedication for the streets for the Sandhill Farm workforce development housing project.

The proposed housing project will be constructed on W. Jefferson Street. The streets in the project may be extended as needed. The housing development will include 24 apartment units. It is part of the town’s Stellar Communities Designation Program application.

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Culver Town Council Establishes Economic Development Commission

The Culver Town Council approved the formation of the Culver Economic Development Commission.

A public hearing on the matter was held Tuesday night where a question about the purpose of the commission was raised. Town Council President Ginny Bess Munroe explained that the commission would be able to deem a residential project eligible for tax abatement. She further explained that a residential tax abatement differs from a commercial tax abatement, but the financial incentive is the same. A recommendation for a residential tax abatement has to be presented by the commission to the town council for approval.

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Culver Town Council Supports Petition Against Proposed J-Turns

The Culver Town Council members are in support of a petition against INDOT’s proposed J-turn intersection at U.S. 31 and State Road 10 and Dewey Street and another at U.S. 31 and State Road 110.

The J-turn intersection would not allow a vehicle to turn left at a crossroad. Instead, the driver has to travel quite a distance in order to turn left, or the opposite direction to go back past the crossroad to turn left again to the desired location. INDOT feels that the construction would create a safer way for traffic to maneuver.

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Culver Town Council to Meet Tonight

The Culver Town Council will hold a public hearing tonight on an ordinance that establishes the Culver Economic Development Commission. The three-member commission will be formed to consider a residential tax abatement in the proposed workforce housing development. One appointment will be made by the town council president, one from the town council and one from the county council.

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Culver Town Council Considers Formation of Economic Development Commission

The Culver Town Council considered the first reading of an ordinance that creates the Culver Economic Development Commission, a board that can approve residential tax abatements.

The commission will have three members: one appointed by the Marshall County Council, the second appointed by the Culver Town Council President and the third appointed by town council. The years are staggered with the town council president appointee serving three years, the county council appointee serving two years and the town council appointee serving one year. After those terms expire, the successor will serve a four year term. Qualified members can be a county resident, a business owner in Culver or work in town of Culver.

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Culver Town Council, Stellar Committee Prepare for Site Visit

The finishing touches are complete on the Stellar Strategic Investment Plan for submission to the Stellar Communities Designation Program committee for the Town of Culver.

Culver Town Manager Jonathan Leist said Union Township submitted a letter of support toward the project along with a $40,000 contribution toward the effort. The Marshall County Community Foundation, in coordination with the Vonnegut Fund through the organization, contributed $80,000 toward the bike and pedestrian trail project and Elkay Manufacturing is partnering with the town to provide cabinetry and plumbing fixtures for the proposed Sandhill Farm workforce development housing project.

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Culver Town Council to Meet Tonight

The Culver Town Council will meet tonight where a few items will be discussed.

The council is expected to approve the second and third reading of a rezoning ordinance for 1213 Hoosier Lane and 1201 West Shore Drive. The ordinance that previously passed on first reading would change the zoning from Residential (R-1) to Lake District (L-1). This would combine two lots into one lot and grant lake access. A public hearing on the matter was held at the council’s last meeting with no comments given. The adoption of the ordinance is expected tonight.

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Culver-Union Township Fire Department Seeking Firefighters

Another firefighter left the Culver-Union Township Fire Department and the fire chief is attempting to hire more to keep a healthy roster.

Fire Chief Terry Wakefield told the Culver Town Council last week that one other firefighter submitted his resignation recently which leaves the department at 14 firefighters. This makes four firefighters who have left the department since March.

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