Culver EMS Steps Up Volunteer Recruiting Efforts

Culver EMS Director Chuck Dilts told the town board this week that his department has been working through various means to get more volunteers, and their efforts have paid off. He says they’ve had several inquiries as a result of their increased effort, and an EMT course began Monday with a dozen students.

Culver EMS has sponsored several of the students, but Dilts requested permission to spend $4000 to sponsor the eight remaining EMTs enrolled in the class. He says that, in return, the students would sign a one-year agreement to serve as a volunteer. Funds for the sponsorship would come from his budget.

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New Culver Town Manager Gets Right To It

Culver Town Council Members Ed Pinder, Ralph Winters, Ginny Bess, Sally Ricciardi
Culver Town Council Members (from left to right) Ed Pinder, Ralph Winters, Ginny Bess, Sally Ricciardi

After newly-hired Culver Town Manager David Schoeff introduced himself to the community this week at the meeting of the town council, and thanked the community for its warm welcome, he got right to business.

Schoeff told the council that he had a meeting scheduled with the local OCRA representative, Gerry White, at 1 p.m. on Wednesday this week to discuss any outstanding projects, and to get an idea of what areas can be improved by future projects. Utilities Superintendent Bob Porter and Clerk-Treasurer Karen also attended this meeting.

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Town of Culver Begins Safe Routes to School Construction

Construction has started in the town of Culver for the Safe Routes to School project, with new sidewalks being installed down School, Ohio, and Main streets. Clerk-Treasurer Karen Heim says the construction, which started last week, is a great thing for the town.

The town was awarded the grant last year through the Indiana Department of Transportation, and Heim says they’ve applied for the grant’s second round. If the town receives the second grant, sidewalks would likely be installed down Academy Road, College Road, and Lakeshore Drive.

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David Schoeff Is New Culver Town Manager

The town of Culver has a new town manager. David Schoeff comes to Culver after serving as the director of engineering for the city of Huntington for the past 12 years, and he is also currently finishing his degree in Business Administration.

Schoeff says he already has goals in mind for the town.

“One of my goals is attempting to find ways to help fund projects, and to help Culver grow and prosper,” he said.

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Culver Town Council Discusses Sidewalk Proposal Near Miller’s Merry Manor

Culver Town Council Members Ed Pinder, Ralph Winters, Ginny Bess, Sally Ricciardi
Culver Town Council Members (from left to right) Ed Pinder, Ralph Winters, Ginny Bess, Sally Ricciardi

The Culver Town Council this week heard a request from resident Tom Kearns for the council to provide funding for a sidewalk to be installed to link Miller’s Merry Manor nursing home to an existing sidewalk at the ball field on the east side of School Street.

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Culver Town Council to Compile New Comprehensive Plan

Culver Town Council Members Ed Pinder, Ralph Winters, Ginny Bess, Sally Ricciardi
Culver Town Council Members (from left to right) Ed Pinder, Ralph Winters, Ginny Bess, Sally Ricciardi

A new comprehensive plan for the town of Culver may be in the works to replace their current, 12-year-old plan. According to Kevin Berger, President of Easterday Construction Co., the town is eligible for an OCRA Planning Grant, which can provide the town with up to $50,000 for compiling this comprehensive plan. The grant allows a portion of the funds to go toward grant administration, which allows the town to hire an outside firm to work on it.

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Culver Denies Request for Reimbursement for Tree Removal

When a tree falls in Culver and no one wants to pay for it, who covers the cost? That’s a question that was raised at the recent town council meeting, and the answer may surprise you.

According to Town Council President Ginny Munroe, an ordinance is in place that puts the responsibility for the tree on the shoulders of the landowner, meaning that even though the tree is in the right-of-way, the property owner is still responsible for any fees that tree may bring such as costs for trimming and cutting. Trees that have been planted by the town and are in the right-of-way are also prohibited from being removed without a permit.

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Culver Street Department to Purchase 50 New Water Meters

Culver Town Council Members Ed Pinder, Ralph Winters, Ginny Bess, Sally Ricciardi
Culver Town Council Members (from left to right) Ed Pinder, Ralph Winters, Ginny Bess, Sally Ricciardi

The Culver Town Council has given Street Superintendent Bob Porter their permission to purchase 50 new water meters to help phase out the remaining old meters, which are susceptible to tampering. The street department has been systematically replacing the old meters over the last five or more years, and their inventory has been reduced to ten new meters remaining.

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Town of Culver Still Without Town Manager

Culver Town Council Members Ed Pinder, Ralph Winters, Ginny Bess, Sally Ricciardi
Culver Town Council Members (from left to right) Ed Pinder, Ralph Winters, Ginny Bess, Sally Ricciardi

The search for a town manager is still underway for the town of Culver, now heading into its sixth month without a manager. Several candidates were interviewed for the position after the town council received less than 10 applications in July, but none of them were the perfect match for the position that the council had been looking for. Council President Ginny Munroe stressed the fact that they want to hire a town manager, but they haven’t yet found what they’re looking for.

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Culver Town Council Approves Application for Water Study

Culver Town Council Members Ed Pinder, Ralph Winters, Ginny Bess, Sally Ricciardi
Culver Town Council Members (from left to right) Ed Pinder, Ralph Winters, Ginny Bess, Sally Ricciardi

The Town of Culver will be applying for a grant for a water utility study to locate and resolve issues in their water system. A total of at least eight letters have been received by the town council regarding water issues, and a water utility study would allow the town to identify and fix any problems with the water.

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Public Areas in Culver Soon to be Alcohol-Free

Public areas in Culver may soon be alcohol-free, as the town council approved the ordinance on its first reading this Tuesday. This ordinance has been discussed for over a year, but this is the first draft of such an ordinance.

The ordinance prohibits open containers of alcohol from public property, but restaurants, bars, and other similar places of business remain unaffected.

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