The Culver Town Council will meet for their regular council meeting today to discuss a number of agenda items, including reports from the EMS, fire, police, park and utilities departments, as well as reports from boards and commissions like the park board, plan commission, board of zoning appeals, redevelopment commission and tree commission.
Culver Town Council Approves Street Paving Bid
The street paving project for the town of Culver will soon be underway as the town council last week awarded the bid for the project to Phend & Brown, Inc. Councilwoman Sally Ricciardi opened the bids during the meeting and read that E&B Paving, Phend & Brown, and Reith Riley submitted bids for the project.
Culver Town Council Holds Public Hearing for 2014 Budget
The Culver Town Council this week held their public hearing for the 2014 budget and Clerk-Treasurer Karen Heim explained to the board that the proposed budget is just under $2 million, coming in at $1,945,026 – an increase over last year’s budget, which came in at $1,847,913. She said most of the total increase, which came out to $97,113, is a result of an anticipated rise in healthcare benefits costs.
Marshall County Commissioners Amend Two-Mile Zone Ordinance for Culver
The Marshall County Commissioners held a public hearing Monday morning for a proposed ordinance revising the two-mile zone for Culver.
According to the unofficial minutes of the meeting, the ordinance eliminates parcels bisected by the current zoning configuration.
Culver to Host Vision Meeting for Comprehensive Plan Tonight
With summer finally here, the town of Culver will host a vision meeting tonight regarding the town’s soon-to-be-drafted comprehensive plan. Town Manager David Schoeff explained they’re working on gathering information to aid them in drafting the plan, and to that end, the town is holding a vision meeting at 6:30 p.m. ET at the Culver High School in the cafeteria. He said he’s looking forward to this meeting as it will give town officials an idea of how the community sees Culver growing for the future.
Town of Culver to Host Workshop on Developing Comprehensive Plan
The town of Culver is hosting a community workshop on April 22, the first of several face-to-face community outreach events scheduled throughout the comprehensive planning process. The purpose of this workshop is to allow residents and businesses throughout Culver to make their voice heard regarding what they value most about the community and the issues that they would like to see addressed.
Culver Receives OCRA Grant for Storm Water Project
Culver Town Manager David Schoeff said he’s excited about starting off their storm water project now that the town has been awarded a grant by the Office of Community and Rural Affairs to revamp their storm water system.
Schoeff explained the town received just under $793,000 in grant money to rectify a flooding issue on the south end of the elementary school and other areas. The project will rehab the current storm water structure and add new drains and lines toward State Road 17.
Culver Continues Work On Comprehensive Plan
The town of Culver is slowly but surely making headway on their comprehensive plan project. Town Manager David Schoeff explained the board is taking their time because of the plan’s importance to the community, and they’ve been trying to spread the word to get Culver residents involved in the process.
Schoeff explained that the comprehensive plan is neither a town document nor a plan document; rather, he said, it’s a community document – a guidebook on where the community would like the town to ultimately end up, or what it will become.
Town of Culver Continues Downtown & Comprehensive Plan Projects
The town of Culver is continuing with its two big projects, and Town Manager David Schoeff explained those projects are keeping them busy.
Schoeff said the town is still working on the downtown project, and he’s hoping to get the concrete work wrapped up within the next few weeks before buttoning up until next spring. Alongside that, he said the town board is waiting to receive some proposals for the comprehensive plan, but until those are received, they’re on hold.
Culver’s Downtown Project Underway; Should Be Completed Before December
The town of Culver’s downtown project is underway, and Town Manager David Schoeff said they expect the majority of the project to be completed by the end of November. The Main Street Streetscape project, Schoeff explained, consists of a number of improvements to sidewalks, crosswalks, and intersections in an effort to beautify the town.
Town of Culver Discusses Drilling of New Well
In light of this year’s worsening drought, the town of Culver is looking into the possibility of drilling an extra well for the town’s water supply.
According to Town Manager David Schoeff, the town board had discussed the idea a while ago and had a study done regarding the project, but nothing had come of it. Since then, some comments had been made at the last board meeting that some residents thought the board should look into the idea once again because of the dry weather.
Culver Town Council To Hold Budget Work Session
The Culver Town Council has announced that it will meet for a budget work session today at 3 p.m. to discuss several budgets.
According to Town Manager David Schoeff, the council has been busy with a number of projects, and reviewing the budgets is one such project. While they’ve had their hands full with their budget reviews, Schoeff says the town is also still working on updating their comprehensive plan. He says the council is hoping to submit a request for proposals for the plan soon. The current plan is nearly 20 years old, and Schoeff says it’s time to reevaluate Culver, and plan ahead for the next 20 years.
The council will meet to discuss the Local Roads and Streets, Cumulative Capital Development, and Tree Commission budgets, as well as the Park and Clerk Budget. The meeting will take place at the Culver Town Hall, located at 200 E. Washington St. in Culver.
Work Sessions Planned For Culver Town Council
A number of work sessions will be conducted by the Culver Town Council next week.
On Monday, Aug. 6, the council will meet to review budgets for the police department, clerk’s department, and motor vehicle highway. This meeting will take place at 3:30 p.m. in the Culver Town Hall. The council will also meet on Aug. 7 at 3:30 p.m. to review budgets for the fire department, EMS, and park department.
Culver Town Manager David Schoeff Busy With Numerous Projects
Recently-hired Culver Town Manager David Schoeff already has his work cut out for him, as the Town of Culver has a number of projects currently underway. Schoeff says one very important thing they are working on is a comprehensive plan project, which he says highlights some of the best aspects of the town.
“We want to redo the comprehensive plan, which obviously is a guidance document on how the community sees the town growing and prospering and so on,” Schoeff explained. “So that’s one thing, and with a town like Culver, this community has a lot of various assets that we need to identify. From an outsider looking in, it’s easy for me to see them, but for someone that may reside here for a long period of time, it kind of gets lost in the shuffle.”
Culver EMS Steps Up Volunteer Recruiting Efforts
Culver EMS Director Chuck Dilts told the town board this week that his department has been working through various means to get more volunteers, and their efforts have paid off. He says they’ve had several inquiries as a result of their increased effort, and an EMT course began Monday with a dozen students.
Culver EMS has sponsored several of the students, but Dilts requested permission to spend $4000 to sponsor the eight remaining EMTs enrolled in the class. He says that, in return, the students would sign a one-year agreement to serve as a volunteer. Funds for the sponsorship would come from his budget.
New Culver Town Manager Gets Right To It
After newly-hired Culver Town Manager David Schoeff introduced himself to the community this week at the meeting of the town council, and thanked the community for its warm welcome, he got right to business.
Schoeff told the council that he had a meeting scheduled with the local OCRA representative, Gerry White, at 1 p.m. on Wednesday this week to discuss any outstanding projects, and to get an idea of what areas can be improved by future projects. Utilities Superintendent Bob Porter and Clerk-Treasurer Karen also attended this meeting.
Town of Culver Begins Safe Routes to School Construction
Construction has started in the town of Culver for the Safe Routes to School project, with new sidewalks being installed down School, Ohio, and Main streets. Clerk-Treasurer Karen Heim says the construction, which started last week, is a great thing for the town.
The town was awarded the grant last year through the Indiana Department of Transportation, and Heim says they’ve applied for the grant’s second round. If the town receives the second grant, sidewalks would likely be installed down Academy Road, College Road, and Lakeshore Drive.
David Schoeff Is New Culver Town Manager
The town of Culver has a new town manager. David Schoeff comes to Culver after serving as the director of engineering for the city of Huntington for the past 12 years, and he is also currently finishing his degree in Business Administration.
Schoeff says he already has goals in mind for the town.
“One of my goals is attempting to find ways to help fund projects, and to help Culver grow and prosper,” he said.
Culver Town Council Discusses Sidewalk Proposal Near Miller’s Merry Manor
The Culver Town Council this week heard a request from resident Tom Kearns for the council to provide funding for a sidewalk to be installed to link Miller’s Merry Manor nursing home to an existing sidewalk at the ball field on the east side of School Street.
Culver Town Council to Compile New Comprehensive Plan
A new comprehensive plan for the town of Culver may be in the works to replace their current, 12-year-old plan. According to Kevin Berger, President of Easterday Construction Co., the town is eligible for an OCRA Planning Grant, which can provide the town with up to $50,000 for compiling this comprehensive plan. The grant allows a portion of the funds to go toward grant administration, which allows the town to hire an outside firm to work on it.