Polls Open For 2012 General Election Today

It’s Election Day! Make sure to make the effort to vote in this important election. Every vote counts, and with more than 2500 absentee votes filed in Pulaski and Starke counties, votes are already being made.

According to Pulaski County Clerk Tasha Foerg, 846 total absentee votes were filed in Pulaski County this election. In Starke County, more than 1800 absentee votes were tallied, including 1399 in-office absentee votes, 39 votes through the travel board, and 393 votes were mailed in.

The polls are open today from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. local time. We will have Pulaski and Marshall County results for you live tonight shortly after 5 p.m. CT. Starke County results will be given after 6 p.m. CT. Election night coverage is brought you exclusively by Zingo Express and the newly re-opened station at Koontz Lake.

General Election Tomorrow; School Board Races Competitive

It’s almost here! The 2012 General Election is tomorrow and millions of Americans will head to the polls to elect their leaders and representatives and make their voices heard.

A number of local school board races are contested and the voters will make their choices tomorrow. The Eastern Pulaski School Board has four candidates vying for three open positions in Monroe and Jefferson townships: Larry L. Beach, Deke A. DeMarco, Kevin Tankerslee and Rhonda L. Heims. Terri A. Johnston is running unopposed for Van Buren Township’s seat.

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Meet the Candidates for Knox City Council District 1

Knox City Council President Ed Blue will be stepping down from his council seat at the end of the year. Republican Thom Morin and Democrat Donald Kring are vying for the District 1 seat in the November 8th election.

Republican Morin was asked why he decided to run for the position.

“When you love a city and you see the things that you don’t feel are right, you want to do something,” said Morin. “We have a growing drug problem in the City of Knox and there are so many other areas of the city that need to be fixed and need attention. We have a growing senior citizen population in this city so we need to be able to address those issues. That’s why I’m running for City Council because I feel that’s where I can help and be a value to my community.”

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Republican Town Convention Held in Francesville

The Francesville Town Convention was held last night at the Francesville Fire Station. Republicans Andy Durham, Steven Dee Sewell, Pamela G. Antrim and Kyle B. Trent filed for the three seats available on the Francesville Town Council. After a vote, Kyle B. Trent, Pamela G. Antrim and Andy Durham will be advancing to the General Election ballot.

The Democrat Town Convention for the Town of Hamlet has been set for Monday, August 15th at 7:00 p.m. CT at the Hamlet Fire Station. The Republican Caucus has not yet been determined. The North Judson Town Convention will be held on Tuesday, August 16th at 7:00 p.m. at the North Judson Community Building, better known as the old fire station.

Race Develops in City of Knox General Election

Thomas H. Morin, of Knox, filed his candidacy in the Starke County Clerk’s office last week. He is running as a Republican and will face Democrat Don Kring for a City Council seat. Both are running for the seat now occupied by Ed Blue who has decided not to run for another term.

“Now that we have a race going in Center One between Mr. Morin and Donald Kring, there will definitely be a General Election,” said Starke County Clerk, Evelyn Skronski. “The Election Board, the poll workers and the Absentee Board will all be in here in the Fall to have an election.”

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Starke County Officers to be Sworn in This Week

The Starke County Republican candidates voted into office in the General Election will be sworn in in a ceremony this evening at 5:00 p.m. CT in the Starke Circuit Courtroom.

The swearing in ceremony for the Starke County Democrats elected into office will be on Thursday, December 30th at 7:00 p.m. CT at the Knox Community Center.

Top 10 Stories of 2010; Story #5

Sheriff Oscar Cowen
Sheriff Oscar Cowen
Bill Dulin

It was the primary election of 2010 and the Starke County Sheriff’s race was one talked about by citizens around the County. Of course, Sheriff’s races always create interest, but this one was different. Deputy Bill Dulin came out early with signs, a sure sign that this was to be a serious effort. Even though Dulin worked hard during the campaign the political pundits game him little hope of upsetting incumbent Oscar Cowen. On Election Day itself, most predicted a sizable win by Cowen.

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