Hamlet Town Marshal Clint Norem presented the police department’s 2017 year-end report to the town council Wednesday. Next to traffic stops, the greatest number of calls were animal complaints. “We’ve issued several citations this year that related to animals,” Norem explained. Continue reading
Hamlet Council Seeking Additional Bids for Trash, Recycling Pickup
Hamlet Boil Order Lifted
Hamlet Council Approves 2018 Salary Ordinance, Water and Sewer Budgets
Hamlet Town Council Approves Year-End Budget Transfers
Yellowstone Trail Fest May Set Up Beer Garden in Hamlet Town Park
Hamlet Schedules Decorating Contest, 2018 Town Holidays
Hamlet Officials Report Little Progress in Starke Street Railroad Crossing Discussions
The condition of the Starke Street railroad crossing continues to draw concerns from the Hamlet Town Council. Over the past few months, the Starke County Economic Development Foundation has tried to help facilitate discussions between the town and the Chicago, Fort Wayne & Eastern Railroad.
Culvert Upgrades to Begin Soon, Ahead of Starke Street Project
Preliminary work is set to get underway for Hamlet’s Starke Street improvement project. Engineer Lee Nagai gave an update to the town council Wednesday. He’s been working with Starke County Surveyor Bill Crase to extend the culvert at Benninghoff Ditch. Continue reading
Hamlet Park Board Schedules Tree Lighting Ceremony, Discusses Decorating Contest
SCEDF Continues Working with Railroad to Improve Hamlet Railroad Crossing
A rough railroad crossing in Hamlet continues to draw the attention of economic development officials. The town council has been complaining about the Chicago, Fort Wayne & Eastern’s Starke Street crossing for years. Last month, Starke County Economic Development Foundation Executive Director Charlie Weaver offered to speak to railroad officials, but the town didn’t get an immediate response.
This week, Weaver told council members that he’s still working with the railroad’s parent company, but he needs to get all the details straight. “I’m in communication with the Genesee & Wyoming railroad. They like to know exactly who you had conversation with, so we can pin it down, and I need to verify the absolute nature of the complaint. It’s a rough crossing right?” Continue reading
Hamlet Council Approves Purchase of Truck for Street Department
Gary Poppins Delays Opening Until 2018
Snack food producer Gary Poppins is moving closer to starting operations in the former Stelrema building north of Knox. But Starke County Economic Development Foundation Executive Director Charlie Weaver now says it probably won’t happen until 2018. Continue reading
Concerns Remain with Hamlet Railroad Crossing
The Hamlet Town Council is once again calling for repairs to the Starke Street railroad crossing. During Wednesday’s meeting, Council President Dave Kesvormas said the crossing continues to get worse. Continue reading
Financial Arrangements for Vehicle Purchases Approved by Hamlet Council
Plans Moving Ahead for Starke Street Upgrades in Hamlet
Starke County U.S. 30 Planning Committee to Hold First Meeting Tonight
Potential upgrades to U.S. 30 will be discussed this evening by a group of local stakeholders. The Indiana Department of Transportation may consider upgrading the highway to freeway standards in the coming decade. Starke County has assembled a group of people who’d be impacted by the change, to come up with some recommendations for INDOT to consider.
Gary Poppins Still Expected to Move into Stelrema Building Next Month
Yellowstone Trail Fest Seeks Site for Beer Garden
Next year’s Yellowstone Trail Fest may include a beer garden. Festival President Larry Jernas discussed the idea with the Hamlet Town Council last week. He said a beer garden would not be allowed at the Starke County Fairgrounds, where most Yellowstone Trail Fest activities take place, so organizers are looking for another site nearby.