Hamlet American Legion Presents Park Board with More than $5,000 for Tauteris Walkway

Phil Mitchell and Mark Gourley with the Hamlet American Legion present a check for more than $5,000 to the Hamlet Park Board for the construction of the Robert J. Tauteris Jr. Memorial Walkway

The Hamlet American Legion officially presented the money it raised toward the Robert J. Tauteris Jr. Memorial Walkway to the town’s park board Wednesday. “We have a check to the Town of Hamlet for $5,058 on behalf of our Legion and the donations that we worked on and received over the last two years,” Vice Commander Phil Mitchell told board members.

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Hamlet Park Board to Continue Planning for Memorial Walking Path Tonight

The Hamlet Town Park’s proposed walking path is expected to be discussed by the park board tonight. The Hamlet American Legion has reportedly raised over $5,000 to build a walking path in memory of Robert J. Tauteris Jr. The park board and other project organizers are expected to discuss plans in more detail during a closed executive session tonight, before the park board’s regular meeting at 6:30.

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Hamlet May Continue Expanding Sidewalk Network with Next Community Crossings Project

The Hamlet Town Council is looking for its next road project to tackle.

Clerk-Treasurer Kristina Pitts reminded members last week that the next call for projects for the state’s Community Crossings matching grant program is in January. Council President Dave Kesvormas voiced his support for upgrading Division Street from the Town Park north to Davis or Railroad.

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