North Judson Town Council Approves Company for Sewer Line Replacement Project

North Judson Town Hall is Located at 310 Lane Street

Two quotes for a sewer line replacement project near the Hoosier Valley Railroad Museum were presented to North Judson Town Council members last Monday.

Town Superintendent Marshall Horstmann has been attempting to obtain quotes for this project for a few months. He initially presented the members with one quote and they asked him to obtain some other offers for comparison. Continue reading

Upgrades Needed at Pacific Lift Station Brought to the Attention of Knox Board of Works

Knox Wastewater Superintendent Kelly Clemons informed Board of Works members last Wednesday that an integral lift station that services much of the Industrial Park needs some upgrades.

The superintendent explained, “Our Pacific lift station, we want to rebuild the valve box in that. While we’re doing this we want to add a bypass so if the pumps go down, the power goes down or something happens we can get that water moved down the line.” Continue reading