The Town of Winamac will be honoring Judy Heater in a retirement party set for Wednesday, December 18 at 1 p.m. ET.
Continue readingThe Town of Winamac will be honoring Judy Heater in a retirement party set for Wednesday, December 18 at 1 p.m. ET.
Continue readingThe Pulaski County Council recently completed the final funding arrangements for the expansion of the Winamac ambulance garage. During last month’s regular meeting, council members agreed to transfer more than $4,800 from Emergency Medical Services’ Patient Care Supplies line item to Building Repair.
Continue readingWith a final vote of 3 to 2, Winamac Town Council members decided not to back the community pool project during their meeting Monday evening.
Judy Heater once again approached the council as a representative of the Pool Committee, to see if members had reached a decision about getting back on board with the project. Continue reading
Winamac Town Council members were asked to get back on board with the community pool project when they met Monday night.
Councilwoman Judy Heater took a seat in the audience once again, to speak on behalf of the pool committee. Continue reading
The Winamac Park Board reiterated Thursday that it will not apply for a grant for the town’s swimming pool project this year. The town has put the project on hold, due to concerns that money wouldn’t be available to run the pool if it’s built. The Winamac Pool Committee has proposed a cheaper option, but so far, it hasn’t gotten the official support of the town council.
Winamac Town Council members are being asked once again to consider a community pool after some new information has come to light that could potentially cut down on initial installation costs.
When Winamac Town Council members met Monday evening, Councilwoman Judy Heater initially took a seat in the audience to speak on behalf of the pool committee. Other members of the pool committee as well as Park Board president Courtney Poor and several residents, who are in favor of the project, were in attendance to show their support. Continue reading
Winamac Water Department Superintendent Jeremy Beckner presented town council members with different fees to consider for the town’s backflow testing services during Monday night’s meeting.
When the town adjusted their water rates, they also offered to perform backflow testing for a flat $35 rate. However, Proscapes Owner Jason Potthoff came before the council and expressed a concern that the low rate for all systems, regardless of size, may prevent other licensed businesses from fairly competing with the town for backflow testing services.
Before approving the amended water rates, the town removed the section about backflow testing fees so Superintendent Beckner could do some research and provide some other potential prices. Continue reading
The Community Foundation of Pulaski County plans to continue working with the Winamac Park Board on the town’s swimming pool rebuilding project. The foundation’s board of directors got an update last month from Park Board President Courtney Poor, along with town council and pool committee member Judy Heater.
The annual Winamac Winter Wonderland event kicks-off today with Breakfast with Santa at the Pulaski County Elementary School. Various vendor booths will also be set up there from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. ET.
Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce representative Judy Heater explained that some of the vendors will have baked goods and additional types of food while others will feature different kinds of crafts. The Indiana Adoption Program will also have a booth set up where individuals can learn more about Hoosier kids in need of homes and the specifics of the adoption process.
Heater said that the ExPress Choir will sing at courthouse around 10 a.m. and then they’ll head over to the Pulaski County Public Library to join Judge Michael Shurn for cookies and cocoa. Judge Shurn will be at the library from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. and the library will also have another visitor; Santa Claus will be there from noon until 2 p.m. Continue reading
Winamac’s pool rebuilding effort is not over yet. That’s what Judy Heater and members of the Winamac Pool Committee told local residents during an informational meeting Thursday. Continue reading
A citizen concerned about the preservation of the Winamac Cemetery spoke up during the Winamac Town Council meeting on Monday. Kim Russell approached the council and presented her concerns about the cemetery, which she says is the oldest cemetery in Pulaski County. She said the cemetery is where many of the town’s founding fathers and ancestors are buried and feels it is our job to defend and respect their final resting place.
Winamac Park Board members got several of their questions about the swimming pool rebuilding project answered Monday. They met with the town council for a joint work session. Continue reading
The Pulaski County prosecutor is being honored for his commitment to the local community. Daniel Murphy is the recipient of this year’s H.J. Halleck Community Service Award. It’s given annually by the Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce. Continue reading
The Winamac Park Board continues to explore the expected maintenance costs for a rebuilt swimming pool. Last week, board member and town manager Brad Zellers presented a list of eight cities and towns around the state and what they spend each year on their pools. Of those, only two broke even, with pool admissions and concession sales. Continue reading
The Winamac Fire Department is being told to step up its recruitment efforts. Town Council President Tom Murray made the request during last week’s council meeting. Continue reading
The rezoning of the Pleasant View Rest Home may take a little bit more time to finalize. On Monday, the Winamac Town Council appeared to accept the Plan Commission’s recommendation to change the property’s zoning designation from heavy industrial to multi-family residential. Continue reading
The Winamac Park Board is taking steps to formally take over the town’s swimming pool project. Over the past several months, efforts have been made to raise money to rebuild the pool, and a fund has been set up at the Community Foundation of Pulaski County to collect donations. Continue reading
Winamac’s new park board will meet for the first time today. During a special meeting, board members are expected to discuss the town’s swimming pool rebuilding project. The park and recreation board was established, in part, to oversee the new pool, keeping it under the town’s jurisdiction. Continue reading
Fund raising for Winamac’s community pool project is now well past the halfway point. Members of the Pool Committee presented an update on the $643,000 pool rebuilding project Tuesday. Continue reading