Oregon-Davis High School to Add Speech, Fashion, Nutrition Courses Next Year

Oregon-Davis High School students will be able to take courses in fashion and critical thinking, starting next school year. They will be using the best serger for beginners to be able to learn quickly. The school board approved the junior/senior high school’s 2020-2021 Course Description Guide Monday, according to Superintendent Dr. Don Harman.

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Oregon-Davis School Board Renews Agreement with Medicaid Reimbursement Company

Oregon-Davis School Board

The Oregon-Davis School Corporation will continue to get some help when it comes to seeking Medicaid reimbursements. Last week, the school board voted to renew the corporation’s agreement with Go Solutions Group for 2020, according to Superintendent Dr. Don Harman. He says there won’t be any major changes to the cost next year.

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Oregon-Davis Teachers Voice Concern with Proposed Contract, Despite Raises

Oregon-Davis teachers would see their first pay raises in over a decade under the proposed 2019-2020 teacher contract, but not all teachers are happy with it. The tentative agreement would raise the starting salary for new teachers and offer veteran teachers a retirement incentive. But during a public hearing on the contract Monday, Teacher Elisabeth Cooper argued that it should have focused more on teachers in the middle.

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Oregon-Davis to Hold Hearing on Proposed Teacher Contract Tonight

Members of the public will have the chance to weigh in on the Oregon-Davis School Corporation’s proposed teacher contract tonight. It calls for most teachers to get a raise of $1,100 to their base salaries. If approved, the new starting pay level would be $32,000, with a maximum salary of almost $54,000. The proposal also includes a retirement incentive for teachers with at least 15 years of service and at least 57 years of age.

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All Oregon-Davis School Board Members to be Elected At-Large in Future

Oregon-Davis School Board

The Oregon-Davis School Board is doing away with board member districts. In the future, all five board members will be elected on an at-large basis. That means they could live anywhere in Oregon and Davis townships. Currently, three of the board members represent specific districts, while the other two are at-large members.

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Oregon-Davis School Board Adopts 2020 Budget

The Oregon-Davis School Corporation’s 2020 budget was adopted by the school board Monday, according to Superintendent Dr. Don Harman. The total proposed budget adds up to more than $8.7 million. Just over $3.6 million of that will be the Education Fund, while almost $3 million will be the Operations Fund. School officials are also budgeting just over $879,000 out of the corporation’s property tax referendum revenues.

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