Here are the unofficial results for the races in Starke County.
Results with 21 out of 21 precincts reporting.
Here are the unofficial results for the races in Starke County.
Results with 21 out of 21 precincts reporting.
It’s Primary Election Day!
Polls are open in all counties and you are encouraged to exercise your right to vote. Polls will close at 6:00 p.m. prevailing time.
We will be following several races tonight in our Election Night wrap up. In Starke County, Democrats Daniel Bridegroom and Joseph Woods are vying for the County Commissioner District Three seat and Democrats Linda Belork and Kasey Clark are up for the County Treasurer position. We will also see if the voters vote for or against the Oregon-Davis school referendum.
The last day to register to vote in this year’s Spring Primary Election is Monday, April 9th.
There are three registration options for you to consider: You can register at the Bureau of Motor Vehicles when you go to renew your Driver’s License, you register online at this website, or you can go to your county’s clerk’s office and fill out a registration form.
If you are already registered to vote and are not able to go to the polls, but would like to vote absentee, in-office absentee voting begins Monday, April 9th, at 8:00 a.m. CT in the Starke County Clerk’s Office. You may vote absentee until Noon on Monday, May 7th. Primary Election Day is Tuesday, May 8th and polls will be open from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. prevailing time.
The Starke County Election Board met yesterday in its first meeting since the Spring Primary Election where the Board members discussed the election.
Board President, Pat Mitchell, was asked if he thought the first election with the consolidation of the four Center Township precincts was a success.
Knox City Democrats went to the polls yesterday and re-elected Mayor Rick Chambers, Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston, and City Councilman Ron Parker in the contested races.
Chambers defeated challenger Mark Smith 401-288 in the mayoral race, and at party headquarters, he thanked his supporters.
“It’s been an exciting four years and I’m just humbled by the public coming out and voting and supporting me,” said Chambers. “We’re here to support the public. I’ve got to thank my family. My Mother-in-Law, my kids, everybody else that helped me, and the City workers who have made me look good for the past four years. We’ve got to thank them.”
It’s Primary Election Day! Voters in precincts 1, 2, 3, and 4 in Center Township in Knox are encouraged to vote today and all voting will be done at the Knox Community Center. Polls will be open from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Starke County Clerk, Evelyn Skronski, received 182 absentee ballots in her office. 123 walk-in ballots, 37 ballots by mail and 22 Travel Board were received. Of those votes 163 were Democratic ballots and 19 were Republican ballots.
Voters in precincts 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Center Township have a chance to vote absentee today and tomorrow from 8:00 a.m. to Noon and from 1:00-4:00 p.m. CT in the Starke County Courthouse. The final time to vote absentee will be Monday, May 2nd, from 8:00 a.m. to Noon only. Election Day is Tuesday, May 3rd. The polls will be open from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and voting will be conducted in the Knox Community Center.
The Knox City Primary Election is May 3rd and there are several candidates running unopposed for seats on the Knox City Council.
One of those candidates is Linda Berndt, who has served on the Council for 16 years, and she is running for the At-Large seat on the Council. She was asked what she thinks will be a challenge for the Council in the next four years.
Some residents around the edges of Knox seem to be confused about if they are eligible to vote in the 2011 City Election, since campaign posters are appearing all over the County, well beyond the city limits. County Clerk, Evelyn Skronski, says potential voters should have been notified by mail.
“We sent out 2,855 letters to all the registered voters in Centers 1, 2, 3, and 4,” said Skronski. “Some of them came back to us as ‘unknown’ so some of the voters may not have gotten a notice. Those that we could relocate, we sent out letters. There are jagged precinct lines throughout these four precincts so the best thing to do is call the Clerk’s Office at 772-9160 and see what precinct you are in.”
Voters in all 4 Knox precincts will cast their primary ballots in the downtown Knox Community Center.
Robert Shireman is running for a seat on the Knox City Council in the Primary Election on May 3rd.
Robert talked with WKVI news about what he would like to see done to improve the City over the next four years.
We continue today with our interviews with the Knox city candidates for elective office in the spring Primary on May 3rd.
Mark Smith is the President of the County Council and has been coroner in the past. He is the owner of M.C. Smith Funeral Home in Knox.
Smith noted the improvements made in past administrations, including the highway project through Knox, Gateway Project, renovation of the old depot, and others. He said he feels we’re not progressing now, as we did then.
Starke County will go from 21 to 19 precincts in the spring Primary Election.
“We’re consolidating Center one, two, three, and four from their current locations to the Community Center,” said Starke County Clerk, Evelyn Skronski. “Hopefully, this is going to make it cost effective and voter comfortable.”
It was the primary election of 2010 and the Starke County Sheriff’s race was one talked about by citizens around the County. Of course, Sheriff’s races always create interest, but this one was different. Deputy Bill Dulin came out early with signs, a sure sign that this was to be a serious effort. Even though Dulin worked hard during the campaign the political pundits game him little hope of upsetting incumbent Oscar Cowen. On Election Day itself, most predicted a sizable win by Cowen.