Pulaski County Council to Adopt 2018 Budget Tonight

The Pulaski County Council is expected to adopt the county’s 2018 budget when it meets tonight. This comes after council members made an additional round of cuts to the proposal last week. That included giving county employees a one-percent raise, rather than two-percent, and denying a request from Superior Court to add a second public defender. They also plan to shift $200,000 in 911 dispatchers’ salaries out of the county’s General Fund.

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Pulaski County Commissioners Plan to Revisit Employee Comp Time Policy

It may soon be easier for Pulaski County employees to use their comp time for needed medical procedures. The issue came up during Monday’s county commissioners meeting. It was learned that an employee in the Assessor’s Office is scheduled to have a knee replacement in January and planned to use 42 hours of comp time that she’d accumulated.

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Pulaski County May Join with White County to Offer Household Hazardous Waste Days

Pulaski County officials are considering ways to continue offering Household Hazardous Waste Days. Last month, Recycling & Transfer Station Manager Brad Bonnell said he was thinking about discontinuing the annual event. That was due to the fact that the Northwest Indiana Solid Waste District will no longer offer extra tire pickup as part its Hazardous Waste Days.

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