Drug abuse is costing Pulaski County. Circuit Judge Michael Shurn told the county council Monday that drug-related cases are a big concern. Continue reading
Pulaski County Courthouse Elevator to be Repaired, As Replacement Plans Proceed
Pulaski Council, Commissioners to Discuss Courthouse Elevator, Ambulance Replacement
Pleasant View Rest Home Sold
Pulaski EMS Director Seeks Advice on Building Expansion, Ambulance Repairs
Pulaski County officials are weighing their options for some upgrades for the EMS department. A quote from FBi Buildings to add on to the department’s existing building was presented to the county commissioners last week. Director Nikki Lowry said the $109,000 quote was comparable to others the county’s received. Continue reading
Error in Meeting Minutes Complicates Purchase of Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department Vehicles
The Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department’s two new vehicles are ready, but additional action was required by the county council this week before the department could take possession of them. Sheriff Jeff Richwine said the council voted back in January to let him take out a loan to buy the vehicles and use the department’s commissary funds to make the loan payments. Continue reading
Pulaski County CDC to Form Tax Abatement Review Committee
Requests for tax abatements in Pulaski County may soon get some additional scrutiny. Continue reading
Pulaski County Council Approves Funding for Courthouse Elevator Plans
The Pulaski County Council has taken the first step toward replacing the courthouse elevator, while also giving their support to additional improvements. The existing elevator is considered too small to properly fit people using wheelchairs. Continue reading
Pulaski County Council May Consider Courthouse Elevator Replacement, Court Software Switch
A new elevator for the Pulaski County Courthouse may be considered by the county council. Last week, the Pulaski County Commissioners gave their support to a plan from Keystone Architecture to replace the existing elevator with a larger, ADA-compliant one in the same spot. Now, it’s up to the county council to make the necessary funding arrangements for the project to move ahead. Continue reading
Pulaski County Considering Switch to Odyssey Court Software
Pulaski County officials are considering a switch in the county’s court software. The county commissioners Monday were presented with a choice between CSI, the case management system the county currently uses and employees are happy with, and Odyssey, which is used by most of the rest of the state. Continue reading
Pulaski County Commissioners Agree to Courthouse Elevator Replacement Plan
The Pulaski County Courthouse may soon be getting a new elevator. The county commissioners Monday gave their support to a plan from Keystone Architecture to replace the existing elevator with a larger one in the same spot. Continue reading
Pulaski Commissioners Approve Salt Shed Repairs, Pickup Truck Purchase for Highway Department
The Pulaski County Commissioners have selected a contractor to repair the highway department’s salt shed. On Monday, they chose Button Construction to do the work, which includes the installation of a metal roof. Continue reading
Pulaski County Council Approves Funding for Paving Project, Additional Court Expenses
The Pulaski County Highway Department is looking to pave some streets in the Star City and Pulaski areas. Continue reading
Peak Community Services Touts Expansion, Requests More Money from Pulaski County
A nonprofit organization helping people with developmental disabilities wants additional funding from Pulaski County. Peak Community Services operates group homes and day programs in Winamac and Logansport. Continue reading
Pulaski Highway Department Asked to Reimburse County General Fund for Maintenance Services
Pulaski County is taking another look at how some of its maintenance workers are getting paid. Continue reading
Pulaski County Council Delays Decision on Additional Funding for Human Services
Pulaski County Human Services will have to wait a bit longer before it gets more money from the county. The county council decided Monday to hold off on an additional appropriation of $15,000 until council members have a chance to review the county’s budget. Continue reading
Pulaski County May Consider Grant Funding for Courthouse Renovations
Pulaski County may be looking for grant funding to help pay for future courthouse renovations. Officials with the Indiana Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology discussed potential state resources with the county council and commissioners Monday. They explained that dollar-for-dollar matching grants are available for up to $35,000 for planning purposes and up to $50,000 for actual renovation work. Continue reading
Pulaski Council and Commissioners to Discuss Courthouse Renovation with State Preservation Expert
Pulaski County will get some advice on its courthouse renovation effort from a state-level expert. David Duvall is a historical architect with the Indiana Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology. He’s scheduled to give a presentation tonight to a joint session of the Pulaski County Council and Commissioners. Continue reading
Pulaski County Human Services Asks County to Reverse Budget Cut
Pulaski County Human Services is looking for a boost in county funding. Continue reading
Pulaski County Commissioners Approve County Home Sale
The final hurdle has been cleared in the sale of the former Pleasant View Rest Home in Pulaski County. The commissioners on Monday approved an ordinance authorizing the sale. It’s already been approved by the council. Continue reading