Starke Stellar Team Asks Community Members to Take Survey, As Letter of Intent Deadline Nears

As Starke County officials decide whether to apply for a Stellar Community designation this year, local residents are being asked to fill out a survey. It’s a way to demonstrate support from local communities to the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs, according to Ron Gifford with the Starke County Economic Development Foundation.

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Recent Survey Finds Perceived Trust, Communication Issues at Eastern Pulaski Schools


When it comes to the public perception of Eastern Pulaski Schools, the corporation scores high for safety, security, and school-community connections, but there are some issues with shared decision-making, communication, and trust. That was the overall finding of a recent climate audit conducted by Sycamore Educational Consulting.

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Culver “BEAR” Program Aims to Identify Needs and Develop Solutions for Local Businesses

Providing support to local businesses is a priority in Culver. Town Manager Jonathan Leist made a statement earlier this month, explaining that Culver is dedicated to planning projects that will help the community grow and improve the quality of life in the area. He went on to say that officials are now turning their focus to another important part of the community, small businesses.

In order to show their dedication to helping local business owners, the Town of Culver is teaming up with the Culver Main Street Corporation as well as the Marshall County Economic Development Corporation to launch the Culver Business Expansion and Retention (CBEAR) program. Continue reading

City of Knox Park Survey Opens Today, Public Hearing Scheduled for Next Week

Knox officials are working to update and renew the city’s 5-year Park Master Plan.

At Tuesday night’s city council meeting, Mayor Dennis Estok announced that a public hearing is scheduled for Thursday, December 7 at 6 p.m. in Knox City Hall. Community members will have a chance to provide their input about what they’d like to see implemented at the parks over the next few years. Continue reading

Winamac Water Surveys Complete, Data Being Compiled

Winamac Town Hall
Winamac Town Hall

The last of the necessary surveys has been received to qualify for grant funds.

The Town of Winamac has expressed interest in exploring for additional water resources. Currently, there are two wellheads in the same water source that Winamac pulls from to bring water to local homes. Concerns over safety and contamination, however, have prompted the town to solicit funds to explore for a new source of water.
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Chamber Minimum Wage Survey A Mixed Bag

Starke-County-Chamber-of-Commerce. LogoIn response to a proposed increase in the minimum wage in Indiana, the Starke County Chamber of Commerce has decided to survey its membership.

The survey, sent out earlier this week, asked member businesses their thoughts on Indiana’s current minimum wage rate of $7.25 per hour. While there are multiple proposals filed in Indianapolis, the latest proposes to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour.
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