The Starke County Commissioners discussed bids for a heating and cooling project on the second floor of the Starke County Courthouse.
Continue readingThe Starke County Commissioners discussed bids for a heating and cooling project on the second floor of the Starke County Courthouse.
Continue readingThe North Judson Town Council members reviewed three quotes to remove four trees in Norwayne Field and some stump grinding in the park.
Continue readingCulver Community School Superintendent Karen Shuman told the Culver School Board members Monday night that some trees need trimmed around the corporation grounds and others need to be removed for safety.
Continue readingThe Winamac Town Park will be getting some cosmetic upgrades over the coming months. Park Manager Dave DeLorenzo told the Winamac Park Board Thursday that he’s planning to hire a company for a tree maintenance project after the first of the year. That will include removing two dying silver maples near the entrance gate and trimming the trees by the softball diamond, among other work.
Continue readingNew trees have been planted in the Winamac Town Park, while old trees continue to be removed. Park Manager Dave DeLorenzo told the park board last week that 15 of the park’s 18 new trees have now been planted, thanks to Proscapes Unlimited, Dave Bennett, and Park Board Member Jon Chapman. The planting was originally scheduled to take place during a park cleanup day last month, but was delayed by flooding.
Continue readingWinamac officials are getting the Town Park ready for summer. Park Manager Dave DeLorenzo told the park board last week that a few trees that were leaning over the river were pulled onto the bank and removed.
Continue readingThe Pulaski County Commissioners have hired a contractor to remove a large ash tree by the Annex Building. They officially approved a $2,000 bid from LeRoy’s Tree Service Monday. It was the only bid the county received.
Continue readingThe Pulaski County Commissioners are reconsidering the outsourcing of lawn care and snow removal at certain county properties. On Monday, they voted to turn the snow removal back over to the County Maintenance Department.
Continue readingThe Pulaski County Commissioners will consider bids for a number of different items this morning. They’re expected to choose a bank to handle the county’s cash management services. The county received bids from four local banks last month.
Maintenance Director Mia Salyers will discuss contracts for lawn care and snow removal at various county properties, along with bids for the removal of an ash tree near the Annex Building. Fuel bids will also be discussed, and the commissioners are expected to finalize a contract with Golden Tech for a new email system.
Additionally, the possibility of the county once again helping with the cost of a new van for Pulaski County Human Services will be discussed by the organization’s executive director, Jacki Frain. Meanwhile, a $25,000 expense with a Chicago media outlet will be presented for the commissioners’ approval by Community Development Commission Executive Director Nathan Origer. The CDC has tried a few different advertising packages in recent years, in an effort to attract tourists to Pulaski County.
Highway Superintendent Terry Ruff, Sheriff Jeff Richwine, and Assessor Holly VanDerAa are also scheduled to make appearances at this morning’s Pulaski County Commissioners meeting. It starts at 8:30 a.m. EDT at the Pulaski County Courthouse.
Pulaski County officially has a new maintenance director. The county commissioners appointed Mia Salyers to the position Tuesday.
Continue readingRecycling options for Winamac residents will be discussed during this morning’s Pulaski County Commissioners meeting. The town council recently decided to discontinue recycling pickup.
Continue readingTree removal continues in the Winamac Town Park, but some new ones are also being planted. Practical Tree Service has completed the removal of 15 trees according to the town’s specifications, according to Park Manager Dave DeLorenzo. He told the town’s park board last week that he also plans to remove some smaller ash trees himself, and he’s already cut one down by the volleyball courts.
The Winamac Park Board is looking to remove some more trees by the end of the year. During last week’s meeting, board member Jon Chapman noted that there’s still money available in this year’s tree removal budget, and he felt the park board should make the most of it. “I think it’s really important that we get someone that’s going to be there and get the work done before December 31,” he said, “not just who somebody on the town board says, ‘Use them,’ because I want it done before the end of the year, so we don’t lose the money.”
Hamlet Town Council President Dave Kesvormas hopes a Stellar Community designation for Starke County could help make the town more welcoming of future development. During last week’s council meeting, Kesvormas said he’s not 100-percent sold on the Stellar Communities Program, but he thinks it would help put certain things in a more favorable light.
The Town of Winamac plans to make some sidewalk repairs with money left over from its paving projects. Town Manager Brad Zellers told the town council Monday the paving bill came in about $18,000 less than what the contractor had bid, since less material was needed than originally thought. Continue reading
Ash tree removal continues in Winamac. Now, it’s the trees along state highways that are ready to be cut down. Continue reading