After months of delays, a Pulaski County plastics manufacturer finally appears to be ready to ramp up production. Over a year ago, IBC Thermoplastics got tax abatements and a $200,000 loan from the county to start making jerrycans at a facility southwest of Winamac.
Continue readingTree Removal, Replacement Continue in Winamac Town Park
New trees have been planted in the Winamac Town Park, while old trees continue to be removed. Park Manager Dave DeLorenzo told the park board last week that 15 of the park’s 18 new trees have now been planted, thanks to Proscapes Unlimited, Dave Bennett, and Park Board Member Jon Chapman. The planting was originally scheduled to take place during a park cleanup day last month, but was delayed by flooding.
Continue readingElectrical Issues Delaying Start of Operations at IBC Thermoplastics
Delays in the start-up of a plastics manufacturing business south of Winamac are being blamed on ongoing electrical issues. IBC Thermoplastics plans to manufacture jerrycans at the old Anvil & Saw property on County Road 200 South.
Continue readingWinamac Town Manager Discusses Updated Job Description for Electric Department With Town Council Members
Winamac Town Council members were asked to consider some changes to the job description provided for Electric Department employees when they met last Monday.
Town Manager Brad Zellers explained that some adjustments were made to how certifications are listed and he adapted the town’s policy to reflect the changes. Continue reading
Winamac Town Council Approves Quote for Electrical Rebuild Project to the East of Town
Winamac Town Council members were informed about quotes that received for an electrical rebuild project to the east of town when they met Monday night.
Electric Department Superintendent Doug Shorter explained that the rebuild is needed to help power the new wells. He said the upgrades will entail installing new poles and running some wire.
Town Manager Brad Zellers told the council members that three quotes were submitted for the project and they ranged from $75,000 to about $275,000. Continue reading
Two New Hires Considered at Winamac Town Council Meeting
Two new hires were considered when Winamac Town Council members met Monday evening.
Electric Department Superintendent Doug Shorter informed the members of the council that the department recently held interviews and there were three very promising candidates. Continue reading
Winamac Town Council Approves Quote for Renovation Work Needed at the Utilities Complex
On Monday, Winamac Town Manager Brad Zellers informed town council members of some renovation work that must be done at the Utilities Complex.
The electric department is now utilizing the space in that building that used to be the police station. So far they’ve done some in-house work such as painting, organizing and taking care of smaller details.
Zellers explained that there are some issues with the garage on the east side of the building that will require them to seek outside assistance. Continue reading
New Winamac Police Department On Main Street is Open to the Public
During their Monday night meeting, Winamac Town Council members were notified that renovations to the new Police Station are nearing completion.
Employees from the water, sewage, street and electric departments have assisted with the project for the last several months. Town Manager Brad Zellers previously stated that approximately $70,000 was saved just by utilizing town employees for certain aspects of the project. Continue reading
Winamac Town Council Members Pass Amended Salary Ordinance
Holding a valid journeyman card will result in a higher starting pay for employees hired onto the Winamac Electric Department, following a decision made by the town council members Monday night.
Council members voted unanimously to pass an amended salary ordinance which specifies that an electric department employee who is a licensed journeyman can be hired at an hourly rate of $23.55. Continue reading
Winamac Town Council Members Approve Truck Purchase for Electric Department
Winamac Town Council members approved the purchase of a Digger Derrick Truck for the Electric Department when they met Monday night. Town Manager Brad Zellers explained that Digger Derrick Trucks are utilized by electric departments to dig holes for light posts.
Zeller explained that initially, they wanted to go with the least expensive truck bid which was submitted by the company Altec. However, he said they had issues getting anybody from that company to come out to go over the details of the sale. Continue reading
Amendments to Salary Ordinance Considered by Winamac Town Council
Amendments to the Winamac salary ordinance were considered on first reading when the Winamac Town Council met on Monday night.
Town Attorney Justin Schramm explained to council members that the first proposed change deals specifically with the salary of the parks and recreation department secretary.
He stated, “It changes the parks and recreation secretary from $30 a meeting to $1,000 payable the first pay period of December.” Continue reading
Winamac Town Council Approves Request to Purchase Public Alert Service
Utility customers in the Town of Winamac will soon have the opportunity to be directly notified of various alerts thanks to a request submitted by 1st Deputy Clerk Kim Burke.
At Monday’s Winamac Town Council meeting, Burke told members about a system called Public Alert which would allow her to individually send members of the community notifications that would impact them specifically.
“We can send out like emergency snow removal when we need them all to park on one side of the street, waterline breaks, if we close down a road. From what I understand, they can rig it up with our billing system.” Burke provided a potential example, “I can go in there and say ‘look, these people on Burson Street, you’re water’s shut off, we have a break’ and I can send them an alert.” Continue reading
Winamac Council Considers Future Use for Current Police Station
Winamac’s new police station is almost ready, but town officials still aren’t sure what they’re going to do with the current one. It has been suggested that the portion of the Winamac Municipal Utilities Complex currently used by the police department could be rented to the Pulaski County Coroner’s Office.