Starke County Highway Superintendent Working on 2018 Community Crossings Application

Starke County Highway Superintendent Rik Ritzler is working on applications for the 2018 Community Crossings program.

He told the Starke County Commissioners last week that the applications may be turned in starting Monday, Aug. 6. The Bridge #154 replacement project will be among the projects included along with several others, according to Ritzler.

“We’re going to do the intersection improvement at Bass Lake County Road 210 and old State Road 10/600 South,” said Ritzler. “We’re going to make that a safer intersection. We’re going to make that a T-intersection and make a continuous loop around the lake. We also won’t allow trucks once that becomes a T-intersection. We’re going to do five miles of hot mix roads. I’m doing a list now. We’re doing traffic counts and accident counts right now. We’ll have that for you next month.”

A fourth project will also be included, although Ritzler said it may be outside of what would be awarded.

“It’s always good to put a few more applications in. We’re putting in a bridge rehab project on Bridge #137. That’s the one on 300 E. in the industrial park. It needs some work so we’re going to include that.”

The deadline to submit applications is Sept. 28.

Ritzler noted that beginning in January, INDOT will award projects twice a year with applications due in January and July.

DLZ Invoices for Starke County Elevator Project to be Sent to K-IRPC for Review

The invoices received for the engineering work for the upcoming Starke County Courthouse elevator project will be going to K-IRPC representative Shawn Cain for review. Commissioner Kathy Norem stated last week that the invoices are going to her as K-IRPC is the overseeing agency over the $500,000 grant the county received for the project. Cain will review the bills from DLZ to make sure they are acceptable according to the grant standards. Those invoices will return to the commissioners for payment. The county paid 10 percent as a match and the engineering costs will be paid for out of that match money.

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Culver Town Council to Meet Tonight

The Culver Town Council members will hold a public hearing on an ordinance that amends the traffic, parking and pedestrian regulations within the town. In a previous meeting, Town Manager Jonathan Leist noted that this is a document that was presented and approved earlier, but it needs to go through the public hearing process once again as directional wording was incorrect in the first version. After the public hearing concludes, the town council will hold a first reading of the ordinance.

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