Ten Arrested in Warrant Sweep


Ten people were arrested in the early morning hours on Sunday in a year-long undercover investigation called Operation Orthodox conducted by the Knox City Police Department.

Officers from the Knox City Police Department were assisted by the Starke County Sheriff’s Department and the Knox, North Judson and Plymouth Police Departments in executing the arrest warrants.

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April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

Commissioners Kathy Norem, Donnie Binkley and Charlie Chesak sign the proclamation. Larry Harris witnessed the signature

The Starke County Commissioners signed a proclamation Monday naming the month of April as Child Abuse Prevention Month in Starke County.

Larry Harris representing the Starke County Coalition Against Domestic Abuse presented the proclamation for approval last week. The document stresses the need to address the issue as it’s a community problem where child abuse is preventable. Children in abusive situations often become involved in criminal and risky behavior, participate in substance abuse, and experience health problems.

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Starke County Commissioners Approve Reassessment Bid

Starke County Assessor Michelle Snowdon had the chance to review the bid for the reassessment process for the next few years and presented her findings to the Starke County Commissioners this week.

She said the bid seems to be in line with all specifications to conduct reassessments on Starke County properties from 2019 to 2022. The total bid came in at $575,800 which is about $23,000 less than the company’s last bid.  Continue reading

Culver Town-Wide Yard Sales Planned This Month

The Town of Culver will host the town-wide yard sale event on Friday, April 27, and Saturday, April 28.

If any Culver resident would like to include a sale location and information on the map, call the Culver Town Hall at 574-842-3140 by Tuesday, April 24. Maps will be available on Thursday, April 26 on the town’s website at townofculver.org, at Town Hall, or at First National Bank of Monterey, Osborn’s Mini Mart, and Good-2-Go BP.