Knox Harvest Days Festival Loses Sponsor

Tony Radkiewicz

Knox’s big August festival might be in jeopardy following an announcement last night that the Friends of the Park Organization would be dropping its sponsorship of the Harvest Days Festival. The organization had been in charge of the three day event for the past six years. Friends of the Park President, Tony Radkiewicz, explained the organization’s decision.

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Starke Circuit Court Goes on the Road

Starke Circuit Court Judge Kim Hall

Starke Circuit Court Judge Kim Hall will be on the bench today, but it will not be on the third floor of the Starke County Courthouse. Judge Hall is taking his court on the road.

“We’re going to have court at Oregon-Davis High School,” said Judge Hall. “The reason for this is that for many years, Oregon-Davis would bring a bus load of Seniors to the Starke Circuit Court and watch the court proceedings and they always enjoyed that and it was always educational for them. For the last couple of years, for various reasons, they haven’t been able to get to the Courthouse. I’ve been talking with some teachers and we’ve decided that we’re going to bring court to the Oregon-Davis High School. I checked with the Supreme Court and the staff there was not aware of any other court in Indiana doing this, but they thought it was a good idea. This morning, we’re going to have the prosecutors, defense attorneys and the Sheriff there with some of the inmates and we’re going to have regular court.”

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Father and Son Arrested on Drug Charges

Austin Bailey
Kenneth Bailey

Officers from the Knox City Police Department arrested a father and son on drug charges.

Officers were called to Advanced Auto Parts in reference to an intoxicated male. The caller reported that the suspect was trying to sell narcotics to the store employees and to the anonymous caller. Police arrived on scene and observed the suspect. He reportedly had come out of the store with a bag of items and put them in a car that was occupied by another passenger. Police questioned the suspect and reportedly found that Austin Bailey was intoxicated and that he had some items from the store in his pocket. More items from the store were located in the vehicle. Some of the items were paid for and others were reported stolen. The passenger in the car, Kenneth Bailey, Jr., was questioned and when officers patted him down for safety reasons, they found medication allegedly not prescribed to Bailey.

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Pleasant View Rest Home Barn Receives Community Support

Pleasant View Rest Home

Sandy Hurd of the Pleasant View Rest Home in Pulaski County told the commissioners this week that she, like many others, is in need of part-time help. Hurd said that her current part-time employee recently applied for Social Security benefits and is now only allowed to work a few hours per week, so she needs to replace her hours with someone else.

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Plymouth Man Arrested after Pursuit

Plymouth Police Department officers arrested a man after a pursuit incident Monday evening.

A Plymouth Police officer attempted a traffic stop and the vehicle peeled down an alley along Kenwood Ave. Police said that the vehicle continued at a high rate of speed through Westgate and onto State Road 17. The pursuit ended on Redwood and 9th Streets when the driver bailed out of the car and ran into a field and wooded area.

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Culver Community School Board Meets

Culver Community School Board
Culver Community School Board Members (from left, clockwise): Jack Jones, Ryan Seiber, Marilyn Swanson, Brad Schuldt, Eugene Baker, Jim Wentzel, Ed Behnke, Ken VanDePutte

At this week’s Culver Community School Board meeting, Culver Elementary School Principal Charles Kitchell informed the board that one of their teachers, Kim Morrison, has applied for and received a $1500 grant from the Marshall County Community Foundation. She has received half of the grant up-front, and Kitchell says that Morrison plans to use the money to purchase a Mimio smartboard, digital audio/video recorder, and a Bose sound dock for her iPod.

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Knox Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony is Sunday

The Knox Christmas tree lighting ceremony is Sunday, November 27th.

Prior to the tree lighting, the firefighters from the Knox-Center Township Fire Department will parade its fleet of trucks on Main Street at approximately 4:30 p.m. The parade will end at the Starke County Courthouse in the downtown area. The firemen will be delivering Santa Claus to the tree lighting ceremony that will begin at 5:00 p.m. on the Courthouse Square.

The Starke County Choralaires will be singing Christmas carols during the event. Immediately following the tree lighting ceremony, Santa will make his way to the Knox Community Center where he will hear what children want for Christmas. Hot chocolate and cookies will be served.

Knox City Police Department Makes Arrests

Angela Staten

Angela Staten of Knox was arrested by Knox City Police on Thursday, November 17th, after she was found looking through the crash cart in the IU Health Starke Hospital’s Emergency Room. Staten had opened the drawer that was full of medication and she was reportedly seen with a box out looking at it. She told police and the ER staff that she opened the drawer because she was bored. She told police that she didn’t take anything. She was arrested and has preliminary charges of Attempted Theft and Criminal Mischief. Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre Madrigal Singers Visit the WKVI Studios!

Donna Ness, Director, talks about the Madrigal Dinner. The singers presented musical selections live on the air

The North Judson-San Pierre Madrigal Singers visited the WKVI studios to give us a sample of what can be heard during the annual Madrigal dinner. The Madrigal Dinners will be presented on Friday, December 2nd and Saturday, December 3rd at 6:00 p.m. CT, and Sunday, December, 4th at 1:00 p.m. CT at the Grand Central Station in North Judson.

Tickets MUST be purchased in advance. Tickets purchased prior to, or on November 28th, are $18 for adults. Tickets purchased after November 28th are $20 for adults.  Children aged kindergarten through 12 years old are $10. Preschool aged children are free.

Winamac Man Arrested after Public Intoxication Incident, Officer Threatened

Paul Rausch

Officers from the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department arrested Paul Rausch, of Winamac, after he allegedly threatened a police officer, on Sunday.

Officers were called to 1550 S. 50 E. in reference to an intoxicated person. The man, Paul Rausch, was reportedly laying in the parking lot at Poblano’s Restaurant. After talking to witnesses, Rausch had fallen face first onto the pavement prior to the officers’ arrival.

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Lafayette Woman Arrested after Accident in Pulaski County

Patricia Zeigler

A Lafayette woman was arrested on two misdemeanor charges after a two car accident in Medaryville, on Wednesday, November 16th.

Pulaski County police and EMS were called to a two vehicle accident at U.S. 421 and State Road 143. A woman was injured and was put into a Superior EMS vehicle and she was transported to Michigan City. When police looked for two male suspects thought to be intoxicated at the time of the accident, police found that they had boarded the ambulance that was headed to Michigan City. The ambulance left the scene and the EMTs did not notify police of the transport. Police then notified the Director of Superior EMS and told them of the incident and Michigan City Police were called to the hospital. The two suspects attempted to leave the hospital upon arrival but they were detained for questioning. The EMTs transported them to Michigan City per their request.

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Pulaski County Recycling Center Reports Increase in Revenue

Ed Clark of the Pulaski County Recycling Center appeared before the Pulaski County Commissioners Monday for his monthly report with some good news: the Recycling Center has brought in $32,344 this month so far—more than doubling the income from October. Find drop off locations on the Recycling Center Near Me website.

Clark says this trend is going to continue.

“Pulaski County Recycling and Transfer Station has brought back to the county $284,000 to date. We will do better. My goal is to get over $300,000. We’ll make that,” said Clark.

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Starke County Jail Committee to Consider Number of Prisoners When Planning New Jail

Starke County Jail

As the discussion of a new Starke County Jail has progressed, the question is how many beds the facility should have. In recent months, the county jail has had times when the facility was housing up to 80 prisoners.

When planning for a new jail that could be in operation for 40 years, it is important to consider how many prisoners could be housed at one time.

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New Starke County Deputy Prosecutor Hired

Prosecutor Nicholas Bourff and Deputy Prosecutor Autumn Ferch

Starke County Prosecutor, Nicholas Bourff, made the announcement yesterday that there is a new Deputy Prosecutor in the office.

“Autumn Ferch has joined our office as a Deputy Prosecutor,” said Bourff. “I’ve known Autumn for a very, very long time and I see value in bringing someone into the office who grew up in Starke County and who calls Starke County home. She will be handling everything in the Knox City Court, as well as several ‘D’ felonies in Starke Circuit Court. She will also handle child support cases too.”

We asked Autumn Ferch why she decided to go into law.

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Knox NHS Collecting Donations for Food Baskets

The Knox National Honor Society is planning on distributing food baskets to families in need this holiday season and the organization is looking for donations to aid in the effort.

Donations of new toys and non-perishable food items can be dropped off in the High School’s Main Office until Thursday, December 15th. Canned or packaged food will be accepted, along with new or very clean toys and baby food and formula. The National Honor Society will also accept cash donations so certain items can be purchased for the cause.

WKVI/Five Star Food Drive Gathers over $1,000 in Donations

Jerry Curtis and Pat Dunn helped the customers with their groceries during the food drive

The WKVI/Five Star Food Drive was a great success. Joan Haugh, Director of Community Services of Starke County, called with the totals yesterday morning. Over $1,000 was collected in cash donations, and that includes $500 from Five Star.

Joan said that over 300 pounds of food was collected during the five hour food drive. She said that she’s appreciative of the help and that food will help feed families in Starke County for the holiday season.

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In Case You Missed it…

In case you haven’t heard:

Gary and Susan Brown

The Annual Starke County Historical Society meeting was held at the Knox High School Cafeteria on Thursday, November 17th with over 100 people attending. After the dinner and business meeting, Gary & Susan Brown, from Valparaiso, provided the program. Since 2011 is the sesquicentennial of the Civil War, the Browns presented a musical program of songs of that period in our nation’s history. They are accomplished musicians. Susan performs on fretted dulcimer, guitar, zither, autoharp, piano, penny whistle, recorder and various rhythm instruments. She is known for expressive vocals; from ethereal Celtic tunes to hard-hitting country songs and has performed for hundreds of audiences all over the Midwest. -submitted by Jim Shilling.  Continue reading

Two Arrested after Police Find Meth Labs

Traci Jacobs
Richard Warner

Officers from the Starke County Sheriff’s Department arrested two after one pot method meth labs were found in a residence in North Judson on Thursday.

Officers received information about the whereabouts of Traci Jacobs who was wanted on two warrants for Failure to Appear. A detective from the Starke County Sheriff’s Department contacted the bonds company and sent agents to 6190 S. 250 W. in North Judson. The agents said that they had Jacobs in custody as well as Richard Warner, of North Judson. They also notified the Sheriff’s Department that there were several pop bottles in the bedroom closet that appeared to be one pot meth labs.

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