Kindergarten Countdown Meeting Tomorrow in Knox

A Kindergarten Countdown informational meeting is scheduled for tomorrow for students entering the Knox Community Elementary School Kindergarten program. Starke United, IU Health and the Knox Community School Corporation are sponsoring a Kindergarten Camp in June and this meeting will help explain the function of the camp. Director of Curriculum and Instruction at the Knox Community School Corporation, Peggy Shidaker, has more.

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Starke County Retired Teachers Welcome Speaker

Pam Brooke

The Starke County Retired Teachers organization met this week and welcomed Pam Brooke, Family Nutrition Program Assistant in the Starke County Extension Office, as the guest speaker.

With retired teachers often cooking for one, Pam Brooke gave advice on how to turn this type of cooking into several meals.

“I get a lot of seniors who want meals for one or two,” said Brooke. “Here’s an idea I give to them. Make a big meal and freeze part of it. If you do something like that, you always have a meal when you don’t feel up to cooking,”

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Knox City Council Approves Block Party Request

The Knox City Council has enthusiastically given its approval to block off a portion of Airway Drive on June 16th from noon until 10:00 p.m. for a block party. Jessie Cabrera from the Mexico Lindo Restaurant requested that the block be closed from Heaton Street one block on Airway Drive.

Cabrera said there will be music, dining and a carnival to celebrate the restaurant’s 5th anniversary in operation.

Illinois Man Arrested after Attempted Rape Incident in Winamac

An Illinois man was arrested in Pulaski County on Sunday after an alleged attempted rape incident.

The charging information indicates that Alexandros Kleronomos reportedly broke into the residence of the female victim in Winamac and stole items from the residence and while there, strangled the victim and attempted to rape her. He reportedly did this in the presence of a nine-year-old child. He also took the victim’s food stamps and keys in the incident. The Winamac Police Department responded to the call and arrested Kleronomos. He is currently in the Pulaski County Jail.

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Mike Aulby Participates in Junior Achievement Bowl-a-Thon

Mike Aulby throws a ball during the Bowl-a-Thon

Pro Bowler and PBA Hall of Fame Member, Mike Aulby, was in Knox last night to help support the Junior Achievement organization in a Bowl-a-Thon event at Bowlaway Lanes.

There were several teams that participated in the event, including the WKVI Men’s and Women’s teams. Each team won a game, but the Women’s team won in series points by 23 pins. Several door prizes were given out and a game of chance was won by Tom Berg. The WKVI Men’s team brought in the most in pledges with $380.

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Rockwell Property Deemed Economic Revitalization Area

Back Row: Greg Matt, Mayor Rick Chambers, Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston, Donald Kring, City Attorney David Matsey. Front Row: Linda Berndt, Jeff Berg and Ron Parker

Attorney Ed Volk came before the Knox City Council this week requesting a resolution approving the Rockwell property in Knox as an Economic Revitalization area. According to Volk, this would open the way for the sale of the property and hopefully employment opportunities for area residents.

The resolution had to be signed before there can be a statement of benefits. After publication, notices will be sent to all taxing entities. This is all required by statute.

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Oregon-Davis and South Central Schools Sponsoring Anti-Bullying Program Today

Oregon-Davis and South Central Schools are partnering to bring in a noted anti-bullying expert to talk with students today. Michael Dorn is one of the nation’s most experienced and highly credentialed school safety experts who has authored or co-authored 18 books on the subject. His program is entitled “Weak-Fish”.

Oregon-Davis Superintendent Dr. Steve Disney is very aware of bullying in school, and has added an individual to help with student intimidation.

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Knox Mayor Accepting Applications for 50/50 Sidewalk Program

Does your sidewalk look like this?

If the sidewalk in front of your Knox residence or business needs repaired, you could have half of it paid for by the City of Knox.

Knox Mayor Rick Chambers is now taking applications for the 50/50 residential/business sidewalk replacement program. Your request will be evaluated by the Street Superintendent and he will approve or disapprove the application. A bid will be requested for the work to be done and after the bid is awarded, you will be notified of the cost and you must pay for your half of the cost before construction begins.

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Culver Town Council Discusses Sidewalk Proposal Near Miller’s Merry Manor

Culver Town Council Members Ed Pinder, Ralph Winters, Ginny Bess, Sally Ricciardi
Culver Town Council Members (from left to right) Ed Pinder, Ralph Winters, Ginny Bess, Sally Ricciardi

The Culver Town Council this week heard a request from resident Tom Kearns for the council to provide funding for a sidewalk to be installed to link Miller’s Merry Manor nursing home to an existing sidewalk at the ball field on the east side of School Street.

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Robert Corbin, Nathan Hummel have Hearings in Starke Circuit Court

Robert "Ryan" Corbin

The initial hearing for Robert Ryan Corbin was held in Starke Circuit Court Tuesday. Corbin is charged with two counts of Attempted Child Seduction after he allegedly sent inappropriate Facebook messages and that he wanted to pick her up. He also requested pictures of the student and asked her explicit questions.

A preliminary plea of not guilty was entered for Corbin, who has retained Attorney Nicholas T. Otis of Newby Lewis Kaminski and Jones in LaPorte. His attorney announced his intent to file a motion to dismiss the charges and the state has 30 days to respond to the motion. The first pre-trial conference date for Corbin has been set for June 6th at 8:30 a.m., with a hearing on the motion to dismiss to take place at 9:00 a.m. Continue reading

David Heineman Senior Arrested on Meth Charges

David Heineman, Sr.

Knox City Police were called to a fight and ended up arresting a man for an active meth lab.

Police were called to a residence on Lake Street and found two men fighting in an upstairs room. When police attempted to detain the men, David Heineman, Sr. resisted demands by the police officer to stop resisting. The other subject complied and told police that the argument started because he thought meth labs were in the room. The officer did observe items that were commonly used in the manufacture of methamphetamine in the room.

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Three Arrested for Theft from Walmart in Plymouth

Three Starke County residents were arrested on theft charges after two separate incidents.

On Monday, Plymouth Police officers were notified that Jacob D. Fier and Michael J. Hardel, of Knox, were allegedly shoplifting while in Walmart. They were going to flee the scene, but the pair went back into the store. They have preliminary charges of Theft and were incarcerated in the Marshall County Jail.

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Winamac Town Park Crews Cleaning up after Vandalism Incident

Entrance to the Winamac Town Park

The Winamac Town Board heard from Park Superintendent Rick Dilts who reported that the clean-up at the Town Park is almost complete. A suspected juvenile printed graffiti on the park property and the graffiti included harsh words against a certain student. A vandalism report was made with the Winamac Police Department and if anyone knows anything about this incident, call the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department at 946-6655.

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Eastern Pulaski School Board Discusses Student Conduct

Dr. Robert Klitzman
Dr. Robert Klitzman

Eastern Pulaski School Superintendent Dr. Robert Klitzman gave a special report to the School Board Monday night concerning student conduct and student discipline.

“I spent some time going over what we’re doing K-12 in relation to having proper student behavior, discipline, character and those types of things,” stated Dr. Klitzman. “We talked about what teachers are doing in the classroom and some of our formal instructional packages that we have to offer our students that we can show that are being done. We talked about supervision and some of the next steps that we’re going to be taking in terms of education and in terms of a community-wide effort to help get a handle on some of the more blatant types of misbehavior that are happening.”

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