The Starke County Council members will consider several budget transfer requests when they meet tonight.
Pulaski County Council Approves Budget Transfer to Cover Shortfall in Jailer Overtime Funds
Housing and transporting federal inmates continues to cause budget challenges for the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department. Sheriff Jeff Richwine told the county council Tuesday that while the effort is making money for the county overall, the associated income and expenses are in two different parts of the county’s budget.
Proposed Raise for Pulaski County Chief Deputy Coroner Dies for Lack of Second in Council Meeting
Fiscal Planning Consultant to Pulaski County Council: ‘You’re on a Track That You Can’t Continue On’
Pulaski County’s tax structure is not sustainable. That’s what fiscal planning consultant Jeffrey Peters told the county council during a public hearing Monday. “You’re on a track that you can’t continue on,” he said, “and those income taxes are going to have to be shifted around in some fashion, in order to get you back to an equilibrium to provide services under a revenue model that does not eat up all your cash over time.”
Knox School Board Adopts 2019 Budget, Prepares for New Funding Structure
Budget Adoption, Enrollment Update Planned for Tonight’s Knox School Board Meeting
Oregon-Davis School Board Adopts 2019 Budget
Culver School Board Adopts 2019 Budget
Starke County Council Approves Budgets
In a brief meeting held Monday night, the Starke County Council members approved the budgets for Starke County, Starke County Airport, North Judson-San Pierre School Corporation, Solid Waste, and the Koontz Lake Conservancy District.
Culver School Board to Consider Metal Detector Policy, 2019 Budget Tonight
The Culver School Board is expected to finalize a policy on the use of metal detectors tonight. The school corporation received three handheld metal detectors, as part of the state’s program to provide them free of charge to Indiana’s schools. The proposed policy stipulates that the devices may only be used by school administrators in cases where there is reasonable suspicion, according to Superintendent Karen Shuman.
Pulaski County Council Not Ready to Make Building Department Assistant Full-Time
Pulaski County Building Department Assistant Karla Kreamer will apparently remain at part-time status for now. After multiple lengthy discussions Monday, the county council decided not to take any action to change her employment to full-time, despite a favorable recommendation from the county commissioners.
Eastern Pulaski School Board Adopts 2019 Budget
Pulaski County Council Approves 2019 Budget, Salary Matrix But Leaves Several Issues Unresolved
Pulaski County Council to Adopt 2019 Budget, Consider Tax Abatement Request
The Pulaski County Council is scheduled to adopt the county’s 2019 budget tonight, but a number of issues still have to be addressed. Assessor Holly VanDerAa has been calling for a tax increase to make up a shortfall in the county’s Reassessment budget. She says the change would reduce the need for various costs to be paid out of the county’s General Fund.
No Public Comments Offered during Culver Schools Budget Hearing, As Referendum Approaches
The Culver School Board held a public hearing Monday on the school corporation’s 2019 budget. Superintendent Karen Shuman says one of the major factors will be the outcome of next month’s property tax referendum. “So with those, we hope to be sustainable in all our funds, with the referendum passing,” she says.
Pulaski County Commissioners Approve Quote for Replacement of Justice Center Fire Alarm System
Knox School Board Reviews Changes to School Funding Structure during Budget Hearing
Knox school officials are preparing for the upcoming change in the school funding structure. Starting January 1, each school corporation’s General Fund will be replaced by an Education Fund, while the Capital Projects, Transportation, and Bus Replacement Funds will be combined into an Operations Fund.
Knox School Board to Hold Budget Hearing Tonight
Culver Town Council Holds Public Hearing on 2019 Budget
The Culver Town Council members opened a public hearing Tuesday night in order to field any questions or comments on the proposed 2019 budget.
Hamlet Town Council Adopts 2019 Budget
The Hamlet Town Council formally adopted the town’s 2019 budget Wednesday. It looks pretty similar to this year’s. The total budget is just over $467,000 for 2019. About $323,000 of that would be the town’s General Fund. The Motor Vehicle Highway Fund would be budgeted at $58,200, while the Park budget would be $11,900.