Pulaski County Has to Rebid Paving Projects to Qualify for Community Crossings Grant

The Pulaski County Highway Department will have to redo the bid process for this year’s Community Crossings projects. Last month, the county commissioners awarded a $1.18 million bid to Town & Country Paving for work on County Road 550 South west of State Road 39 and County Road 600 South from State Road 119 to Base Road.

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Town of Hamlet Seeking Bids for Updated Railroad Street Project

Plans for Hamlet’s Railroad Street project appear to be back on track. The town council Wednesday directed Engineer Lee Nagai to seek updated bids for the work, as part of a planned Community Crossings project. Council members decided to remove sidewalk improvements from the project scope, but keep in a possible storm drain extension as a potential option.

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Planning Underway for Bridge Replacement on Pulaski County Road 400 East

The 60-year-old bridge on Pulaski County Road 400 East over Mill Creek is set to be replaced. The county commissioners Tuesday approved contracts to allow Jeff Larrison with United Consulting to begin working on the design. “We’ve been looking at this since August of 2017,” Larrison told the commissioners. “This bridge is way up on your priority list.”

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Pulaski County Commissioners Award Paving, Truck Bids

Pulaski County has picked a paving contractor for several miles of potential road projects. The county commissioners Monday agreed to hire Town & Country Paving for hot mix asphalt work on County Road 550 South west of State Road 39 and County Road 600 South from State Road 119 to Base Road. Town & Country submitted the lowest of three bids, at just under $1.18 million.

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Pulaski County Commissioners Open Paving, Truck Bids

A couple roads in southern Pulaski County may soon be getting upgrades, as part of a potential Community Crossings project. The county received three bids for hot mix asphalt work on County Road 550 South west of State Road 39 and County Road 600 South from State Road 119 to Base Road. The total costs ranged from under $1.18 million to almost $1.33 million.

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Pulaski Commissioners to Discuss Campaign Sign Regulations, Open Paving, Dump Truck Bids

Pulaski County Commissioners: Mike McClure, Jerry Locke, Kenny Becker

The Pulaski County Commissioners will once again consider repealing the county’s campaign sign regulations when they meet this morning. The commissioners and the advisory plan commission have been discussing removing the “special signs” portion of the county’s Unified Development Ordinance since April, since election board members felt there were already enough rules at the state and federal level.

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Bids for Paving Work, Dump Truck Sought by Pulaski County Highway Department

The Pulaski County Highway Department is seeking bids for paving work, as well as a new dump truck. Highway Superintendent Terry Ruff told the county commissioners last week that he wants to have cost estimates ready for the next round of Community Crossings grants. The state program covers up to 75 percent of the cost of qualifying road work.

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Pulaski County Council Considers Budget Transfer, Additional Appropriation Requests

Funding for Pulaski County’s fiscal plan, the courthouse elevator replacement project, and reassessment expenses was among the transfer and additional appropriation requests brought to the county council last week. Community Development Commission Executive Director Nathan Origer explained that he has $50,000 budgeted annually for potential land acquisition. But since the CDC won’t be needing it for that purpose, the county council agreed to let him make $36,000 of that available for the fiscal plan. The county commissioners have since decided to hire Peters Municipal Consultants for a cost not to exceed $24,000.

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Hamlet Council to Consider Revised Bids for Railroad Street Improvements, Adopt 2019 Budget

The Hamlet Town Council will make a second attempt tonight at choosing a contractor for Railroad Street improvements. Council members decided last week to give the three bidders a chance to revise their estimates, after the council decided to cut sidewalk work and tree removal out of the project. The town plans to apply for a Community Crossings grant to cover 75 percent of the cost, but the application has to be turned in by Friday.

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Hamlet Town Council to Award Bid for Railroad Street Improvements Tonight

The Hamlet Town Council is expected to choose a contractor for its Railroad Street project tonight. The project would upgrade the road west of Starke Street with wider pavement, possibly new sidewalks, and other improvements. Last week, the town council opened bids from three companies. They ranged from just over $318,000 to nearly $344,000 for the entire project, but the town has the option to scale it back.

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No Major Changes Proposed for 2019 Hamlet Budget

The Hamlet Town Council reviewed its 2019 budget proposal last week. It calls for a total budget of just over $467,000. About $323,000 of that would be the town’s General Fund. The Motor Vehicle Highway Fund would be budgeted at $58,200, while the Park budget would be $11,900. Clerk-Treasurer Kristina Pitts noted that there are no major changes from the 2018 budget.

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Culver Town Council Reviews Planned Community Crossings Road Projects

The Culver Town Council is moving ahead with this year’s Community Crossings grant application. Town Manager Jonathan Leist told council members Tuesday the town is looking to finish a couple road projects that were originally planned for last year: Lake Shore Drive from Lakeview to Main, including sidewalk repairs, and Clover Street from White to Clymax.

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Hamlet’s Proposed Railroad Street Project Drawing Interest from Contractors

The Town of Hamlet’s plan to upgrade Railroad Street is starting to draw interest from paving contractors. Engineer Lee Nagai told the town council last week that four companies have expressed interest.

“Three of them have come and looked at it,” he said. “I sent plans and sent the specs and bid documents to a fourth. They have not called me yet to come visit the site, but I have a feeling they might be working with somebody else. So I think we’ll get at least three bids. I’m guardedly optimistic that this is going to draw some attention.” Bids will be opened during a special town council meeting on Friday, September 7 at 4:00 p.m.

Among other things, the project would restore Railroad Street back to an appropriate width. Some pieces of sidewalk may also be replaced, but Nagai says some trees would have to be removed in order for that to happen. Town officials plan to get input from homeowners before deciding how to proceed.

The Town of Hamlet plans to apply for a Community Crossings grant to help fund the proposed Railroad Street improvements.