City Tavern Building Demolition Order Affirmed by Court of Appeals

The removal of what’s left of the former City Tavern Building can finally proceed, following a lengthy legal battle. Culver Town Attorney Jim Clevenger shared the Indiana Court of Appeals’ finding during Tuesday’s town council meeting. “A 24-page public opinion on our case, ‘Culver versus The 27 Group and Mr. Scotty VanHawk,’ and the Court of Appeals affirmed the trial court order for demolition!” Clevenger announced.

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Culver Town Council Updated on Proposed East Shore Conservancy District

The Culver Town Council members were updated on the process of implementing an East Shore Conservancy District.

Work toward the establishment of the East Shore Conservancy District began in August when the East Shore Corporation’s wetland disbursement system failed north of 18th Road.  The East Shore Corporation is currently pumping and hauling waste, at their own expense, that is being treated in the town’s wastewater system.

The petition to establish the Conservancy District will be before the Department of Natural Resources on Dec. 10. 

Town Attorney Jim Clevenger said a Memorandum of Understanding between the town and the East Shore Corporation is still pending concerning the idea of running a force main and connecting to the town’s wastewater system.  It would also show that there is an agreement that the town would treat the sewage coming into the plant. 

Clevenger added that once that MOU is presented, then the town could present a position concerning the petition to show that the town would be willing to enter into a contract. 

The council members approved a motion indicating that they’d wait to determine if they would present a position until the next meeting.  Councilman Bill Cleavenger opposed the motion stating later that he wants the process to move forward at a quicker pace and not delay it. 

In the meantime, a committee has hired Jeff Rowe from Baker Tilly to work on preliminary figures on project costs. 

Culver Town Council to Meet Tonight

The Culver Town Council will meet tonight where they are expected to adopt the 2020 budget.

The Culver Town Council members opened a public hearing during their last meeting regarding the 2020 budget. Public comments included ways the town could save on utility costs, and the growth quotient and the variables considered when discussing tax rates and budget estimates.  Clerk-Treasurer Karen Heim said a lot of specific figures remain up in the air as some percentages aren’t figured yet.  

The General Fund in the 2020 budget is just under $1.9 million with the total proposed budget at $5,242,778.

The town council will receive updates on the Culver Beach Lodge, the Cavalier Sports Park and other projects included in the town’s Stellar Communities Designation Plan, and from all of the department heads, and members on various town boards and commissions.

The Culver Town Council will meet at 6:30 p.m. ET tonight in the Culver Town Hall at 200 E. Washington Street.