Knox Officials Seek Two More Eye Sores to Demolish with Remaining Blight Elimination Funds

With money remaining from the Blight Elimination Grant, Knox officials are looking for a few more eye sores to get rid of within the city limits.

In his report during Tuesday night’s City Council meeting, Clerk-Treasurer Jeff Houston stated that about $36,000 is left over from that grant.

Mayor Dennis Estok added that they can afford to eliminate two more structures and encouraged anyone who owns a blighted or abandoned building to contact his office as soon as possible. Continue reading

Knox City Council Authorizes Housing Rehabilitation Grant Application to be Submitted

A resolution authorizing a grant to be submitted to the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority was approved by Knox City Council members Tuesday night.

Mayor Dennis Estok explained that officials will be applying for an owner-occupied housing rehabilitation grant that is geared toward helping low and moderate income individuals as well as those with disabilities.

Mayor Estok indicated that the funding would help offset the cost of various rehabilitation projects including those that have to do with electricity, plumbing or roof work. Continue reading

Knox Residents Encouraged to Participate in the Annual Holiday Decorating Contest

One perk to the sun setting sooner around this time of year is having more time to appreciate all the vibrant decorations. In order to give Knox residents a chance to show off their Christmas spirit, officials are hosting a holiday decorating contest.

If you’d like to have your address added to the list of competing houses you must notify the Mayor’s Office by Monday, December 10th. Continue reading