Starke County Property Tax Bills Due May 11

Starke County Annex
Starke County Annex

Starke County property tax bills will be in the mail today, according to Treasurer Kasey Clark.

Property tax payments may be dropped off at the First National Bank of Monterey branches in Monterey and North Judson, 1st Source Bank in Knox, 1st Farmers Bank and Trust branches in Knox and North Judson, and Demotte State Bank in Knox. Clark asks that you include a self-addressed stamped envelope so a receipt can be mailed.

Payments are welcome Monday through Friday at the Starke County Treasurer’s office in the Starke County Annex building in Knox. The office is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. CT. A drop box is also available outside the office doors.

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Starke County Tax Bills to be Mailed Next Week


Starke County property tax bills will be mailed on Friday, April 18.

Treasurer Kasey Clark told WKVI News that solid waste bills will be billed along with your taxes this year. Solid waste bills were billed separately but it will now be included in your property tax statement. If the bill is delinquent, you will receive a notice from the Starke County Environmental Management Office.

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Pulaski County Property Tax Bills Mailed; Explanation of Homestead Credit Line Item

Property tax bills in Pulaski County were mailed out last week and you may be concerned with the absence of a homestead credit you won’t see on line 4b of your statements.

The state homestead credit has been phased out statewide. On March 14th, 2008, the Indiana General Assembly passed the property tax reform bill House Enrolled Act (HEA) 1001-2008. One component of the bill was a change in the way state property tax relief is delivered.

Beginning with 2008-pay-2009 property taxes, the State permanently assumed school and welfare costs formerly paid from property taxes in exchange for a phase-out of the property tax credits offered in the past. This lowered the property tax rate but also reduced the amount of credits given. This credit has been phased out over the past three years, so property tax bills will have likely changed in 2009, 2010, and 2011 in part as a result of this phase-out. For homesteads, the phase-out of the state homestead credit becomes complete for 2010-pay 2011 property taxes. This credit is reflected on Line 4b of your tax statement.

You should still be receiving both the homestead standard deduction and the homestead supplemental deduction. The sum total of all deductions is indicated on Line 2a of your tax statement. Each deduction is also itemized in Table 5 of the tax statement. These are the deductions you are confirming by completing the pink verification form.

DLGF Certifies Starke County’s Budget Order and Tax Rate

The Department of Local Government Finance certified Starke County’s 2011 budget order and tax rates on December 21st, paving the way for on-time property tax bills for the second year in a row. The budget certification put the county in a position to have taxes due on May 10th, 2011. Starke County was the 28th county in the State to receive its 2011 budget order and tax rates.

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